How to avoid Cancer


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1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.

2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person’s lifetime.

3. When the person’s immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors.

5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.

7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.

8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction.

9. When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites.

11. An effective way to battle cancer is to STARVE the cancer cells by not feeding it with foods it needs to multiple.
What cancer cells feed on:
a. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells. Note: Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in colour. Better alternative is Bragg’s aminos or sea salt.

b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk, cancer cells will starved.

c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.

d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes t o nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells.
To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).

e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties. Water–best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines will become putrified and leads to more toxic buildup.

13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body’s killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

14. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the body’s own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body’s normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.

15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor.
Anger, unforgiving and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.

Live a healthy and happy life. Consult your doctor to more …



1,695 thoughts on “How to avoid Cancer

    • Untrue. Almost every word is science-dodging bullshit. The only slight truth is that SOME cancers are glucose fueld and so a ketogenic diet (almost zero carb) can cut off the fuel supply to SOME of these cancers


  1. I wish I known this before I buried my 5year old 2012 brain cancer If doctors kill my back due to money gain Father God will deal with them when They Die Hurting mother save somebody else child from the grave please say the babies left its so many children dieing and doctors don’t care only for the mighty Blood Money just like drug dealers

    Liked by 2 people

    • Don’t add to your pain by believing this idiot. Some cancers cannot be cured, even with the best medicine and the best doctors in the world. Any doctors i have ever met who specialise in treating children and babies have been the most dedicated, unselfish people and the kind of people who would value curing a child way above any amount of money. Sorry you lost your child – I know what that feels like.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I wish I known this before I buried my 5year old 2012 brain cancer If doctors kill my baby girl due to money gain Father God will deal with them when They Die! Hurting mother save somebody else child from the grave please save the babies left its so many children dieing and doctors don’t care only for the mighty Blood Money just like drug dealers


    • I just had surgery and I asked the doctor could I wait to have the surgery for one and a half months because my immune system was weak. The surgeon said no and then it appears they removed the wrong part from my body. CT scan was not done thoroughly as the physician ordered and it looks like I am going to need surgery again. I am not going too have the same surgeon and not because I think he did anything wrong but I think I could of waited until the CT scan was done properly. I feel he wanted the money not know but right now. I’m slowly dying and I chemo will never be an option for me. I will pray for you for healing of your lost of your baby.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Interesting, sounds feesable and a good change of lifestyle will also benefit the immune system to fight other bacteria and viruses. Heart disease would also be reduced. Good new years resolution, change mind, body and soul.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great information. For decades the Seventh Day Adventist Church health reformers have been pushing the message. Science is now catching up with the church.


  5. One of the first tips is the language itself. I want to try TO eliminate cancer, not try and eliminate it. The article then continues to present false prevention strategies as cures. It is bad journalism! prefer to go to the source. Here is what Johns Hopkins has to say about a very similar hoax, Read it all.


  6. The Hoax: A Strong Immune System Destroys Cancer

    The Truth: When it comes to cancer and the immune system, it is not a matter of strong or weak as the fictional report contends, but rather an issue of recognition. “The immune system simply does not recognize cancer. In its complexity, the cancer cell has learned to disguise itself to the immune system as a normal, healthy cell. Cells infected with viruses or bacteria send out danger signals setting the immune system in action. But cancer cells do not, explains Elizabeth Jaffee, co-director of cancer immunology and leading expert on cancer and the immune system.” By deciphering the methods cancer cells use to make them invisible to the immune system, Jaffee and team have developed cancer vaccines that have successfully triggered immune reactions against prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, leukemia, and multiple myeloma.


  7. Meat kills as does dairy. Nutrition is the building blocks and that nutrition comes from plants. A whole plant food diet will cure what ails you and a meat and dairy diet will kill you. Vegetables, the new meat….


  8. I don’t have cancer, and pray I never get it.. My mom had a mastectomy, her cancer is so far in remission.. I pray for her daily.. this has been very educational.. i will keep and share this info for others… Thanks for posting




  10. Sorry but whole grains are NOT good for you! And red meat is good for you if it is eaten rare and organic. You are an omnivore!!
    Avoid gluten it causes inflammation and many other problems


  11. This article is denied to have as author the above-mentioned hospital. If you google the title of article you may read the response by hospital, which claims even his name was put in wrong way. Anyway, I still find this writing useful.


  12. i was surprised to see your support with soy . we know side affect with soy and drinking would not been me choice . please tell why you choose that. thank you and great information


  13. I was surprised to see your support with soy . we know what side affect we can have with soy and drinking would not been my choice . please tell me why you choose soy over others . thank you and great information .


  14. If a person lives in moderation in all areas of life watching what they eat, exercising and taking care of their spiritual and mental health, they put themselves in the category of living well. Common sense avoids these things and builds in healthy fruits and vegetables. We can’t avoid death – quality of life is just as important. People should live healthy for the sake of living healthy, not for fear of dying of cancer.


    • That is truth we can’t avoid death but there is hope for people who like to live longer and to be around their loved ones longer… i think you would agree with me don’t you? won’t you like to be around your kids and grand kids and so on? This is just a web page written from some guy that latterly looking for a longer life and there’s nothing wrong with it. You don’t have to get angry and you should not listen everything that he has written… god gave you brain to think and you can make your own choices.

      Besides if you really read carefully a bible you’ll find that Adam and Eve ate fresh fruit and vegetables. They did not eat the meat or neither they cooked and they lived happy and longer life… maybe that’s the key for us as well….


  15. Having been told that Radiation and Chemo is necessary to treat a recurring cancer I decided not to go for either. It has been 10 months and I feel great which would not have been the case had I gone for that body poisoning treatment.


  16. Uh. Not too informed huh? Nutrasweet is not made of Aspartame, it’s saccharine. Soy milk is proven to be harmful to the metabolism and in males can mess with the hormones causing other unwanted side effects. Fruits and some vegetables turn into sugar in the body- so we should avoid those as well? I would do a little more research prior to sounding ignorant– the amount of oxygen has little to do with cancer, otherwise every athlete in existence would be cancer free. I somehow don’t think Johns Hopkins would want someone speaking for them on this topic. I think I’ll forward this information to them.


  17. There are serious misunderstandings about how the body works here, and much of it is misinformation. Hoping something is true doesn’t necessarily make it true. Western science is the best method we have for determining the truth of a situation with randomized control trials. Anything untested in such a rigorous environment could be chance or placebo. An accumulation of anecdotes does not equal data. Check out Healthcare Triage on youtube for some clear thinking about science and medicine.


  18. Nutrition and lifestyle changes can help with prevention, but a cure (chemo, radiation, and/or surgery) is much more scientific and complex than can be explained in a blog post. People don’t understand these things, and the fear and what we see people suffer through is what makes us want to believe that these much more simplistic things can cure us. (I liken it to belief in a religion; it makes people feel better.) I’m a science and evidence based healthcare professional, but I also believe in incorporating alternative medicine. It’s not one or the other, particularly when trying to practice culturally sensitive based medicine. When you are dealing with something like cancer or heart disease, you HAVE to take a holistic approach. That’s what I read the Hopkins page as saying, but not what I read the blog post as saying. Anyhow…have a Happy New Year.


  19. “Anger, unforgiving and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.”

    you cannot prove this. anger is an emotion people feel which helps motivate them to get out of bad situations. I dislike you promoting this lie. people who have been sexually or physically or even verbally abused cannot NOT be angry.. that anger helps get them out of the situation. Sadness, crying, etc, does not.

    If you don’t know anything about mental health, don’t give advice.


  20. Quoted from Snopes:
    “Information falsely attributed to Johns Hopkins called, “CANCER UPDATE FROM JOHN HOPKINS” describes properties of cancer cells and suggests ways of preventing cancer. Johns Hopkins did not publish the information, which often is an email attachment, nor do we endorse its contents. The email also contains an incorrect spelling of our institution as “John” Hopkins; whereas, the correct spelling is “Johns” Hopkins.

    Another hoax email that has been circulating since 2004 regarding plastic containers, bottles, wrap claiming that heat releases dioxins which cause cancer also was not published by Johns Hopkins.
    The web site of Johns Hopkins’ Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center also notes of the “Cancer Update” e-mail that:
    It has become such a problem that the National Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society, and individual cancer centers like the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center have posted warnings on their Web sites. Emails offering easy remedies for avoiding and curing cancer are the latest Web-influenced trend. To gain credibility, the anonymous authors falsely attribute their work to respected research institutions like Johns Hopkins. This is the case with the so-called “Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins.”



  21. This is great info! Who is strong enough to resist all the sweet temptations that are ALL OVER THE PLACE? It is a LIFESTYLE! (not just a diet) Yes, it can be tough. You may not believe it now, but when someone stays away from all that sugary food, your taste buds will eventually not even crave/want the cancer-cell feeding junk. Who’s in?


  22. FDA and Big Pharma are killing us off — all from greed. Statistics now are 1 out of 2.5 people in U.S. will get cancer — so much higher than anywhere in world. Why? FDA and Big Pharma don’t want to find a cure — they have suppressed many hopeful cures — because Cancer is a multi-billion dollar business and the economy would suffer greatly if there was a “cure”. Chemo and radiation are no more successful than they were 40 yrs ago — a 2% survival rate past 5 yrs. U.S needs to educate themselves and demand action — this is an epidemic that is affecting young adults and children at alarmingly increasing rates. Food additives, pesticides, GMOs, environmental toxicity — all things banned from Europe DECADES ago — have to be contributing to our skyrocketing cancer statistics. We need to demand better for ourselves, our children and grand-children!!


  23. Why does Soy make its way into health promoting diets. It’s an anti-nutrient, it causes cancer, infertility and so much more. We don’t prepare these ingredients in a manner that allows the human body the cope with them more efficiently so we suffer.


  24. It has always made me wonder why when the allopathic medicine group of physicians “discover” something that the Naturapathic Physicians have already known and practiced since the days of Hippocrates it is such BIG news. With only minor exceptions this fits right in with what is now often known as Alternative Medicine. that has been practiced in many parst of the world since the beginning of time. Does anyone ever wonder why Allopathic Doctors take the Hippocatic Oath? Hippocrates was a Naturapath..


  25. You’re an idiot.

    “Sugar causes cancer”


    Eat a diet of 80% fruits and vegetables. Because fruits don’t have sugar or anything.

    Deep breathing will not increase cellular “oxygen”.


  26. I cannot verify the origin of these statements. Although its name is mentioned in the header, there is no link or publication reference properly attributing this document to Johns Hopkins. In addition, the confrontational tone of the header, the lack of attribution on each line item, and especially the “(PLEASE SHARE IT TO PEOPLE YOU CARE ABOUT)” note at the bottom give this whole thing the scent of myth.


  27. Check out more research on coffee. Coffee enemas have been used to kill off Colon cancer cells. Antioxidant levels of quality coffee outweighs green tea in new research. People who drink coffee have been known to live a wider lifespan. I would take coffee out of the avoid list.


  28. Note: A high alkaline state in the blood brings on health problems too…So watch the body pH levels to be sure…The blood pH can vary only by a small amount; if one is to be healthy.


  29. This is the stupidest “anti-cancer” post I have ever seen in my entire life. Half this stuff is utterly and completely unfounded without even so much as ONE reputable research study to back it up.


  30. AFTER YEARS OF TELLING PEOPLE CHEMOTHERAPY & RADIATION are to be avoided and that they can “cure” themselves by diet and introspection (no matter how good those ideas are) YOU will be responsible for the DEATH of many people who believe this unscientific , anecdotal based NONSENSE-avoiding the medical treatments PROVEN to work is FOOLISH and DANGEROUS – you should be penalized for practicing medicine without a license

    FROM: a cancer survivor since 1989


  31. This is bullshit and you should feel ashamed for posting it without even checking out it’s credibility. Furthermore, you are propagating false hope and claims. How many people do you suppose have died as a result of shit like this? Deep in the bowels of the hell that is chemo, who turned to crap like this since it promises healing without the suffering. I know at least one who tried, and died as a result. Delete this tripe, and remember to check your sources before posting!


  32. Pingback: How to avoid Cancer | Chase Candler

  33. Different cancers feed off of different things. My cancer feeds off of hormones. So anything that acts like hormones in your body is a no no. Soy (soy was mentioned as a good thing in this article) paprbens act like estrogen in your body. I try to avoid as much as possible. I take a pill that blocks hormones…. Starving the cancer. I eat all the fruit veggies etc that stop cancer. I still got it. I will only work with my doctor and pharmacist. They know what is best for me and my cancer. They also offer homeopathic and diet along with chemo and radiation. There are a lot of factors. Europeans are more likely to get cancer than Hispanics or blacks. If you had a certain Jewish background that puts you at higher risk for breast and prostrate cancer. (BRACA gene mutations). I pay no attention to articles that tell you how to avoid cancer. I had a false sense of security. According to the internet, and magazine articles I was at very very low risk. How do you explain someone who smokes and drinks everyday for most of their lives and never have cancer, then someone who lives a healthy life and has lung cancer? My advice eat healthy, know your family history and get regular check ups alongside with the ones recommended for certain ages.


  34. So if it’s caused by deficiencies why do rich people get cancer too? Not just poor people? I think this is a crock. Cancer doesn’t care if you are rich, poor, black, white or pink with purple polka dots. The person living an extremely healthy lifestyle can still get cancer. While the poorest person may not. This is a very irresponsible article. Everything from soy to salt (have you ever boiled down sea water? The remaining residue is salt and it is white.)… I hope no one takes you seriously…


  35. Hi Premaseem!

    This post has obviously been making the rounds and found its way onto my facebook feed today, posted by someone I know. As a member of the healthcare community, I recognized the inaccuracies of it and was surprised that such a reputable agency as Johns Hopkins could be behind it. Further investigation found this rebuttal from J.H.: . I don’t know where you obtained this information (and there may be wholesome elements for healthy living imbedded in it), but it is clearly false. If only it was this simple, I certainly could have helped many patients over the years to avoid and defeat cancer.


  36. Pingback: A New Year, A New Me: Time to Attack this Autoimmune Disorder! | Healthy or Bust

  37. A few additions/corrections to this info. : (c) acidosis is probably the leading cause of cancer. pH needs to be understood as “voltage.” When voltage is measured in a solution, it is rendered in pH. A healthy cell functions best at minus 22 millivolts (7.2 pH). A damaged cell needs minus 50 millivolts to heal (7.5 pH). Soft drinks (especially the dark ones) have a pH of 2.5 and not only throw the body into acidosis but restrict the amount of oxygen in the blood (16). (12 & 13) Taking a powerful digestive enzyme with cooked or processed food fixes the problems with undigested proteins, fats, sugars, carbs, etc. and, taken on an empty stomach, enhances oxygenation of the blood by a factor of 5 and also breaks down cell shells of virus and bacteria. (e) distilled water is the same molecular configuration as cell water and if treated with mineral enhancers such as Xooma’s X2O, it becomes extremely alkaline and is the most bioavailable source of hydration on the planet. The main key to a strong immune system is a full complement of neurotransmitters. Most people are neurotransmitter depleted because if the body is deficient in even one of the minerals needed to make it, it doesn’t get made. Alcohol, caffeine, unfermented soy and artificial sweeteners ALL block mineral absorption in the body. We need IONIC minerals, which can bypass the digestive system. Best source for these is Marine Phytoplankton. (Taking a mineral supplement without a powerful digestive enzymes is just flushing your money down the toilet). And finally, Hypothyroidism is epidemic, and the standard tests can’t detect it. Fluoride replaces the Iodine in thyroid hormone and renders it useless. To function correctly, our cells need an energy molecule (ATP) as fuel. ATP is manufactured in our mitochondria and the fuel the mitochondria need to produce it is thyroid hormone. Fluoride is almost impossible to filter out of water and it’s in your bottled drinks, soups, the entire food chain. Distillation is the only sure way to get rid of it. Also, root canals produce an extremely toxic carcinogen called thioethers. These nasty little buggers can completely shut down your immune system. Think about it.


  38. Gotta site evidence for all this so it becomes widespread and doctors tell their patients and lives get saved. The fact that it makes sense doesn’t matter. A lot of things make sense but don’t work.

    For example consider that oxygen is known to cause free radicals which cause cancer. It can also increase mortality rate in strokes when given by paramedics..same with heart attacks and other emergencies.

    Not saying you’re wrong. Just that you gotta show evidence cause its the only way to keep us all honest on what actually works and doesn’t. ..


  39. Very good… and might I add supplements have to be observed as well since they’re usually cooked up concoctions of actually hard to digest brews 🙂 The best thing is healthy food as you listed here


  40. Pingback: Consider the Stars » Blog Archive » Extreme Faith

  41. While I do agree with (most) the food info presented here, I would like a link to John Hopkins’ site stating they are actually promoting the above info…. because I don’t buy it!!


  42. Sure, give up everything you enjoy eating and drinking etc., to try avoiding cancer and then end up being hit by a drunk driver or a falling meteor and dying anyway. By starving the body of all these other foods, drinks, etc. we do damage in other ways. May as well eat, drink, and be merry instead of living every day in fear of dying, because it will eventually happen one way or the other. May as well be happy enjoying some quality of life instead of being worried about the quantity of years left to live. Besides, the Bible says that worry is a sin, so enjoy life and do not worry.

    I know a dentist who has lived his life doing most of, if not all of what is mentioned in this article, and guess what? Yes, he has cancer anyway. Worked for him, huh?


  43. This is such a load of B.S. NO ONE knows what causes cancer. Many happy healthy people get cancer. Rich and poor alike get cancer. Stop trying to get facebook hits by promoting this B.S.
    I hope that you or anyone you know ever gets cancer.


  44. Pingback: Alternative Ways To Beat Cancer | Slim Healthy Sexy

  45. 500 gms manuka honey, 3 large aloe vera leaves (minus jagged edges) cut up and blended together with 2 tbs alcohol spirits. I use brandy. Take 3 lge spoonfuls per day -lasts about 10 days. Use every few months. This is Franciscan cancer cure from Fr. Romano Zago’s book, Cancer can be cured.


  46. Pingback: Live Life, Have Faith

  47. There are growing videos by physicians on youtube pointing to the ‘alkaline environment myth.’ Some of these claim that bacteria thrive in an alkaline environment and acids destroy them. Therefore, our diet should be more acidic than alkaline. Some claim that lemon while acidic in its natural state turns alkaline when digested.


  48. You forgot one. The cure for cancer. Yes there is a natural cure and it is illegal to use in the USA. Why? Because our crooked federal government cannot profit from something you can grow in your yard and they would miss out on all the tax money from cancer treatment, law enforcement, prisons, courts, funerals, etc. Cannabis, marijuana, weed, whatever you want to call it. It causes apoptosis of the cancer cells, By which they literally commit suicide. Research cannabinoid, endocannabinoid system (which is naturally formed in every human body), and cannabis oil aka Phoenix Tears. You will be amazed at what you do not yet know.


  49. I love these articles with no citation.These articles are the cancers of the internet. They are malignant and they spread misinformation. In this case it encourages people to use supplements over chemotherapy and cites no evidence or peer reviewed studies. For your information, there are some peer-reviewed studies that suggest supplements do not help reduce the risk of cancer. Notice how I am citing my sources from some very reliable well-established science magazines:


  50. Other good alternatives to dairy and soy milk (since much soy is GMO and soy can have ill effects on proper hormone balance in our bodies) are almond milk, rice milk, and coconut milk.


  51. I agree with much of this, but #13? Really??? Enzymes used in the digestive process are NOT part of our immune system so refraining from meat (while certainly a much healthier alternative in many so many ways) will NOT free up enzymes to fight cancer. Any enzymes taken orally (whether in meat, vegetation, or medication form) are broken down into amino acids by the digestion process (ironically, by other enzymes) and even if they were a part of our body’s defense mechanism (in their original form) they wouldn’t do any good at that point. According to the American Cancer Society, there is no evidence that enzyme therapy is actually effective in the treatment of cancer, though additional research is still being conducted..


  52. Alternative medical treatment therapists and nutritionists have been sayng this for a long time “cancer feeds on sugar’..finally a prestigious traditional treatment institution, Johns Hopkins, is getting on board !!!


  53. I note there is not a direct quote to John Hopkins anywhere in this and some of it is worrying especially especially the soy reference soy is most certainly not recommended in hormone related cancers, this is an individuals opinions based once again on the Alkaline Diet while in moderation and and not so restrictive can be healthy but in its pure form can be dangerous in itself. By saying this has come from John Hopkins a trusted medical institution you are misleading vulnerable people shame on you


  54. What a complete pile of bullshit, people who exercise everyday and have very healthy diets.

    The truth is everyone is born with the potential to have cancer and that anything can cause it for one person it could be using a certain cleaning product and for someone else it could be swallowing a fly literally anything can cause it because it’s just a mutated cell issue.

    Yea certain things are far more likely to cause cancer like smoking but that’s only because it has thousands of chemicals in it that your not usually going to come by if you don’t smoke.

    SO many more people get cancer now than they used to and it is simply down to the amount of exposure people have to foreign chemicals such as those in cleaning products etc


  55. This is silly. There is not one source or evidence that supports majority of these cancer prevention tips. By reading this, it sounds like they want people to convert to being a vegetarian. Just silly.


  56. There is much wrong with above…sugar in honey is fundamentally the same as any other “bad” sugar, milk products do not cause mucus production, cancer cells can thrive in oxygenated environments etc.


  57. 11b. Regarding Soy milk – I say NAY! Soy (a phytoestrogen) can also feed cancer, especially estrogen sensitive types. Additionally, an abundance of soy today is genetically modified, with unknown repercussions. There are so many other, healthier alternatives to dairy, such as nut milks of all varieties, coconut milk and hemp milk, to name a few.


  58. footnotes? While i believe all of this, it’s hard to convince others that don’t share your views without hard data. it would be helpful if the claims stated here were supported by real data just by using a reputable hospital name in your title does not make it true. Your post is clear and concise so i’d love to forward it but cannot without applicable footnotes. Please update. thank you.


  59. Thank you for posting this. I’ve no idea who you are or why you care about people healing from and/or avoiding cancer, but I’m glad that you’ve shared this important information.

    I agree with most of the above (except for the one or two points that I’d never heard about before and will consequently research further). However, although I know I probably seem like a relatively non-credible source, being a random person on the internet, I’ve got a couple of things I’d like to add:

    a) Tea can be herbal and thus free of caffeine. Herbal teas can have great health benefits if used properly; thus, it is ok to drink herbal tea if you’ve got cancer, but not all that great to drink caffeinated tea. Also avoid teas that have “flavour” or even “natural flavour” in them if no one in the store can tell you exactly what that is. Instead, drink tea that’s got very clear ingredients with no added flavours or sweeteners. What doctors say about coffee, red wine, and chocolate being “good in small doses every day” basically means that they don’t want to hurt the feelings of anyone who is an avid coffee drinker/wine drinker/chocolate eater. Just keep in mind that you can get the benefits of any of those things from other foods. Blueberries, for example, are a great source of antioxidants, and are much healthier than chocolate and red wine.

    b) Cottage cheese mixed with flaxseed oil, both of which are organic: this, through personal experience (my mother is a cancer survivor, and one of her friends who had cancer also tried this, and they got the idea from extensive research on natural cancer treatments), I know to reduce tumour size significantly. Both women were scanned by some machine (MRI? CAT? whatever it is doctors use nowadays) for tumours, told they were going to have an appointment for surgery in a couple of months, and sent home to deal with it. After eating cottage cheese mixed with flaxseed oil every day in the intervening time, they were scanned again and told by very surprised doctors that their tumours had become unexpectedly small. My mom also recommends 100% pure cranberry juice, watered down with spring water (no additives of course) if you can’t stomach the sourness.

    c) It is possible to find meat free of hormones and other harmful substances if you care enough to look hard enough to find it. The same goes for milk. I’ve no knowledge of the connection between milk and mucus and cancer cells, but if you want to drink milk and be healthy in general, the stereotypical grocery store brands aren’t going to help you much. Speaking of which, if you live in a place to which it is impossible to get fresh fish, then when you’re looking for fish to buy, look for the kind that has been frozen WITHOUT using sodium phosphate. Also avoid farmed fish and go for “wild” instead. “Atlantic” does not mean that it’s from the Atlantic ocean, it’s just a name for a type of fish.

    d) Genetically modified foods are also probably a good idea to avoid, along with any other man-made thing for which its level of harmfulness/helpfulness is “undetermined”. Same with things that have canola oil or any form of preservatives.

    e) It would be awesome if you could share a link, if it exists, that leads to the information you’ve posted above – this would help with credibility. If there’s no link, consider citing information using an accepted citation style! It’s hard to convince skeptics if you’ve got no sourcing. I know my mom has read tonnes of books on the subject and I can find out the names of some of them if you like, but I don’t have them on hand at the moment.

    f) If you’ve got cancer or know someone who’s got it and are/is having a hard time, try searching up cancer support groups in your community! And if you live “in the middle of nowhere”, there’s probably one online that’s a good fit for you. But beware of any that think that cancer can be “cured” with a pill.

    That being said, best wishes and hugs to whoever is reading this and has been impacted by cancer in some way.


  60. It is irresponsible to imply that cancer can be avoided/sent into remission if someone changes his or her eating habits, or adopts these guidelines to successfully prevent cancer. As valid as it may (or may not) be – the implication is that the cancer sufferer is somehow at fault for succumbing to the disease. It is wrong to blame the victim.


  61. This is all unsubstantiated BS. Are they are facts behind your research? Please people consult a real Dr. if you have cancer instead of reading hacks on the internet.


  62. Pingback: How to avoid Cancer | | Lady Triumphant

  63. What are your sources? Please share if you are confident in your information.

    Your desire to share useful strategies is commendable, but some of this does not sound accurate, for example chocolate containing caffeine, and ‘distilled water is acidic’. Also, the notion that all the different kinds of cancer cells are similar in their biochemistry.

    It would be more helpful if inaccuracies were filtered out, as you could cause harm with these.


  64. No where does Mayo Clinic’s endorsement appear in the paper or on this paper therefore I do not believe this information. No doctor’s research or studies.


  65. This is part of Dr. Gerson’s therapy that he used in the 30’s to cure cancer. The essiac tea no longer has chapperall so you will need to add it.


  66. Thank you for this common sense information. With regard to point #15, there is a reason why negative thoughts and attitudes are called “Dark”, while positive, happy thoughts and attitudes are called “Light”. Everything is Energy. Energy is neither created nor destroyed but is transformed by thought and actions upon it. The highest form of energy vibrates at such an intensity that we call it Light or Fire. We are a product of that Fire and Light and we live within a stepped down spectrum of frequencies that encompasses what we call physicality. We use that energy as we engage in a process of learning about this energy called Life as we define ourselves in relation to it. We, in effect, are constantly using that energy to create the framework in which we have chosen to experience that Life. We can choose to live in darkness or we can choose to live in light by how we choose to think and act within that Life.

    Life is about FLOW. A Dead Sea is called Dead because energy in the form of water flows into it while nothing flows out of it. We become as a Dead Sea when we become non-forgiving, judgmental, grasping, clinging, afraid to “let go and let live”. We in effect “dam up” the flow of the life giving energy which is abundant and available to all. We become a little cesspool in an ocean of abundance because of a sense of limitation, lack, deprivation, self pity, anger, etc. That cesspool is a pool of darkness and it breeds death. Cancer is just a manifestation of the stagnant, darkened energy that has turned from life to death.

    We created the stagnant darkness by our wrong thoughts, attitudes, feelings and how we use energy. We can uncreate that darkness by “SEEING” the Light Side of things and by directing that Light into our darkness. Instead of trying to run from pain, turn around and hold a Torch of Love to it. Let the Fire of Love consume that darkness and let it light up the dark corners of our mind. You can also AFFIRM the action of the Light and Fire to speed up the process of consuming that darkness. The Violet spectrum of light has been used in many medical applications. There is a Spiritual Dimension of the Violet Fire that is able to transmute all forms of negativity back into light. This simple little Affirmation helps accomplish that: “I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires”. God is that Light and Fire Energy (Deu 4:24, 1 John 1:5) and his desire for us is Eternal Life, not death.

    Deu 30:19 “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:”


  67. I learned the other night that avocado, cabbage, and carrots give you most if not all the amino acids you need! Due to health reasons, for the most part I am a vegan. This can be a useful tool to be healthier.


  68. Pingback: How to avoid Cancer | | Forty Mile View

  69. Great article! Would you please quote a source? We have peeps who will call us out on the info if there is no rigorous source, besides saying “Johns Hopkins said…”


  70. You are providing incorrect information. Please research this…we do not all have cancer..Johns Hopkins has posted information telling people They never said this.


  71. I feel like this article is misleading. I agree about chemotherapy. But I am very skeptical of a lot of this information.
    The average person can easily down about 400 mg of caffeine a day (not good).. and one-ounce of chocolate contains only about 10 mg of caffeine. Plus, dark chocolate has a lot of anti-oxidants and other health benefits.
    They say nothing about iodine supplementation or liquid chlorophyll.. (google it). Those two are super-cancer fighters.
    Vegetables originally were okay to eat… EAT.. .. eat.. NOT juice, as they can go rancid in your stomach.
    Cancer is a modern condition. The main contributors to cancer are processed foods, chemicals, drugs, (prescription drugs)… etc.. Fluoride is NOT good for you and it’s in our water!!! Yikes!!


  72. False:
    Point by point debunking:

    It’s not that the suggestions in this article are necessarily bad. These are mostly good suggestions for living a healthy lifestyle. But if someone who has been diagnosed with cancer decides to follow these suggestions rather than seek treatment, you are possibly contributing to their early demise. That’s irresponsible, to say the least.


  73. Pingback: How to avoid Cancer | fraserpropertieslv

  74.   False.  See these two URLs:


  75. Don’t use soy milk;
    it increases estrogen which feeds cancer. Also not whole grains baked; only nuts. Isolate fruits 30 min away from other foods; it soaks slow digesting foods in sugar. Fruit digests in 15 min, so you want it through your system fast.


    • *Some* not all cancers thrive on glucose alone. Look up ‘the caveman doctor’ who is a paleo-eating oncologist. He has the most up to date science on this stuff.

      The rest of this article is sadly baseless bunk.
      i.e. Meat is NOT difficult to digest and they whole “this or that food makes you acidic” is utter baloney as the body manages PH extremely well.


  76. All interesting info, but do you have any sort of citations to back any of this up? Y’know, medical studies, research papers, something that tells me this isn’t all just someone’s made up mumbo jumbo?


  77. You can support your immune system and healthy cell functioning by minimizing your exposure to radiation from cell phones, Ideal support would help protect you from radiation while you enjoy wireless devices or are exposed to radiation from sources not in your control, such as cell phone towers and smart meters. The ideal support would help eradicate radiation throughout your body, home, office, car …so your body experiences only Earth’s NATURAL electrical airwaves, as Nature intended. Protection by these means would be sensible and also the healthiest. Over 60 years of research demonstrates Earth’s electrical airwaves are healing for the body, and essential for cell reproduction. Also, that electropollution around and within the body distances the body from Earth’s vital electrical airwaves. EarthCalm, the world leader in EMF protection, provides this ideal support;


  78. Well I’m f’d – what do you do if you can’t eat fresh vegetables because of diverticulitis? It is severe and I cannot eat very much raw fruits or vegetables?


  79. Funny- in reference to 11(e), I once was told that a cup of coffee a day is a good anti-carcinogen. That coffee helps prevent cancer. Now they say avoid it? Furthermore, my uncle is 89 years old and has lived on nothing bit Meat and Potatoes (avoiding all fish and birds) all his life. Yeah ok, and 5 years from now your institution will come out with a new list tell us all to avoid this list….


  80. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints live a law of health called “The Word of Wisdom”. It was given to Joseph Smith February 27, 1833. “To be sent greeting; not by commandment or constraint, but by revelation and the word of wisdom, showing forth the order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days–”
    The following article outlines the principles of this law. Now here is medical evidence to back it up. We are so lucky to have a loving Heavenly Father, who watches out for us. ( :


  81. WOW!!! This sounds like it was taken directly from Kevin Trudeau’s book, “Natural Cures THEY Don’t Want You to Know About,” published in 2006. He had to write a book about it because the FDA and FTC shut down his infomercials because they felt he was scribing medicinal properties without FDA approval, blah, blah, blah… so the book was written and protected under first amendment rights. A fascinating American business experience… Kudos to Kevin, he has been vindicated (finally, partially).


  82. A supposed friend of mine told me to drink apple cider vinegar everyday to keep from getting cancer, and that sounds to me like an acid environment,not an alkaline environment, please advise me, as I am a Breast Cancer survivor, and want to stay one! Thank you!


  83. Why is John’s Hopkins just starting to tell us? Let me tell you what I think. There is a cure for cancer and there has been for along time. Money is the word.


  84. Wow, wow, wow!!! 110% True! What I have done & learned in the past 3 years…So wish I would have known this treasured and life-saving information, before going through this c@nc#r h#!! Please read fully, practice & share. Might save lives. I do most of it now.. And keep praying for healing from the treatment side effects =’| Health to us all! And thank you..


  85. what a pile of shit. please use science and not what ever thought comes into your poor brain. Please use scientific citations for your theories


  86. So to make it brief..

    Eat & drink what GOD has given us, not what MAN has altered for us.

    On top of that be a good Christian/catholic 😉

    Keep it real…. keep it with God… 🙂


  87. Why is the John Hopkins study not cited? I think everything after 10 was made up for this article.

    Several of these are not backed by medical research and are misleading. Particularly 11a, 11b, 11c are completely made up. Your body converts most of what is digestible into sugar because that is what cells use for energy at the molecular level. Cancer does not eat mucus. That is absurd. Pretty much everything you eat is acidic. There are very few basic things. Meat is no more acidic that fresh fruits and vegetables and is less acidic in many circumstance.


  88. This article is very good for those who are not experienced with medial terminology. Very informative on cancer and the foods not to eat.


  89. Any sources or peer reviewed research to back up your pseudo science? Or do you prefer to use the very real issue of cancer as a vehicle to further your nutritional agenda?
    Didn’t think so.


  90. There is so much misinformation in this post I don’t even know where to start. I suggest that people seek out more refutable information sources like the Cancer Council website etc.


  91. I think that it is great that you are sharing this information as you have a lot of great advice listed here, but you also have a lot of false information throughout this article. Unfortunately, it greatly undermines the credibility of what you are writing. For example on two points you make contradictory statements which both can’t be true. In point “11e” tells someone to refrain from drinking caffeine and yet you advocate green tea. Green tea is a fairly high source of caffeine and is a tea, which by definition, you recommended avoiding. In point “11a” you advise to avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners, yet recommend honey. Honey, while naturally derived (as is sugar by the way), IS pure sugar. Other information that is posted is highly controversial and should be supported with facts. The 11a discussion on salt is completely off-topic as you have not shown how it related to cancer at all. 11b – soy is highly controversial and many studies suggest that it is toxic to the body and should be avoided. 12, where is the source for this? Mammals were designed to eat meat. And chicken and fish are just as difficult to digest and would also, by your definition, become putrid. As stated in the beginning, I am not just trying to be critical – on the contrary – you raise awareness to many important points. I am just asking that you address these issues so that the contradictory advice does not undermine the validity of your recommendations.


  92. source please. saying “JOHNS HOPKINS IS FINALLY STARTING TO TELL YOU THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE WAY” is not citing a source nor is it linking to any actual study etc.


  93. Only thing I would disagree with is drinking soy instead of dairy. Soy is genetically modified, and has oestrogens which are bad for cancer. Use almond milk instead.


  94. You mention Johns Hopkins in your introduction to this post yet there is no citation or link. If you have information, or a link, to what Johns Hopkins recommends regarding food, nutrition, and resisting or curing cancer I would be very interested in seeing that.


  95. Explain why any so called incurable cancers are cured by eating a raw vegan, low fat and low sodium. Cancer is caused by eating too much fats, meats, fish, dairy and processed foods. Eating a vegan low fat/sodium diet when done right is the cure for mostly all problems. Eat lots fruits and veg…. eat most of your calories from fruit, rice, root vegetables and gluten free pastas.


  96. NO whole grains. Wheat is GMO, it’s not the ancient wheat that our ancestors ate. Not to mention gluten, and wheat’s gliadin protein. Grains will keep spiking insulin leading to insulin resistance, and eventually diabetes. Then there will be increased blood sugar, which will, in turn feed cancer.

    Nuts are okay in moderate amounts for healthy people, not not for anyone with cancer. They have phytic acid in them. The Max Gerson therapy is organic fruits and veggies.

    The Flor Essence is great. We use it as a preventative. Latrielle aka B-17 aka Amygadalin aka Apricot seeds. My ex husband used the Latrielle when he had three different kinds of cancers many years ago. He’s still with us today.


  97. how can you post this without any research or references why you decide to make up facts and pass them off as science is beyond me. you should be ashamed of your pseudoscientific ways.


  98. Johns Hopkins claim this is a hoax and that they do not endorse any of the advice given above. Lots of anti-hoax websites say the same. Could you please give your response to this?
    Is the above just your own personal opinion?
    I only ask, because I saw this shared via a friend on Facebook who has had cancer, and whilst all of the above is good advice for a healthy lifestyle, I do not think it is right to represent this as medical advice.


  99. Cancer Update Email — It’s a Hoax! Information falsely attributed to Johns Hopkins called, “CANCER UPDATE FROM JOHN HOPKINS” describes properties of cancer cells and suggests ways of preventing cancer. Johns Hopkins did not publish the information, which often is an email attachment, nor do we endorse its contents. The email also contains an incorrect spelling of our institution as “John” Hopkins; whereas, the correct spelling is “Johns” Hopkins. For more information about cancer, please read the information on our web site or visit the National Cancer Institute. Please help combat the spread of this hoax by letting others know of this statement.…/cancer_update_email_it…
    Cancer Update Email — It’s a Hoax!
    Information falsely attributed to Johns Hopkins called, “CANCER UPDATE FROM JOHN…See More


  100. Why have you written an article which sounds a lot like “cancer treatment is evil, all you need is some veg”. Healthy diet reduces risk of cancer, but the science in this is shockingly bad. Case in point “Water–best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.” Distilled water is just water which has been boiled and the water vapour collected. It leaves all the impurities behind so you just have pure water, it’s like filtering but better. Distilled water is pure H2O and therefore neutral, because for every acidic ion it can make, a basic (alkaline) one is produced too. The oxygenated one is rubbish too. One of the main causes of cancer is cell damage through oxidation, in addition when exercising you use more oxygen, which resultsin the muscles sometimes not getting enough and having to rely on anaerobic respiration (respiration without oxygen). That’s why you get cramp.


  101. “2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person’s lifetime.” – way more often.

    The question always is: Has the body the resources to fix it?

    Every Cell can become a cancer-cell. Because if the cell starves or dies from toxic-stuff that we shovel into our body. Its last resort is to split-up so that the odds that 1 part survives is higher.
    With the things you pointed out + something that gives you energie you can heal cancer! I know many people who got rid of cancer that way 🙂

    80-90% of the supermarked-products aint healthy (preservatives, flavor enhancer!). Even our vegetables are a lil unhealthy caused by the industrie. Pain-killer, Medics, Alcohol, Drugs, genetic altered crops…when our body sees something as unnatural it fights it. That costs power and ressources. When we only get bad ressources the math will kill us. Cause you cant take and take energie out of a system and think it would work out. Most diseases we get are cost by the ignorance that chemical altered food aint healthy. That drugs aint healthy and so on..

    People dont even trink normal water anymore! That fucks you up like hell. Stay away from Soda, Coffee and Stuff. First its a lil hard because your body is used to the stuff, but when you are “clean” you will feel a lot better in your life. Took me years to understand all that. I recommend that you just test it. Change your lifestyle step by step and your body will start to regenerate!

    Not just your body also your mind. Cause depressions or bad mood etc are caused by a lack of healthy food and/or a problem with your digestion (anti-biotics like to kill our own bacteria. The good stuff we need to digest properly). When your body cant digest in the right way it starts to store it as fat. Most people with “diet-problems” have digestion-problems! The body cant get or find what it needs in the food so you keep being hungry and keep eating with no effect. So always check your stomach and your intestine.

    To understand the system behind it more watch that Video:

    (Biology of Belief – Bruce Lipton)

    After that watch this one:

    To get energie in your system (in case of a sickness) do stuff like:
    Acupuncture, Yoga, Meditation, Reiki, Energetic-Fields-Work, Sun-gazing!
    (Tested all of them. If done right, they work.)

    If you have questions just ask.

    May you all be well and healthy!

    With kind regards, TK


  102. If this information really came from Johns Hopkins, we can expect to see the government shut them down. Big Pharma would take a direct hit if these steps were taken.


  103. For someone like myself, this breaks down the big C in simple terms. It’s a pattern for healthy living. Everything starts with putting God first, but these are very important and easy tips to follow. I don’t really get drawn to an article like this. I’m glad I did because # 15 is a message I think I can share with my girlfriend who is a diabetic. It also makes sense to me having gone through Hep C treatment.


  104. A hoax. Quite an old one. Johns Hopkins simply didn’t write this and have repeatedly said so on their website, which makes this claim nothing more than an outright lie. Chemotherapy may be unpleasant but for some cancers it remains the only treatment with the potential to save lives. Furthermore, if someone were to read this and refuse treatment they might otherwise need, you could unwittingly contribute to their premature death. The people who write these misleading statements are no better than witch doctors.


  105. So the answer to all of our problems is to become Vegan? Of course it is! I should have known how could I have been so dumb.

    What a load of shit. This entire thing was made up by a euphoric vegan high on broccoli salts.





    Information falsely attributed to Johns Hopkins called, “CANCER UPDATE FROM JOHN HOPKINS” describes properties of cancer cells and suggests ways of preventing cancer. Johns Hopkins did not publish the information, which often is an email attachment, nor do we endorse its contents. The email also contains an incorrect spelling of our institution as “John” Hopkins; whereas, the correct spelling is “Johns” Hopkins. For more information about cancer, please read the information on our web site or visit the National Cancer Institute. Please help combat the spread of this hoax by letting others know of this statement.

    Another hoax email that has been circulating since 2004 regarding plastic containers, bottles, wrap claiming that heat releases dioxins which cause cancer also was not published by Johns Hopkins. More information from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

    Mythbusters: Please help curb the spread of this hoax by sending a link to this page to individuals that forward you this email.

    The Truth about the “Cancer Update” Email Hoax

    Emails offering easy remedies for avoiding and curing cancer are the latest Web-influenced trend. To gain credibility, the anonymous authors falsely attribute their work to respected research institutions like Johns Hopkins. This is the case with the so-called “Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins.”

    The gist of this viral email is that cancer therapies of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy do not work against the disease and people should instead choose a variety of dietary strategies.

    Traditional therapies, such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, work. The evidence is the millions of cancer survivors in the United States today who are alive because of these therapies. We recognize that treatments don’t work in every patient, or sometimes work for awhile and then stop working, and there are some cancers that are more difficult to cure than others. These problems are the focus of ongoing cancer research.

    We’ll go through each statement in the email hoax and provide real responses from Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center experts.


    The Hoax: Everyone Has Cancer Cells
    The Hoax: A Strong Immune System Destroys Cancer
    The Hoax: Cancer is Caused by Nutritional Deficiencies and Supplements Will Correct Them
    The Hoax: Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy Harms Normal Cells. Surgery Causes Cancer to Spread
    The Hoax: Cancers Feed on Certain Foods
    The Hoax: Cancer is a Disease of Mind, Body and Spirit
    The Hoax: Oxygen Kills Cancer Cells

    The Hoax: Everyone Has Cancer Cells

    The Truth: Cancer is a genetic disease resulting from a variety of mutations and alterations either inherited from our parents or, more commonly, acquired over time due to environmental exposures and behaviors, such as smoking and poor diet. These alterations turn off important cell growth regulators allowing cells to continually divide unchecked, explains Luis Diaz, a clinician-scientist in Ludwig Center for Cancer Genetics at the Kimmel Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins. This type of cell is called a malignant or cancer cell. Among the trillions of cells in the human body, inevitably everyone has some abnormal or atypical cells that possess some of the characteristics of cancer cells, most resolve themselves and never result in cancer, says Diaz.

    There is no single or standard test for cancer. There are ways to screen for certain cancers with tests such as colonoscopy for colon cancer, mammography for breast cancer, PSA for prostate cancer, and the Pap smear for cervical cancer, and these tests can detect cancers in a very early and curable stage. For many cancers, there currently are no screening tests, and they are diagnosed when they begin to cause symptoms.

    Diaz and other Kimmel Cancer Center researchers are working on new tests that detect abnormal DNA shed by cancer cells into blood and body fluids and have the ability to find cancers before they cause any symptoms. Approaches like this could lead to a broad-based screening test for cancer.

    Tests like these also are being used to detect cancer recurrences and malignant cells left behind following surgery, and can find cancers that are not detectable under the microscope or in x-rays.

    Other researchers are studying cancer stem cells. They are stealth cells that make up just a tiny fraction of a tumor. While small in number, investigators believe they may be the cells that drive certain cancers and lead to cancer recurrence. Therapies that target these cells are now being tested in clinical trials.

    A team of our breast cancer researchers has developed a method that could make it possible to detect breast cancer from the DNA contained in a single drop of blood.

    But, while evasive cancer cells are a challenge and the focus of ongoing research, it does not mean, as the email contends, that all patients, even those treated successfully for cancer, have cancers-in-waiting—undetectable but still there. People are treated and completely cured of cancer everyday.

    Back to top of page

    The Hoax: A Strong Immune System Destroys Cancer

    The Truth: When it comes to cancer and the immune system, it is not a matter of strong or weak as the fictional report contends, but rather an issue of recognition. “The immune system simply does not recognize cancer. In its complexity, the cancer cell has learned to disguise itself to the immune system as a normal, healthy cell. Cells infected with viruses or bacteria send out danger signals setting the immune system in action. But cancer cells do not, explains Elizabeth Jaffee, co-director of cancer immunology and leading expert on cancer and the immune system.” By deciphering the methods cancer cells use to make them invisible to the immune system, Jaffee and team have developed cancer vaccines that have successfully triggered immune reactions against prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, leukemia, and multiple myeloma.

    Back to top of page

    The Hoax: Cancer is caused by Nutritional Deficiencies and Supplements Will Correct Them

    The Truth: Dietary habits and lifestyle choices, such as smoking, contribute to the development of many human cancers, says Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center director William Nelson. Our experts recommend a balanced diet as a way of reducing cancer risk. In terms of supplements, Nelson points out that while they may help mediate vitamin deficiencies, taking doses above what the body needs provides no added benefit.

    Back to top of page

    The Hoax: Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy Harms Normal Cells. Surgery Causes Cancer to Spread

    The Truth: Chemotherapy and radiation therapy kills cancer cells with remarkable selectivity, says Nelson. There are some temporary and reversible side effects common to cancer therapies, including hair loss and low blood counts. Limiting and managing these side effects is an integral part of treatment.

    Surgery is the first line of treatment for many types of cancer. It does not cause cancer to spread. Cancers spread to other tissues and organs as a tumor progresses and cancer cells break away from the original tumor and travel through the bloodstream to other body sites.

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    The Hoax: Cancers Feed on Certain Foods

    The Truth: The premise is that cancer cells feed on certain foods, and if a person refrains from eating these foods, the cancer will die. According to our experts, a poor diet and obesity associated with a poor diet is a risk factor for the development of cancer. However, there is no evidence that certain foods alter the environment of an existing cancer, at the cellular level, and cause it to either die or grow.

    While there is such a thing as tumors that produce mucus, the mucus made by a tumor does not result from drinking milk. And, eating less meat, while a good choice for cancer prevention, does not free up enzymes to attack cancer cells, explains cancer prevention and control expert Elizabeth Platz.

    Moderation is key, says Platz. As part of a balanced diet, sugar, salt, milk, coffee, tea, meat, and chocolate—the foods the “Update” calls into question—are all safe choices, she says. The real concern with many of these, particularly sugar, is that it adds calories to a diet and can lead to obesity, and obesity is a major risk factor for cancer. A balanced nutritious diet, healthy weight, physical activity, and avoiding alcoholic drinks may prevent as many as 1/3 of all cancers. Platz recommends eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day and limiting red and processed meats, like hot dogs.

    Several Johns Hopkins experts participated in the World Cancer Research Fund – American Institute for Cancer Research report Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective, published in November 2007, which is considered by cancer prevention experts to be an authoritative source of information on diet, physical activity and cancer. Their recommendations for cancer prevention and for good health in general are:

    Be as lean as possible without becoming underweight.
    Be physically active for at least 30 minutes every day.
    Avoid sugary drinks. Limit consumption of energy-dense foods (particularly processed foods high in added sugar, or low in fiber, or high in fat).
    Eat more of a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes such as beans.
    Limit consumption of red meats (such as beef, pork and lamb) and avoid processed meats.
    If consumed at all, limit alcoholic drinks to 2 for men and 1 for women a day.
    Limit consumption of salty foods and foods processed with salt (sodium).
    Don’t use supplements to protect against cancer.
    Our experts recommend that people meet their nutritional needs through their food choices. While vitamin supplements can be helpful in people with nutritional deficiencies, evidence suggests that supplementation above what the body can use provides no added health benefit.

    Back to top of page

    The Hoax: Cancer is a Disease of Mind, Body, and Spirit

    The Truth: Cancer is a disease caused by genetic alterations. Many times, these alterations occur through our own behaviors—cigarette smoking, a poor and unbalanced diet, virus exposures, and sunburns, says cancer prevention and control expert John Groopman.

    How stress, faith, and other factors influence this is largely unknown. We would like people to be happy, loving, and stress free, simply because it is a nice way to live and can contribute to an overall feeling of well being, says Platz. There is no evidence, however, that a person prevents or causes cancer based on his or her state of mind.

    Still, we understand that a cancer diagnosis can make patients and families feel stressed and anxious, and these are not pleasant feelings. So, we offer extensive patient and family services, including a cancer counseling center, pain and palliative care program, chaplain services and a meditation chapel, an image recovery center, and the Art of Healing art and music program.

    Read more about Cancer Genetics in “A Genetic Revolution”

    Back to top of page

    The Hoax: Oxygen Kills Cancer Cells

    The Truth: Platz recommends regular exercise as a part of any healthy lifestyle, but says there is no evidence that breathing deeply or receiving oxygen therapy prevents cancer.

    On its Web site, the American Cancer Society includes the following statement about oxygen therapy, “Available scientific evidence does not support claims that putting oxygen-releasing chemicals into a person’s body is effective in treating cancer. It may even be dangerous. There have been reports of patient deaths from this method.” Read more

    Please pass this information on to family and friends.


    Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center
    Office of Public Affairs

    Back to top of page


  107. Great article thanks…..Could you please change your recommendation for SOY MILK as it is very disruptive inside the human body especially to folks that already have thyroid issues. Almond milk is a better replacement as long as no nut allergies exist. Plz contact if you need more info. Thank you.


  108. Thanks for this insightful article. The emphasis put on early detection, and treatment makes me see red! The “Race For the Cure”,, also makes me livid!!!( I do not admonish anyone who Walks in the Race, its not the INTENT that is the problem) There is no, ONE cure. We are individuals experiencing life and disease on many different levels for many different reasons.


  109. Can you link to where/who at John’s Hopkins said this, an article link, or a person/department to contact to back this all up, otherwise, even though this all may be sound advice (and seems like it would help other issues too like diabetes, and lower cholesterol), having a reference would be helpful and make your unverified thoughts more valid for the public.


  110. Keep your system alkaline and you have won the battle. Most of us are suffering from metabolic acidosis causing all sorts of maladies including bad moods. If you cut out the acid you will live a far happier and healthier life.


  111. You are very seriously deluded. Many of your points are contradictory, some are just bizarre and pretty much none of it is backed up with any fact or research. Spreading this kind of trash hurts real people. Just because you read assertions that reinforce your world view it on the net, doesn’t make it true. Try actually learning some biology, chemistry and statistics.


  112. Wealth of information above but so wondering why no one ever brings up BETA GLUCAN. Builds the part of the immune system that fights Cancer. So cheap to buy. We have given it to many but the most astounding was to 84 yr old man doctors sent home with 2 months to live. He had done all possible treatments fighting cancer of the pancreas. 2 betas everyday. Within 3 months all blood cells counts normal. Within a year NO sign of ever having cancer. He lived another 10 yr cancer free. Have countless stories like this. The only time you can’t take it is during chemo. Also running into R&D cancer researchers. They know it’s the only thing to date that actually works. My father died of cancer in 76 I’ve read it all. I have use it mixed with DMSO (a carrier) to heal skin cancer. I don’t cell it, don’t have anything to do with any company. There are many brands. You choose.


  113. So basically we need to drink bottled water and become vegans oh, and runners….. Welcome to the Hunger Games… It’s to give them HOPE!!!


  114. Thank you for this information. It is a very helpful tool that people should take to heart. I wish you would put even more information out to the normal people who just try to survive, and eat decently on their budget. So often it is extremely hard to know what to put into our bodies for fuel because for the average person, it’s hard to understand exactly what bad chemicals are in the foods. Labels are often difficult to understand, and information seems to change all too often. However, again I thank you for this very valuable information.


  115. Another natural supplement to boost the immune system that I took during cancer surgery and treatment was Immunocal, a Canadian product. It is listed in the Canadian MD’s Drug Guide (CPS) and in the USA Physicians’ Desk Reference Drug Guide.


  116. Did you know that the body already has a secret weapon!!! Glutathione — the master antioxidant that only the body can produce once provided with the necessary precursors! A healthy immune system tracks down unhealthy cells and destroys them – if you have a steady supply of glutathione. Immunocal has been proven Patent CA 2142277 anti-cancer therapeutic compositions for prophylaxis or for treatment of cancer. Immunocal is a natural source of the glutathione precursor cysteine for the maintenance of a strong immune system. It is fat-free and contains less than 1% lactose and has a high protein biological value (<110BV) providing all essential amino acids and this natural product is listed in PDR and CPS. This discovery is the result of over 40 years of research at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Many have been able to suppress tumour growth, eliminate carcinogens, mutagens, retard oxidative damage to DNA, prevent wasting disease and ease the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Without glutathione you die! Take a look at the research at there is a cure ..there is Immunocal.


  117. not just cancer, also heart disease. But there is much more to it, nutrition. Look up Dr.Fred Kummerow, a nutrition scientist work since 1957, and the Weston A.Price foundation,a great help to live healthy.


  118. This advice did not come from John Hopkins, matter of fact this article has their name spelled wrong. After seeing this on the famous as not coming from John Hopkins, I emailed them on my own. My response was “while these are excellent habits to have, this does not guarantee that an individual will not get cancer”.


  119. I’m a molecular biologist working on Cancer research at the University in Colorado. Please be aware that the vast majority of this article is crack science and will not help you avoid cancer. Eating heathy and getting exercise is of course a good idea (and can reduce the incidence of cancer), but a lot of the statements in this article are simply not true.


  120. If only this was known before my ‘father in law to be’ was detected with lung cancer! Unortunately he is in Cuba and in a poor country all this is a little hard to follow when most things aren’t available and are then too expensive for an average Cuban but in England of course we have the choice and it is a very interesting read! 🙂


  121. On what scientific tests is all this based or is it simply opinions? Please publish proper scientific studies. my feeling is that you are causing more harm than good by spreading mis-information.


  122. I forwarded this info to my email contacts when Johns Hopkins first published it a couple months ago. Thanks for sharing. The body is designed to heal itself if given the opportunity


  123. I love the ideas posted here, however the people I’ve shared this with would love to see some sources for the information here. Do you have any sites/published works to link this to? Thanks!


  124. This is partially true. But when they started to tell us that sugar substitute of honey does not give you sugar, then they are WRONG! Then they tried to tell us that some mysterious chemical I’d put into table salt to make it look white; again they are WRONG!

    All honey has sucrose in it, that is guess what? Table sugar.

    Table salt is simply sodium chloride, it is colorless as a pure crystal (look at it with a magnifying glass) it is colorless, it only appears white because of air pockets in the crystal and light diffraction.

    These folks are just plain WRONG!


  125. There are many flaws in this singular approach to warding off cancer or any other diseases for that matter. If a plant-base diet is best for humans, how come the incidents of cancer are so low within the Inuit populations? Just by the nature of their physical location, eating a diet made up of 80% vegetables is all but impossible. While plant food is a fantastic source of fiber and other vital nutrients, it is not the only (or even best) alternative. Other diets such as Paleo, Blood-Type, and Geno-Type offer much more realistic dietary solutions with the same healing characteristics.


  126. This article has some good points, but I can’t help feeling like it is basically telling me to become a vegan hippie to avoid cancer.
    What they don’t say is how OUR WORLD causes cancer. Plastics, chemically treated materials, gases, carcinogens, radiation, etc. that people are exposed to on a daily basis do not help. The stress we put on ourselves doesn’t help either. Hell, typing this on my PHONE will probably give me cancer! We as a people have conditioned ourselves to live with these conditions, and yet we’re surprised when the overexposure kills us. We may have a chance if we revert back to a more primitive way of life, but even that doesn’t eliminate the stress factor.
    I say, be happy. They are right when they say a positive outlook has a lot to do with it. I’ll just enjoy the ride while I’m on it. 🙂


  127. I want my girls to read this article and I pray they will when I send it!! And also my husband, we eat a lot of meat which is not good! This article was so helpful. You don’t get this kind of info in a Doctor’s office for sure! They are too busy healing sick people with all these diseases so really it is not their place to do it, it is our own responsbility to find information like this article and inform ourselves as much as we can. I am grateful I found your site. Thank you for caring enough to inform the public about all of this!

    Eldona J. Banks


  128. Why do you insist on propagating this bullshit? John Hokins has nothing to do with it,k and the points mentioned are at best snake oil and at worst scams and all ineffective against cancer. Please stop spreading such harming untruth.


  129. Technically, distilled water is neutral (neutral ph = 7.0). Its ph can become slightly acidic (5.6 to 7.0) as it absorbs carbon dioxide from the air. Adding a small amount of baking SODA (a substance with a ph of 8.0) can help bring the water back to neutral.

    Drinking distilled water is much better for you than drinking water as the process of making it (turning water into steam and letting it cool back into water) removes all of the minerals and poisons.

    Many people do not like the taste of distilled water as it has a ‘flat’ taste.




  131. i am sorry but where is the actual reference to John Hopkins?
    if all you write here is good info, it would be a stronger blog post if you gave the actual reference, rather than only mentioning it in the title, which otherwise looks only like a way to attract readers here.


  132. how on earth are you going to admit that sugar is what feeds cancer cells and then tell people to eat a high carb diet? also, soy is a very terrible substitute, wreaking it’s own havoc on your body. I thought this was going to be a smart article about how to treat cancer with your diet, then it just all went wrong.


  133. Could you please show me the source for this? I find this extremely interesting since my dad is a patient at Johns Hopkins and want to be able to show this to him from the source. Thanks!


  134. There is one very important aspect left out of getting cancer out of your body…therapeutic massage therapy by a licensed massage therapist. It assists in eliminating toxins from your body, not just cancer cells. A cancer patient must ALWAYS get approval from their Oncologist to receive massage therapy, depending on their particular position on the cancer cell scale. – Patty Reyes, LMT, Owner/Operator
    of Murray Massage by Patty Reyes.


  135. Pingback: How to avoid Cancer | | Thekourtintellect's Blog

  136. Sadly, according to Johns Hopkins, this info which has been widely circulated by email, is falsely attributed to them and is a hoax. (; also see

    I have to believe that most people who continue to disseminate this info are well-meaning and simply uninformed about its false origins, but having lost my mom to cancer, and having a very dear friend struggling for his life against it right now, it is still distressing to me to have false information so widely circulated. It behooves us all to check facts before sharing information that can be dangerous to those who are facing the fight of their lives, battling this horrid disease.


  137. Pretty interesting and definitely a lot of insight. While I don’t claim to know everything, I will say that everyone is different. I personally get stomach aches from eating chicken and thrive on red meat. I eat more red meat than is recommended. However, every check-up (annual physical) I’m told to continue doing what I’m doing because I have low blood pressure, low cholesterol, a great BMI, etc. I also do do things like watch the amount of sugars, white carbs, caffeine, etc. And I eat a fair amount of vegetables, grains, and lots of fruit each morning. Long story short, I know plenty of people who have adverse reactions to chicken and are better off eating meat.


  138. For me this is crap. How does a 4 month old child who was drinking soy milk since birth end up with Cancer???? All the guidelines you refer to are healthy for us all in general. So I have no problem with eating properly. But a baby who had a physical with a blood test be medically “clean”
    from cancer one day and 5 days later be diagnosed with Cancer the die 9 months later?? So again I say health y diets are great but I dispute your “mind body spirit” bullshit


  139. hey,
    I really like this article, but please can you give references, and/or links from where you have all this information?
    As I read, you are a computer man, so maybe medicine is not your area of expertise. It would be nice to give credits to those who wrote all these ideas.

    Thank you!!


  140. More than half of this is not true. Might wanna check authenticity. Sad people create this kind of thing to prey on others. This was a reply I received after posting.


  141. Information falsely attributed to Johns Hopkins called, “CANCER UPDATE FROM JOHN HOPKINS” describes properties of cancer cells and suggests ways of preventing cancer. Johns Hopkins did not publish the information, which often is an email attachment, nor do we endorse its contents. The email also contains an incorrect spelling of our institution as “John” Hopkins; whereas, the correct spelling is “Johns” Hopkins. For more information about cancer, please read the information on our web site or visit the National Cancer Institute. Please help combat the spread of this hoax by letting others know of this statement.


  142. What about Dark chocolate? With all the nutrient rich minerals, antioxidants, and Theobromine. Dark chocolate must be on the list of things to buy!!


  143. Pingback: Interessant artikel: How to avoid Cancer | De Hullu's Blog

  144. Thank you for this article it has helped cofirmed what a Church Member did for his diet when he had Prostate cancer .My Husband has Colan cancer and I am always looking for ways to help him with his diet and supliments ,it helps that I worked in the Dietary Dept.of our Hospital for 22 years but had to retire with COPD..
    Thanks again.
    Norma . Hanna, Georgetown SC


  145. Most tea has been tested and identified to have high amounts of PESTICIDES in them. The popular brand Celestial Seasonings is one of the biggest offenders. Buyer beware.


  146. While, unquestionably, this is fine info for health and eating well, the info does not take into account all different body types. Some people drink booze, raise hell, smoke like a chimney and live to a ripe old age. I don’t necessarily uphold this lifestyle of “wild and devilish” living but we do need to consider that people outlive all kinds of things. Another comment is the importance of exercise and getting off the couch and out moving. As Richard Simmons said eons ago, “Just get moving!” I also like #15 about the power of mind, body and spirit. We do need to keep that emotional/spiritual awareness alive and well. That is done via values and that is where all becomes so very tricky especially when looking at the social strata out there in the big wide world! A lot of the above info is fed to middle class America – well, what is left of the middle class!


  147. Dear Premaseem,

    Normally I do not respond to articles like this, but since it got passed along through my friends circle (FB), I felt the need to at least point out one or 2 (major) errors (assumptions) in the above article.

    “12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines will become putrified and leads to more toxic buildup.”

    This is a myth and stems from a lack of basic knowledge of the human body. I would like to refer you to the following article which explains it better than I can:

    In short: we are build from the get go (call it factory setting) to digest meat and we do that very well…

    “11 d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment…”

    The other one that I have a hard time to accept is the alkaline vs acidic environment our body supposedly needs to be in. It’s neither and both. You see, our body is divided into different zones, each one in a specific Ph state it needs to be in.

    Read / see the following:

    I do agree that Chemo, radiation and surgery are *not* the answers. But like with everything, follow the money to understand why these are promoted as the only solution to cancer.

    Also, yes, sugar feeds cancer and should be avoided at all costs, even when you are healthy. (at least try to keep it to a minimum).

    And yes, alot of people are short on essentials minerals, vitamins and (animal) fats, combined with a poisoned environment (stress!) and toxic food, sets them up perfectly for dis ease.

    Closing, I would like to point you to this interesting theory:

    Puts a whole new dimension to the cause of cancer….

    Good luck with your pursuit for healthy living : )



  148. I wouldn’t share this on a bet. This is the biggest LIE yet I have seen Don’t blame me, my nutrition, my mother or anything else because I have cancer. I resent this article and the fact that innocent people are forwarding it thinking it is going to help someone.


  149. Smoking and tobacco products are not mentioned directly ..why omit them in this article. Oxygen is opposite .. but not mentioning Cigarette smoke is what a smoker scans for in articles..with out reading anything else.. we need to prevent the cause of cancer or ‘nip it in the bud’


  150. Just want to share my opinion with you real quick… I think if you’re going to post stuff like this, you may want to target a certain age of people with certain types/stages of cancer. Reason being is because I highly doubt any of this information will help my 7 month old daughter who has Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. Although chemotherapy is not really something we want our baby to endure, I somehow doubt cutting off coffee, tea or chocolate, which shes never had, or switching to soy milk instead of breast milk is going to help her very much. I also doubt changing her diet to grains and nuts will do much either nor will cutting back on meats, being she doesn’t eat meat either. Maybe I’ll try and tell her to have a more positive spirit about developing cancer at 4 months old.. Oh wait, she probably won’t have a clue what a positive spirit is being she’s only 7 months old.

    I’m sure you posted this to try and help people who want a different alternative to traditional methods of curing cancer, but I don’t think people, regardless of age, who have a stage 4 cancer of any kind want to read this, much less a father of a 7 month old baby who has cancer.


  151. Gostei muito do esclarecimento.
    Tenho 59 anos e me foi diagnosticado um câncer na próstata não e no estado avançado…Querem me operar mais estou optando pela quimioterapia mais tenho problema no fluxo da urina.
    Tenho o ultimo proximo dia 07/01/14.
    Moro em Londres ilegalmente e gostaria de acabar o meu curso de Inglês e não posso estar parado por muito tempo se não perco o trabalho e não vou ter como pagar o meu aluguel e não posso ter ajuda do governo pq estou ilegal.
    Começo a mudar a minha alimentação e sobre essa descoberta qual è a vossa opinião
    Gostaria muito que alguém me pudesse ajudar na minha decisão,obrigado!


  152. While I believe that many of the suggestions here are overall healthy – Johns Hopkins should not be given credit as their website asserts they did not write this article.

    I’m all for alternatives to harsh medical treatments and healthy living, but it is unfortunate when these suggestions are combined with false statements about their origin because it removes their credibility.


  153. Where are the references? Most of this makes sense, but after #12, it seems like someone’s opinion and not scientific facts backed by research. There isn’t even an author lol


  154. Snopes says that John Hopkins didn’t publish this report. It’s source is unknown. It doesn’t mean it isn’t true but is isn’t from John Hopkins.


  155. Untrue regarding the nutrition aspect. Chicken and soy is inflammatory, beef and pork are not. Inflammation within the body causes cancer and mutations. Check out ‘The Inflammation Free Diet Plan’ if you want more details on c-reactive proteins.


  156. This IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE it appears to be an unsourced opinion article written by a computer programmer.

    Please see a medical professional for questions regarding cancer and the effectiveness of cancer treatments.


  157. I’m so glad to see this coming from the medical industry at last!

    There are a few corrections however:
    1-Soy milk is genetically modified & highly processed in which, the outer 6 layers of the soybean (that our bodies need to process the soy) are stripped away. What is left is dramatically high in enzymes that elevate estrogen levels in all people. This has been a culprit in early onset puberty, feminine tendencies in boys & early onset menopause. Also, a contributor & even cause of cancers – breast, uterine, cervix, ovarian, etc.
    **Better alternatives are unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk. Both of which are non-gmo (genetically modified organism) & contain healthy fats from non-animal sources, which your body needs to build healthy cells, process fat & for cognitive growth in young brains.

    2-On the note of genetic modifications & sugar: whole grains are a deceptively not truly “healthy”. This is because our modern farming has now produced over 90% of our grains grown in this country as genetically modified, injected with pesticides/herbacides directly into the seed & therefore these are toxic to our systems. When our body is busy fighting & flushing out toxins it cannot combat cancer growth & it lowers our immune system.
    Also, the process in which our bodies metabolize grains, cause blood sugar/insulin spikes. This then creates more sugar in the body for the cancer cells to feed on. Thus, the very thing to avoid when fighting or preventing cancer.

    Dr. Charles Majors fought his own stage 4, terminal brain tumors, which had metastasized from bone marrow cancer. He used only the natural 5 essentials of health (mental health, spinal/nerve health, nutrition, fitness/oxygen intake & minimizing toxicity) to become now 3 1/2 years cancer free! His protocols and story are detailed in his book so everyone can use them!


  158. Extremely misinforming article! A good diet and exercise certainly can *help* prevent cancer, but that’s not everything. There are a lot of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle choices that also influence whether or not cancer will occur. Also, I saw “cell walls” mentioned – animal cells don’t have cell walls! And distilled water is neither acidic nor basic, and there’s no harm in drinking fluids that are slightly acidic or basic. Our kidneys can easily compensate.


  159. Thanks for sharing….some good suggestions to follow. Love you…I made chicken soup if you wnat to come and get some….its still cooking though….XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


  160. Those tips aren’t from Johns Hopkins. It was a fake email. You can search online and find out about it. Apparently the email has been passed around for some time.


  161. Great job to put on a website false information that took me literally 2 sec to prove inaccurate. Let’s just hope your readers will do better research… Like if one of the greatest hospital in the World, Johns Hopkins, would publish something as childish as: ”Sugar is a cancer-feeder”



  162. I am interested in this article but it does not say where your information came from – is this just what you ‘think’ about Cancer or does it have something to back it up that you can share. I do believe what you wrote but it would be good for when I share with others to have someone in healthcare to back it up.
    Thanks, Shannon


  163. What are the credentials of the person who wrote this post? While there is a vague reference to “Johns Hopkins University” in an attempt to give it credibility, where are the links or cites to the actual research supporting these claims? If you are not a a qualified researcher of physician, posting potentially erroneous or misleading information about a disease as serious as cancer not only can cause false hope for victims, but could steer patients who are in need of legitimate treatment away from appropriate and truly effective medical care.


  164. Fatal flaw that makes the whole article suspect. God would not have promised Israel a land flowing with milk and honey if it were bad for them. Balance and moderation in what we eat corrects a lot of health problems.


  165. “Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties”. Right. Half of the statements here, like the one above, have no scientific evidence and are, at best, optimistic guesses.

    Whilst this is a promising text it is really misleading on the actual benefits of chemo and radiotherapy which have already undergone decades of research, and have actually improved life expectancy of cancer patients – unlike green tea or vitamin supplements.


  166. Good day. Could you please stop spreading half-truths about cancer? Look, some of what you say is sound advice for anyone, but it’s utter horseshite to attribute cancer – and the ability to defeat it – to “attitude.” I maintained a reasonably good outlook throughout my bout with breast cancer (yup, we men get that, too), my surgery and chemo. The attitude helped, but mostly to keep things in perspective. (I am disinclined to whine, for example.) That said, to say that attitude causes cancer or affects the outcome of treatment is a hideous insult to those of us who’ve had cancer and, far more seriously, those who are battling terminal variants of the disease. It’s over-the-top to suggest that someone whose cancer has spread and may now be at Stage IV is in that situation because of their “poor” attitude.

    Besides, while your list includes little nuggets of truth here and there, there are no links to original sources and Johns Hopkins itself has characterized the list as a “hoax.”

    By posting this tripe, you are insulting, misinforming and placing in danger the very people you claim to be helping.

    Beyond that, I have no real strong opinions on the subject.


  167. good points, it is also be proven by many leading universities that Cannabis cures Cancer. The best example is Rick Simpson, in what is knowns as Rick Simpson Oil. If you have Cancer please eat right and check out the importance of eating Cannabis, I have witnessed it save lives and kill tumors as well as lengthen life with those who are very sick. There is plenty of medical evidence now. Also Frankincense oil is being promoted, though this is new. May the Most High Bless you all.


  168. Yeah this is bullshit.

    The pH of distilled H20 is nearly 7 making it neutral. Even that, once it enters your stomach it mixes with the GI fluids which have a pH of 1-3.


  169. All true, but the soy. For women, cancer often is encouraged by hormones. Soy isoflavens can feed it. A better alternative is almond milk. Almond are also a super food on their own. Listen to your body’s rythms. Sleep when its time to sleep, including a micro nap in the afternoon. If you drink water, avoid bottled water in the warm weather. Use filtered water you have filtered yourself. The plastic bottles build up toxins in the heat and the bottled water is transported without refrigeration. I can’t stress this enough, avoid not only toxins in your environment, but toxic people as well. Don’t eat canned food, even though its cheaper. The cans are lined with that same toxic plastic. Fresh is best, simply prepared. But if not available, frozen is the way to go. Also, make your carbs count. Whole grains, nuts, legumes, and fruit. If you eat fish, use farm raised over wild caught, and don’t eat the skin. That’s where the toxins are. Eggs are high in protein, inexpensive, and easily digestable.


  170. To anyone who is reading this, the whole article is 100% pseudo-scientific garbage. All of this is solidly based in NO scientific fact. If you have cancer I urge you to trust your oncologist, and talk with them if you’re thinking of undergoing any alternative therapy. This kind of misinformation is extremely dangerous.


  171. This is great stuff; I’ve been preaching this for years. Im curious as to your source for the support of John Hoppkins as i would love to share this with friends who havent been listening and having the support of a great medical research enter would help my case. Many thanks!


  172. Where are the references for your information? Could you please post a link to the John Hopkins article mentioned. I would like to be able to go back and read the articles and studies from the sources and know if a reputable source is verifying this information. Normally all articles of this type would include references and links.


  173. Can you please provide the release from Johns Hopkins which includes this information? I’d be really curious to see how many patients went into remission from these methods.


  174. This would be a better article if it cited peer reviewed research….or any references for that matter. Are there any sources cited?


  175. Sorry, but this is COMPLETE bullshit and you’re a colossal idiot if you think a single one of these points is of any value. Please delete it before you embarrass yourself any further, then go and do some actual research into cancer therapy (which, it turns out, is based on an ENORMOUS volume of collected medical knowledge that can’t be summarized and dismissed in 16 easy steps). Thank you, the internet.


  176. What qualifies you to make claims on what cancer “likes” and “doesn’t like”? I’m assuming your profession must be “super doctor”, because you clearly know more than doctors do.


  177. What is your reference source for the statement in re: Johns Hopkins “AFTER YEARS OF TELLING PEOPLE CHEMOTHERAPY IS THE ONLY WAY TO TRY AND ELIMINATE CANCER ….” That is patently inaccurate. In addition to chemo, Johns Hopkins has been using radiation and surgery for decades in treating various malignancies.


  178. I have a baby recieving chemotherapy treatment. I find articles such as this insulting to everyone. Please find yourself a proper school and enroll before deciding that your opinions have any weight behind them.


  179. While I like this article I am a bit confused as to where your references to the esteemed John Hopkins Medical Center are and how it relates to your blog post. I am curious where you got your data and how you can mention John Hopkins in the link to your blog but then do not go on to site further references.


  180. Please cite sources that you base this information on. All of this seems entirely anecdotal – like the generic “good health diet” advice you hear in the US.


  181. Advising people to substitute with soy milk is crazy. There is a reason why cancer survivors (especially breast cancer) are told to avoid all soy products…

    Yes, soy is high in protein, however it must be prepared properly. The vast majority of soy in the US is not prepared/fermented properly and so is not great for consumption, especially in large quantities.

    There are many alternatives to cancer treatment…know your options.


  182. Once you get past the part that states that a healthy diet is (obviously) much easier on the body than harmful chemicals or radiation, this un-sourced article is full of inaccuracies, many of which are easy to look up.


  183. Please make sure in this that it is stated that in doing these things, it does not guarantee that you can avoid cancer. I have done all these my whole life, yet I still got breast cancer. Yearly checkups and staying in tune with your body is huge!!! Do all these, but also look at what you are putting on your body. Lotions, shampoos, etc carry harmful toxins as well.



    The information you have posted is false. Although it is good for our bodies to eat healthy and exercise and the deep breathing is beneficial to reduce stress levels which all gives us a better chance of fighting cancer, John Hopkins did NOT say the above points. It is irresponsible to spread false information, but it can be easy to be taken in, especially when it sounds good and authentic. Research your sources and best of all provide links to credible research articles.

    All the best in the New Year to you!


  185. This is a hoax. Johns Hopkins never wrote this, and it’s now getting passed around Facebook as if it’s fact. Please take this down. One of my moms dies from cancer; my dad & stepmom survived. Cancer should not be battled with hopeful half-truths like this. Here is the JH press release in case you have any doubts about the veracity of my reply. You’ll find similar information on snopes. Thank-you.


  186. I DISAGREE with replacing milk with soy milk – this is BAD for women, particularly pre-pubescent girls and boys, pre-menopausal women… switch to unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk!!
    Soy has a synthetic estrogenic property and most soy is GMO!


  187. i am a breast cancer patient and i undergone a 6 cycle chemo therapy but after that i have no medication i just only take a nutritional food supplement like USANA FOOD ESSENTIAL it is good for me to take this supplement?


  188. Beautiful idea, but sadly not based in reality. Healthy living helps, but these ideas hardly help your cancer. Find a real doctor if you are interested.


  189. This is so wrong it’s not even funny. Pretty decent up until, “STARVE the cancer cells out.” Also, “distilled water is acidic…” Distilled water by DEFINITION has a neutral pH level, meaning it’s neither acidic nor basic. “Cancer cells have a tough protein wall… ergo, eat less meat.” BULLSHIT, the author clearly has no understanding of how proteins, amino acids, OR phospholipid bilayers work.

    Cancer is a disease of the SPIRIT? If that’s so, don’t you think we’d have psychologists and psychiatrists instead of oncologists working with cancer patients? And finally, cancer can’t survive in an oxygenated environment, therefore you should breathe more? What kind of advice is that? Go around deep breathing and if anyone asks, “I’m preventing cancer, you should try it too.” This is seriously so bad and it should be taken down before anyone actually believes this fool.


  190. Parece-me que o YOGA,assim como o PILATES que incluem em suas práticas a concentração e principalmente a respiração,são bastante indicados como terapias preventivas a várias doenças.


  191. My diet isn’t too bad. When I look at this list I’m doing pretty good. I still believe that for me ‘stress’ would have to be the main cause of my cancer. My mother and two sisters both died of breast cancer and my 20+ mammograms have all been clear. It was two years, 6 months after I had lost my job and was suffering from severe depression that was diagnosed with another cancer (not breast). After my radiation treatment I have had the all clear from cancer, but the side effects from treatment I believe have been worse than the cancer and I am still unable to work. But my last mammogram was clear!

    I will definitely share this!!


  192. I have to wonder when I read things like this that is this one person”s opinion or is it the result of much scientific research and if so where and by whom is this research done, I ask because my mother has ovarian cancer 4th stage and she has always had a very healthy lifestyle as do others that get this terrible disease and this makes me wonder when I read things like this.


  193. “Don’t look at the nude?” Are you kidding? Healthy bodies..Good. Nude bodies…Bad? That is ridiculous. Somebody please change that juvenile statement from this wonderful life-saving information.


  194. This article is VERY misleading and possibly dangerous. I think it should be taken down so people don’t become significantly sicker and die because they follow these “rules”. Scary.


  195. This is not a statement from John Hopkins. They dispute all of these claims. These claims are what I happen to believe to be true. But John Hopkins never issued these claims. The medical field wants to control the info and beliefs around cancer as cancer results in billions of dollars paid to drug companies, charities, medical institutions, certain medical professionals, insurance companies, etc. Imagine if the entire business of cancer was erased…how would the world as we know it function? Cancer is big business. And thus, it’s getting bigger; cancer is not going away. Controlling the info, so there is a continued reliance on drugs, chemo, radiation, surgeries, etc. keeps the money flowing. And who’s winning the supposed war on cancer? Only the people receiving the money paid. The rest of the masses are paying the high price – the highest price.


  196. Pingback: How to avoid cancer | a girl with A Sword

  197. ALL true. My only concern is that this is already listed by Snopes to be a hoax. Why did you have to reduce the integrity of this article by misrepresenting J Hopkins? You can’t site an endorsement that isn’t true, and only weaken this information by lying.


  198. This is the most inaccurate “medical” post I have ever read, shame on you for writing and posting such awful advice for sick people. You should be ashamed for trying to pass this off as medically reviewed and sourced material. I am not surprised to see no source links to what is essentially your opinion. Shame on you.


  199. Pingback: How to avoid Cancer | Class for its self...

  200. Good theories here. Some of the same principles apply to other things like colds, stomach viruses etc Exercise and good diet boost your immune system.

    Instead people would rather use hand sanitizer!


  201. Actually, most of this stuff isn’t very helpful as “tips”…

    1. Admittedly, everybody DOES have cancer cells, but they’re not the kind most people understand. Cancer cells actually mean “cells which have been genetically compromised” and may not even make an attempt to grow (or proliferate) and take over the body. These dormant cells are called “Benign” and are the cancer cells within all of us.

    2. Not all cancers will be taken care of by the immune system, no matter how strong it is. Scientists have formulated the “Ten hallmarks of Cancer” which are the ten which cancer cells must possess to overcome the body with cancer. Several of these are aimed at preventing programmed destruction (namely, evading growth suppressors, avoiding immune destruction, resisting cell death and sustaining proliferative signalling). If the cancer cell is genetically able to overcome these defences they will, regardless of how strong it is.

    3. To state that “When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies” is a grossly broad generalisation. Most people don’t understand that every cancer case is unique and its origins could be almost anything. Admittedly, some activities such as staying out in the Australian sun for 3 hours without protection and drinking radioactive water would be major factors in the formation of cancer cells, but on the other hand the smallest thing (such as a malfunction in the cell repair part of a cell, caused by nothing externally) can cause a cancer cell.

    4. As I said, although having a good diet may be “good”, it doesn’t guarantee any form of protection against cancer. For example, Oxygen gives you cancer – Can’t really stop breathing, though.

    5. Chemotherapies, destructive as they may seem, are actually the best medical defence we have against most cancers. There are cutting-edge chemotherapies though, which are being released sometime in the next 5 years or so, which can target certain receptors on the cancer cell wall, receptors that the cancer will die without. Of course, they also target the receptors on healthy cells, however the healthy ones have a similar “backup” receptor, which in this case the cancer cells have lost during their mutation into a tumor.

    (To elaborate, THIS ISN’T THE CASE IN ALL CANCER CASES!!! Like I said earlier, every cancer case is unique, however this presents one approach that can be used in certain cases which would be very effective.)

    6. Radiation therapy is bad, yes, but it only damages a specific area. Unless the entire organ is irradiated, the remaining healthy cells can reproduce and replace the cells lost in the radiotherapy.

    7. Although the whole thing about the risk of cancer cells mutating and spreading from chemotherapy and surgery, the benefits far outweigh the risks. No amount of dieting will be able to make as much a difference. Additionally, chemotherapies also involve multiple approaches to kill off cancer cells, so whenever the cancer cells mutate, there’ll always be a chemotherapy to kill it.

    8. Many of the nutrients Cancer cells need to multiply are the same as those needed for healthy cells to multiply, because guess what the cancer cells were originally? Yep, normal cells. So if you try to starve the cancer cells in your body, you’ll also be starving the healthy cells in your body (I guess now you can see why chemotherapies are so difficult)

    9. The enzymes used to break down meat can’t be used to break down cancer cells. Similarly, the Body’s Natural Killer cells (which, may I add, are super awesome in the way the kill cells) not only don’t help digest meat but also don’t help killing off cancer cells. The immune cells who are able to directly detect and destroy cancer cells are CD8+ T-cells, which were designed to detect malfunctioning host cells. NK cells (as we call them) only attack bacteria and dangerous organisms from /outside/ the body.

    10. That 15th point, with the whole “body, mind, spirit” thing? really? It’s a load of rubbish. No matter how many times one does Yoga a day, it won’t help the immune system against the daily onslaught of pathogens. Admittedly, stress does decrease the immune system’s effectiveness, however you have to be chronically stressed over a long period of time for it to have a big effect. And besides, how can you be “at peace” when you have a tumor?! Kinda asking too much there.

    11. Now the 16th point is total bull. Cancer cells depend on oxygen, just like healthy cells. The reason why surgeons have to be quick when dealing with cancers is that the tumors are exposed to the air and will end up high on oxygen and can grow even faster.

    In short, don’t trust this kinda stuff unless it’s peer-reviewed and has evidence to back it up. Legitimately useful things will have links at the bottom of the page (or within the article) which link to scientific journal articles to back it up. If it doesn’t, don’t believe a word of it until you see the hard evidence.


  202. Painfully bad science. Good luck to those of you who read this rubbish and think it helps with cancer. Would be nice if people who publish such trash were held accountable for the deaths that occur due to blind followers of an article with no references, a Sexy picture to grab attention, and a lame reference to a respected Johns Hopkins to make this drivel SOUND vaguely researched.


  203. Information falsely attributed to Johns Hopkins called, “CANCER UPDATE FROM JOHN HOPKINS” describes properties of cancer cells and suggests ways of preventing cancer. Johns Hopkins did not publish the information, which often is an email attachment, nor do we endorse its contents. The email also contains an incorrect spelling of our institution as “John” Hopkins; whereas, the correct spelling is “Johns” Hopkins.


  204. First, John Hopkins did not publish this.. Where did you this..where is your citation? Cancer cells I’mare always present not sometimes..Yes diet has a strong prevalence, antioxidants are important but avoiding caffeine in tea coffee and chocolate. . really. .. caffeine has never proven to cause cancer. . where’s your citation.. distilled water is acidic? ??… your stomach has a ph of 1-3.. unless less you inject it I dought very seriously you will get get cancer from water. Cancer is not a disease of bad mind, body and Spirit… its mutated cells you always might help you fight it but doesent cause it. Cancer cells can live in a oxygenated environment. . What are you writing about.. where did you get this information. Vitamin supplements are for those who don’t get enough of the RDA. If you have a proper diet they are not needed.. Vitamins in excess do more harm than good.. Most supplements are flushed out anyway. Less Protein in the diet doesent free up anything to attack cancer cell membranes.. Where did you dig this up from..citation please…Undigested meat in the digestive tract doesent happen, it all gets digested..your body makes plenty of proteases to digest doesn’t hang out and get putrid. . A normal Ph is 7.45-7.45.. the body wants it there and does everything possible to keep its normal ph. You cant change it, dont even try, changing acidity or alkalinity in your body would mean death.. Where did you get the idea? What is a living enzeme.? Enzymes that enter the stomach are denatured.. meaning they do not work any more.. the ones that get there intact are provided by the salivary glands. . New ones are made in the Small intestine. So swallowing them won’t work to fight cancer..Something about sugar..its all natural..refinded by cane, beets, trees or made by bees..its all broken down into glucose..none is any better for you if it is looked at where it comes from..without it your body dies your brain uses most of your glucose stores to think with..Milk does not cause mucus in the gi tract. .. it is broken down from lactose into glucose.. being lactose intolerant may be a medical issue but not as cancer issue.Cancer cells will not starve if you quit drinking milk…This artical is so wrong i could go on and on about this.. please comment where you got this and why you want to publish such crap..


  205. been doing that since 1980’s…glad this came out, no one listened to me. after not a doctor…though a frustrated doctor…i rely on my instincts and gut feel…i guess this is why am still here…i am still looking for that sign what my purpose in this world is….


  206. If this were true people in the olden days would have died from cancer a lot more then people today. All they ate was meat drank milk and ate fruits full of sugars. And they didnt have antibiotics so when they got sick it would have fed on their weakened immune system. Stop trying to scare people into being fuck face vegan douchebags. Drinking no fat no taste milk and living in pure fear.


  207. Yes, I already knew about this , my brother-in-law used the sugar free diet a few years ago with lung cancer and was cured. I told an older lady with cancer of the spine, never thought she would make it, but she did and has been walking again for a while. Most people won’t listen though.


  208. This info is so true! I am so glad that you put it out there because a lot of people can benefit from it. I am vegan, so I read a lot about health. How did you get this info?


  209. What absolute pseudo-scientific nonsense, and how dare you, as apparently nothing more than a meditation fan with a computing degree, attempt to dish out medical advice, and medical advice on perhaps the most serious of issues, at that.

    On chemo:…/…/…/

    On “alkalizing” foods:

    Which leads into the rubbish about red meat and animal products causing cancer:…/…/07/the-china-study-fact-or-fallac/…/

    On “sugar feeds cancer” bullshit:…/2013/10/131025091443.htm…/artificial-sweeteners-myth/…/cancer…/sugar-and-cancer/…

    And other sugar myths:…/the-bitter-truth-about…/

    And then perhaps a more relevant, comprehensive analysis of the “clean eating” myth as a whole for you:

    (And pretty much all these articles include references to the research, it’s just that evidently you don’t know much about sourcing evidence, so I figured I’d include resources that are a little “lighter” so you may comprehend them.)


  210. Our bodies are smart- the body remembers how to make cells.
    I am not an expert but I have had cancer in 2001! Cancer taught me multiple life lessons!
    Your body and you know what to do! Positive lifestyle, positive people, ditch negativity- go with it!
    Joel Olsteen said it all today!


  211. Univerisity of Alberta had a cheap alternative to treat cancer but the big companies were not interested in it. My opiniion is that they would not make enough money. Shame on them.


  212. Oh honey… you have no idea how the human body works.

    “Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk, cancer cells will starved.”

    Wat? do you know what happens to mucus after you swallow it? do you even know what mucus is? mucus is just an exlir of proteins suspended in water. When it hits your stomach it’s digested into amino acids, just like other dietary protein sources. Mucus doesn’t float around in your blood feeding cancer.

    “Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.”

    Your body’s PH is tightly regulated. Blood pH is set to right around 7.4. Excess hydrogen ions are excreted by the kidneys, and more carbon dioxide is blown off in the lungs when you take on extra acid. This could only possibley be relevent if your patient is in kidney failure.

    “12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines will become putrified and leads to more toxic buildup.”

    Your GI tract is a tube with two ends. What you don’t digest you poop out, unless you’ve a blockage along the line, which if you don’t get fixed, will kill you. Second, there is far more plant matter that you can’t digest that meat stuff you can’t. What do you think happens to all of that?

    “A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes t o nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells.
    To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C”

    This is by far your biggest misconception. You don’t use plant enzymes. Enzymes are catalysts made of protein (and rarely RNA), and enzymes aren’t “alive”. When you eat plant enzymes, it hits your stomach, when the low pH denatures the enzymes, and then your digestion enzymes rips them into amino acids, which you absorb. The amino acids (exactly like the ones from meat) are then either deanimated and burned for energy, or integrated and reconstructed into your own cells proteins. At least you got that fruits and vegetables are healthy.

    Cancer cells feed on sugar because they don’t have oxygen. Sugar can be broken down to lactate through a process called glycolysis and then oxidized to lactate. Many kinds of cancers secrete paracrine substances to induce angiogenisis (new blood vessel growth), and once a tumor gets an oxygen rich blood supply, it’s growth takes off like a rocket.

    Cancer cells occur far more frequently than 6-10 times in your lifetime. They occur daily. usually your immune system wipes them out because they give off signals to your immune system that lets it know they’ve gone rogue.

    Please take an introductory human physiology class. You have some serious misconceptions on how the body works. I think it would help you understand exactly what cancer is… it’s not just a disease, it’s a collection of thousands of diseases, with one common trait. Control over the cell cycle has been lost, and the collection of cancer cells are dividing uncontrollably.


  213. I really enjoyed this article. The world is over run with mutated food products as well. I try to pass information such as this along to my friends.


  214. It is very irresponsible to post medical advice full of half-truths that the lay-person (suffering from cancer or whose loved one is suffering from cancer) may discover and believe. There is a place for alternative and complimentary medicine, but do not suggest that the mainstays of cancer therapy (chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery) are bad choices for a cancer patient. These are people’s lives at stake, you may be taking away precious days, weeks, months of their lives when they believe your copy-paste article over their own trained experienced physicians.


  215. This is not an accurate medical article and this has misleading information … who wrote this and where are you getting this information from? The spelling errors are atrocious. No doctor would have an article with spelling errors … this information is FALSE and MISLEADING … Please reply ASAP. Dangerous material of false information you are slinging here.


  216. I can’t remember the last time I read a blog entry like this. Almost every item in the list is wrong, and I’m not talking about small details or subtlety. This article is nothing less than grossly inaccurate, pseudo-intellectual nonsense masquerading as knowledge. There is little or no factual basis for almost every entry. As someone with an graduate education in engineering who has made a career in the scientific world, I find things like this patently offensive.


  217. Do you have some documentation to give credit to your research? You stated that Johns Hopkins is telling people an alternative, where did you get this information?


  218. Thankyou so much for the information on Cancer . My husband has stage 4 liver cancer . He had been hurting to no end in his stomach and when he was taken back in March of this year by ambulance he was in so much pain. I stayed back to tell the family where he was and that evening he called and told me they were going to do an emergency surgery on his colon. They found he had cancer. So then the told him later they could reverse the folly bag and they did that 3 months later. Found he had more cancer and they removed it. Also they said it was in the liver. So instead of the chemo and radiation treatments that most people have they have him on chemo pills. His hands are hurting and feet hurt and burn. He has devibulator and pace maker on one side of his chest and a port on the other side. He is also diabetic. Has leg and back problems. Still trys to keep going. He does crochetting, and makes wind chimes when he feels up to it. The pills he takes along with his other med. he takes, colestral, blood pressure, diabetis med. . He takes his chemo med. 14 days and stops for seven. They told him that he had to take the med. because if he didn’t he would not live more than 3 months to 2 years. He is a great man. He tries not to think about the cancer and keeps going. No hair loss. LOL LOL LOL . So sorry I did not mean to overload this on you. Just wanted to let you know I read he article and was very pleased with it. Thanks again Mrs. A Hoffman.


  219. I’m sorry, but this is a bunch of pseudo-science bullshit. Seriously. Where is the logical, scientific support for any of this? Anybody with even a modicum of biochemical or biological education could tear every single one of these statements to shreds in seconds. It’s entirely, outrageously illogical from start to finish.

    Normally I wouldn’t bother pointing this out, but selling worried or afraid people heinously inaccurate lies you haven’t bothered to support at all just to get page views should really damn this author to the deepest pits of hell.


  220. As a doctor I have to point out that this is complete rubbish. John Hopkins have released a statement condemning this article so kindly remove their name and replace it with “Some kids magic film I saw, or maybe it was a dream or my cat said..”


  221. H20 acidic?!Hahaha!”Sugar is cancer feeder” then tell me what is C6H12O6? This SUGAR is known as glucose and every living cell in human body is using it as a source of energy to grow and multiply!Just be a hero and show me how you can fool your mitochondria to use different kind of fuel!!!


  222. This is very interesting … please post the references for the peer reviewed journals which published this information – I’d like to look into it further.


  223. This is ridiculous!! Why is it comparing a TREATMENT for those with cancer to a way of PREVENTING cancer and generally living healthily. This is highly misleading as it makes it seem as if John Hopkins is recommending people to stop using the best know cancer fighting tools and to simply eat healthy. Also if you are going to cite John Hopkins in the title please give references to some actual published works from the hospital to back up a long list of random health buzz words.


  224. Wonderful–thank you so much. Now they need the book that tells them perfume, nail polish, deodorant are toxic too. I forgot the doctor’s name, who was a researcher, then he battled cancer, not once but twice!!! I’ll bring it, promise. Pece


  225. This study of killing off Cancer cells has been out for years. However, I think the fear which Dr.s place into people that if they don’t have Chemo that there is no other way to survive. Chemo has less than 2% cure if at that. Most of the time , Chemo will grow or spur on new cancer cells in the weaker parts of the body. Treating Cancer is over Billions of Dollars business. Why else do you think Obama and Congress passed Obamacare but to become a part of that business…in kick backs. Already , the White house is pressing GMO on the us, as well as demeaning Natural supplements which our bodies will now never get. There are many cures for cancer, but the Government does not want a cure.


  226. can you site a single study for any of the above statements?
    many of the statements are very rudimentary, but would require complex studies to prove.
    i agree with promoting a healthy lifestyle, but fear mongering, such as stating that tap water is unsafe is totally unnecessary


  227. Who is the author of this article. Is it a person in the medical field? The information is very interesting but I am wondering about how factual it is.


  228. Amazing and so true. This was discovered in the 1800’s and now we are rediscovering it as well. You can read it in this book written in the 1800’s called “The Ministry of Healing” Chapter “Mind Cure” by Ellen G. White.


  229. Unsubstantiated bullshit, all of it. My friend was the healthiest person I knew, gym and recreational sport, didn’t drink, smoke or take drugs and ate a balanced diet of fresh organic food with little red meat. Didn’t stop her leukemia. Chemo saved her life. Vegan friend on the other hand? Refrained from chemo and self-treated in many ways, some of which you’ve mentioned (no sugar, salt, caffeine, chocolate etc) and other ways like drinking pure liquified wheatgrass, and seeing spiritual healers and alternative therapy providers. She died slowly and painfully from a breast tumour that her doctors diagnosed was easily removed and required minimal chemo for cure. It’s articles like this that hurt people.


  230. Johns Hopkins has a press release on their website that says they didn’t release this info and they go through a point by point refutation of the content. Then they ask to try to get this misinformation taken down because it is unscientific nonsense.


  231. Interesting subject. I don’t eat a lot of junk food because of my stage 3 kidney failure and diabetise . No salt only what cooked in and no pizza and no ‘Olive Garden’. no chips, popcorn, John does our cooking. I peel potatoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  232. OH! Dear GOD is this a real truth? Are these TRUE FACTS FROM JOHNS HOPKINS INSTITUTE? How can it be confirmed that Johns Hopkins made this statement? How can I receive more information? Someone please reply to me on my FCCABOOK WALL PLEASE.


  233. Pingback: How to avoid Cancer | Cynthia Fernandes| Online Business & Classified Advertising

  234. This isn’t even remotely true. This false information has been circulating around since at LEAST 2004 and was never issued by Johns Hopkins. It took all of two seconds goggling this on Snopes to figure it out.

    And Johns Hopkins themselves have made a point-by-point article that tackles the claims made here.

    I strongly suggest you do a little more research before posting pseudoscientific garbage that is not only a collection of outright lies, but actually dangerous to the health of your readers.


  235. Pingback: How to avoid cancer. | The doctor is away

  236. What you have written may be good dietary advice, but it is not from johns hopkins, and it makes a mockery of medical science, and all of us with cancer who have no choice but to trust the best medicine can do to help keep up alive. As a cancer patient, I find it insulting, even hurtful that you would post such stuff.


    Information falsely attributed to Johns Hopkins called, “CANCER UPDATE FROM JOHN HOPKINS” describes properties of cancer cells and suggests ways of preventing cancer. Johns Hopkins DID NOT publish the information, which often is an email attachment, nor do we endorse its contents. The email also contains an incorrect spelling of our institution as “John” Hopkins; whereas, the correct spelling is “Johns” Hopkins.

    It has become such a problem that the National Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society, and individual cancer centers like the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center have posted warnings on their Web sites. Emails offering easy remedies for avoiding and curing cancer are the latest Web-influenced trend. To gain credibility, the anonymous authors falsely attribute their work to respected research institutions like Johns Hopkins. This is the case with the so-called “Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins.”
    From the REAL Johns Hopkins web site:

    I plan to notify Johns Hopkins Hospital that you are posting this fake letter claiming it comes from their hospital.


  238. Wonderful. The only things I would change are to put # 16, and 15 as # 1 and 2, along with pure, charged, and mineralized water. I would also substitute the suggestion for soymilk (which is often GMO, the mutant genetics of which will build rather than fight the cancer) with hemp or almond milk. This article is a much needed resource to many who are suffering but have pure and simple solutions within their grasp.


  239. This is dangerous stuff, maybe diet can alter the outcome, but people who are desperate are going to read this and think they can cure their cancer with this bunkum


  240. I agree with all these facts!!! I’m from a family were a lot of members have died from this awful disease! I’m now training myself to eat healthy, lots if green veggies, water, few fruits and little meat with lots of nuts!!! Hot water and lemon daily with apple cider vinegar!!!


  241. 15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor.

    This article is horse shit.


  242. Cannabis oil can kill cancer.The oil from cannabis is strong Indica or Indica dominant sativa crosses that have 20%THC or more,to produce there oil. Cannabinoids refer to any of a group of related compounds that include cannabinol & the active constituents of cannabis,They activate cannabinoid receptors in the body. The body produces compounds called endocannabinoids & they play a role in immune system generation & regeneration,The body regenerates best when it’s saturated with phyto-cannabinoids,cannabinoids can be found in cannabis. There is an enormous amount of scientific evidence to back up reported medicinal qualities of Marijuana & the health benefits that cannabinoids offer.


  243. Thank you for this. I was just diagnosed, 2nd time, only this time is 4th stage- breast cancer….hearing THAT is more than one can even bear…..


  244. Pingback: Facebook Fallacy #2 — Cancer | The Perpetual Skeptic

  245. Please read it (Por Favor Leiam) – Details of what I learned between 01/10/11 through 05/09/11 when I had CANCER but said “NO” to chemo, radiation, mastectomy, and other cancer drugs doctors wanted me to take. It also explains how NUTRITION can KILL the “DAM CANCER CELLS” Take time to learn about it and please remember “DRUG MAKERS”, main focus are DOLLARS (Billions of It) NOT specific the cure of diseases! Thanks for publishing this article – It confirms what I’ve learned, and it talks about NUTRITION “food supplements” which was all that I used to “RID OF” the breast CANCER that attacked me in 2011 – Por favor leiam este artigo, se nao entendes Ingles me avisa eu vou traduzir. Aqui fala sobre a importancia de um corpo saudavel e como os suplementos de nutricao junto ao conchecimento das coisas que elimina cellulas de cancer.


  246. FAKE!!! Google “snopes how to avoid cancer”. Look at the Snopes site. They give a link to the Johns Hopkins website which also says that this is a hoax, and debunks it point-by-point.


  247. Avoid anything with bromine in it as bromine (brominated flour) and other such related chemicals inhibit Iodine from reaching full potency in your cells, Iodine is known to also cause Apoptosis (natural death cycle of cells). Iodine helps regulate the thyroid and immune system to a healthy level. Follow this link to make this iodine, This can be taken internally as well as externally (2 drops a day internally).


  248. Pingback: Do not feed your cancer cells! | 7littlecupcakes

  249. You have enlightend me beyond words but it was a lot of educational news to take in. I want to read it again, take notes, and find out what my family needs to eat/not eat. This will be a total change in nutrition and lifestyle. I am currently doing battle with Bullous Pemphigoid (it will be 3 years this Feb.) so I am most concerned about my immune system which is already threatened –I don’t have much of one now. Is there anywhere I could go for menus?
    I appreciate this so much, and for my daughter-in-law who posted this.


  250. I was wondering about you statement about the dye to the table salt, my husband works in the salt mines and they never add dye to table salt. Is this for some table salt brands just wondering where you got your info. The rest of the article is great


  251. Most of the information here is common knowledge to anyone who has done a little research. Unfortunately so much of the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink, are very harmful to our health.
    Some go so far as to say this is a conspiracy to reduce the population of the earth, who knows? I do know this; the largest banks in the world have created and now control some very important organizations. To mention a few, the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, the international Monterey fund, the AMA, the European Union and the African union. This is just to mention a few that these banks ultimately control. They would like to form the N.American union combining Canada, the U.S., and Mexico, having a common currency called “the Amero”.
    Of course there are other factors at work here too, like the fact that a very well known ex vice president who got gas fracking exempt from the clean water act by the EPA.
    The truth about cancer is here, it thrives in an acidic environment, the old time remedy is to take a small amount of baking soda in water to create an alkaline environment.
    The artificial sweeteners mentioned here, mostly created from aspartame, are known carcinogens. Aspartame was created from the byproduct of carpet manufacturing, recently they have changed the name so they can put it on labels and it won’t be recognized.
    There is a clinic in Texas run by Dr. Burzynski who has found a way to treat previously incurable cancer. He had a five year old boy come to him with a brain tumor the size of an orange, that kid is now twenty five years old and is a spokesperson for this doctor’s clinic.
    The FDA has had him in court numerous times to try and stop his unorthodox treatment because it threatens their multi-billion dollar chemo/radiation mill.
    It saddens me to think that some put treasure above human life. They will reap what they have sewn.


  252. Unfortunately, these cannot be taken with a grain of salt. These experts should have known earlier and it takes years to release findings like these is just laughable.

    Cancer cells are nothing more than cells that have grown abnormal, and become uncontrollable by the system. If the genetic blue print of the cells have not been subjected to external influences which result in distorted development or undergo mutation, the cells will live happily ever after.

    Many of these external stimuli are nothing more than triggers, and they cause adverse chemical reactions to the environment which the cells live in. The triggers cause the the alarm bells to be sounded and the cells respond accordingly by changing their growth behaviour.

    I don’t believe that milk is a source of nutrient in the form of mucus conducive for cancer cell growth. I believe distorted or modified milk products are bigger culprits. These include yoghurt, sour cream, cheese, etc, which have undergone reaction in conjunction with the presence of other growing organisms. These are likely accessories to the cancer causing process.

    Many people are prepared to spend many times more on mineral water or spring water, but never question the side effects of the minerals can have on the body and cell development. Researchers only concern about purified water and distiller water, but overlook the obvious.


  253. Pingback: il blog di cami&juan

  254. Note: Manuka Honey is not superior to any other honey. So that is at least one odd error in this article. It does have marginally superior properties as a wound dressing… but even then… only marginally.


  255. Great article, but it neglects to talk about how cancer thrives in estrogen-rich environments. Avoid foods, ect that increase estrogen in body(soy). Soy is not a good alternative for milk.


  256. Partly true…

    1) AVOID fruit juices ( the sugar in juices acts the SAME way as sugar itself)

    2) Coffee is actually good for you – it lowers your risk of becoming diabetic (it is the sugar that you put in the coffee which is bad for you)

    3) There is NO scientific proof, that chocolate and tea are bad for you.. although there are MANY studies, that show, they are beneficial to our bodies ( not proven WHY) It is the SUGAR, we put in them, that cause problems.

    4) Meat and animal fat are absolutely necessary for your body to function, as it should.
    The alternatives- plant fat and plant protein can be very difficult to digest, some of them can be even toxic, (especially in large quantities) for the human body…thus, puting a great strain on our digestive and immune systems

    5) Milk is a “super-drink” for our muscles, when recuperating from big stress… ( don’t drink water, but MILK after exercise ) (of course, this is not for lactose intolerant people)
    Look up the nutritional composition of milk … you will be amazed.

    6) Whatever you do, AVOID ( UN-fermented ) Soya… (VERY toxic to your body)… (studies even showed, that it could LOWER the sperm-count if used regularly)

    7) A large percentage of the world population is unknowingly ALLERGIC to GLUTEN… so, try avoiding WHEAT (flour, bread,…etc) for a week or three, and if you START to feel better, you are one of them
    Allergies are a sign of the immune system going haywire, destroying your own body.


  257. And watch documentary called forks over knives, excellent information about changing to a whole foods plant based diet!!! Reverse heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer growth!!! No, really!! 🙂


  258. these are absolutely true and i am the living proof ,i beat cancer many times without the help of dangerous chemo therapy. green veges provide oxygen to your blood and cancer cells don’t grow in oxygenated blood. carbohydrates (sugars, pastas.oranges..etc) is the vitamins for cancer cells.
    stressful life will prevent your pancreas in producing insulin that neutralize sugar in your body. regular exercise will produce more insulin.


  259. When i googled john hopkins, i found out he died in 1873, so my question is if these ideas are his. The text suggested that it was. If not, it would be interesting to learn what research is behind the ideas. Perhaps researchers from his university? At any rate, i find the ideas very interesting….



    The “Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins Hospital” quoted above has been forwarded via e-mail as a preface to another piece (about the supposed dangers of using microwave ovens to heat food stored in plastic containers) also falsely said to have originated with Johns Hopkins. Neither article was issued by (or has any connection to) the Johns Hopkins university or hospital, and Johns Hopkins has disclaimed the contents of both:


  261. Pingback: Monday Miscellany

  262. How about providing some kind of citation to the information you are providing? How can you expect people to blindly believe things with out any kind reference to scientific research.


  263. Pingback: Monday Miscellany | Survival Brand News & Tips

  264. This really can work. I have a friend that was diagnosed with colon cancer 10 yrs ago and his wife who is all about nutrition changed their entire diet to accommodate his healing. They elected not to do chemo and radiation but to aggressively treat with the best nutrition available. He lost about 40 lbs. and looks wonderful and they still practice the new way of eating. He still works every day and leads a very active life. So needless to say, I am a believer.


  265. I have known this for years read The Calcium Factor Dr. Bob Barefoot, The PH Miracle Diet Dr. Robert and Shelly Long, Death Begins in the Colon, Dr. Bernard Jensen. Do a body cleanse, stay away from fast food, eat organic as much as possible.Women check out Bio Identical Hormone Replacement.


  266. Hi Ritz, this article is very good, we totally agree with it, thanks for thinking of us! Aaron and I believe and practice Oxygen therapy, not only for cancer treatments but for almost anything, the products we distribute and use for ourselves are exactly what this article is talking about, we have been doing this type of treatment for about 2 yrs. it`s awesome and natural, we are so glad you are aware of it now!


  267. FYI, according to
    Information falsely attributed to Johns Hopkins called, “CANCER UPDATE FROM JOHN HOPKINS” describes properties of cancer cells and suggests ways of preventing cancer. Johns Hopkins did not publish the information, which often is an email attachment, nor do we endorse its contents. The email also contains an incorrect spelling of our institution as “John” Hopkins; whereas, the correct spelling is “Johns” Hopkins.

    Another hoax email that has been circulating since 2004 regarding plastic containers, bottles, wrap claiming that heat releases dioxins which cause cancer also was not published by Johns Hopkins.
    The web site of Johns Hopkins’ Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center also notes of the “Cancer Update” e-mail that:
    It has become such a problem that the National Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society, and individual cancer centers like the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center have posted warnings on their Web sites. Emails offering easy remedies for avoiding and curing cancer are the latest Web-influenced trend. To gain credibility, the anonymous authors falsely attribute their work to respected research institutions like Johns Hopkins. This is the case with the so-called “Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins.”

    The gist of this viral email is that cancer therapies of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy do not work against the disease and people should instead choose a variety of dietary strategies.

    Traditional therapies, such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, work. The evidence is the millions of cancer survivors in the United States today who are alive because of these therapies. We recognize that treatments don’t work in every patient, or sometimes work for awhile and then stop working, and there are some cancers that are more difficult to cure than others. These problems are the focus of ongoing cancer research.



  268. So irresponsible to publish this. Anyone reading: you can get cancer regardless of your health (hence all the healthy and young people getting it), and changing your diet won’t do a thing to combat the cancer if/when it rages inside your body.


  269. I am just left wondering how much of this is Johns Hopkins and how much is from a “dimmension” of PremAseem’s thoughts. Sea salt needs to be the type with iodine added. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism (which can be caused by iodine deficiency) after using sea salt a couple of years.




  271. Totally agree! We should all know this, but there is such a huge group of people who will not want to believe this. They will ridicule these ideas and will absolutely not want to hear that we as people are responsible for our own health and that chemo and radiation are so bad… It’ll take time I guess.

    Just one small suggestion though: You should maybe post some links to research or write something about Johns Hopkins, because without googling I have no idea who he is. People will probably want to know more background to this article. Thanks!


  272. Could you please provide scientific evidence for your treatment recommendations? Studies published in peer reviewed journals would be appreciated.


  273. Wish I knew this before my mom died from cancer….maybe it could have prolonged her life a bit longer….cancer is such a horrible disease, takes away our loved ones, tears families apart, and ruins the lives of all involved!! I know I’ll never be the same again, not after what I witnessed!! I pray God cure all persons suffering from any and all forms of this life taking disease!! Amen!


  274. Let me start with saying that while I am not a doctor and I can not treat or diagnose illness , I have however studied herbalism and nutrition. Going vegan is a great way to help Cancer. Please note that when juicing it is important to use organic fruits and veggies or you will be consuming concentrated amounts of pesticides. It is a good idea to stay as organic as possible and avoid GMO’s as well. I would also suggest avoiding soy, especially if breast cancer is involved or there is a family history. Much soy on the market is GMO and there has also been a link between soy and breast cancer. Other alternatives such as unsweetened rice, almond, or coconut milk could be substituted. If a little sweetness is desired occasionally stevia is a natural non sugar plant based sweetener comparable to the likes of nutrasweet without the chemicals. Consulting a Naturopathic Doctor would also be advisable if going the alternative path. There are herbs and other therapies that can be helpful. Be well.


  275. This little post makes it seem like only sick or broken people get cancer. Its incorrect and just pure BS. People who are healthy athletes get cancer just like sickley kids do.


  276. Pingback: How to avoid Cancer | Malawi Ace

  277. This is related, I think; myslef and family members have healed osteoporosis with napal cactus and prickly pear (best in a smoothie with fruits like ginger, mango, papaya, orange juice etc…) and prayer on a daily basis over a 1-2 month period. The cactus reduces cortisol and stress … the main contribution to illness in the body. Shoul;d work for cancer too. ~Melanie


  278. This may sound bizarre, but how do you get cancer? I had to quit smoking because one of my medications made it taste awful and the price they sell them, I cannot afford any more. But, before I say more, I want to let you know I am in therapy and in no way at this time of hurting myself. When I am 65, I will. (I made a pact with my sister not to).


  279. This is a hoax and viral misinformation. Please stop spreading it. Always check before spreading such claims:

    “Information falsely attributed to Johns Hopkins called, “CANCER UPDATE FROM JOHN HOPKINS” describes properties of cancer cells and suggests ways of preventing cancer. Johns Hopkins did not publish the information, which often is an email attachment, nor do we endorse its contents.”


  280. Would you please cite the study or place I can see Johns Hopkins actually saying this? At this point you are just telling me to believe what you say without proving where it came from.


  281. Site your work. Where’s a link to John Hopkins saying this? I believe it, but with out medical backup, skeptics won’t. Update with the proof if you want to reach more people.


  282. This information is generally helpful, but NOT 100% accurate. (It’s ALMOST there, so keep up the good work!) Cancers use the same energy sources as normal cells. However, unlike normal cells, they thrive in an acidic, anaerobic environment. The guidelines above will place you in the correct direction, but ultimately you will want to migrate towards a 100% raw plant diet that does not include eggs, fish, and milk. You can get ALL of your essential proteins, carbs (starches/sugars), hydrocarbons (fats/oils), organic salts and vitamins with fruits, vegetables and raw nuts, eaten in acceptable ratios and combinations. [Items #11 and #14 are completely bogus and is harmful advice.]


  283. I believe in all this mentioned here. My only problem is watching people like Steve Jobs, who also believed and followed all these alternative options AND who had all the money in the world, not be able to survive cancer.


  284. This is utter horseshit. No one at Johns Hopkins is saying that eating meat produces an “acidic environment.” pH balance is the most scrupulously regulated homeostasis. What you eat has nothing to do with it. There may be some good advice here, but it’s chock full of pseudoscientific gibberish.

    Liked by 1 person

  285. Hoax:

    Johns Hopkins says this is a hoax and not from them.

    While I agree that nutrition may well be a legitimate way to fight cancer, it is important that we share this information truthfully and not by attributing our opinions to organizations like Johns Hopkins that do not share the opinion.

    For truthful information on the same topic, I’d suggest

    Liked by 1 person

  286. If only it was that easy. Johns Hopkins has gone on record to say they have not posted this information nor do they endorse it.

    That being said, I am a strong believer in that what we eat does affect every cell in our body. Therefore, if you take any thing from this article, please limit or eliminate any GMO foods from your diet. Believe it or not, even wheat in the states is GMO.

    Liked by 1 person

  287. Snopes says that attribution to Johns Hopkins University is false. Why taint good information, largely, by making false claims? Please delete the reference to JHU.


  288. What a load of crap. I’ll take my chances in a life with a lot less details and worry that these devil cancer cells are lurking just waiting to attack and kill me.

    Liked by 1 person

  289. Sources?

    It isn’t enough to just throw the name Johns Hopkins out there. Where are the peer-reviewed studies? Links to the relevant medical journals?


  290. I read dr. issis article in 1982 readers digest then dr. Austin took out a tumer stage one systic lympo saracoma and I took 7 kemo treaments in 83 last treatment in april 84 last treatment nearly killed me isaid to my self god does everything in sevens either I die or be healed 90 degrees and I was freezing I started drinking aloe vera and themm maxium formala vitiams drinking all the coffee you can stand taking fish oil delta water is full of pestacides and herbicides hot water or steam baths 105 degrees heat for 5 min. kills tumer cells I had right colonectomy in 07 im cancer free know and still pass merchant marine fisical at 70 and still working the young dechands out they say how you do it im from the old school no pain no gain like jack lelane grape seeds eat them potato skins to small Mexican red beans and blue berrys highest antioxadents clean your liver every morning with 6 shots of louisana hot sauce in a glass of water with 6 shots o lemon and lime it flushes out the cohlestrol so it cannot get to your heart sleep on your right side to keep the acid out of your pancreas take I spoon of konsyil in organge juice well mixed be fore eating it will lower your colestrol 30 percent in 90 days god bless in jesus name


  291. You really need to learn a bit more basic science before speaking scientific “facts” into a public forum. There is probably more error in this article than truth. Cancer is a multi-faceted disease that is practically impossible to perfectly prevent. You cannot “starve” cancer by cutting out sugar and meat. Human cells (including cancer) do not have a cell wall, they have a membrane made up mostly of lipids. There is no “protein covering” on cancer cells. Distilled water is not acidic, it is actually the definition of a neutral pH. If your body goes too far into an alkaline state you risk organ failure and death (acidity in your diet is not the enemy). Many fruits and vegetables are more acidic in their natural state than meats of any type. I understand your concern about cancer and eating right and exercising and living a healthy lifestyle, but please don’t spread loads of false information to innocent readers. There are a lot of good things you can do to try and stay healthy, but ultimately, even physically fit vegetarians who avoid sugar can still get cancer. That’s why it’s important to get regular check ups, live healthily and be proactive about your healthcare. Catch it early and avoid all of those nasty treatments that you despise. Leave the science up to the scientists, they’re not out to get you.


  292. Oxygenated water is an excellent cure! As you say cancer cells do not thrive in oxygen. You can make your own oxygenated water with distilled water and hydrogen peroxide (food type 35%). The peroxide is very diluted in the water (8oz water to 3 drops hydrogen peroxide). This is also good for your immune system.


  293. Prem: Excellent advice. I’ve recently been led in my spirit to adopt this new way of eating, etc. I was injured many years ago and it led to more injuries and sickness, including fibromyalgia, lots of weight gain. I’m cleaning up my diet now but am finding it requires a lot of discipline to make all these changes but I’m working at it. Do you also think this will help the fibromyalgia pain to go away? Or do you have any other advice for that disease? Thanks for the excellent information. Linda


  294. Very good information. Cut out the sweet in candy, soft drinks, and many other sources.
    Read labels on breads and many packaged foods. Watch out for sweeteners and other ingredients that are not safe for your body.
    A lot of people don’t know that margarine is not a safe substitute for butter. Margarine is the next thing to plastic. Would you melt plastic and spread it on your bread ?


  295. I don’t believe Johns Hopkins is saying all of this. Sounds a bit on the vegetarian fringe side. I agree with eating raw veggies 2-3 times a day, but do not believe about meat going undigested in the intestines. This article is somewhat believable but not quite fully.


  296. Pingback: How to avoid Cancer | Quiet Earth Blog

  297. Green tea strips the body of iron……iron is needed to keep the immunity strong.
    Eat only meat/diary that is not processed by companies with growth, antibiotic, factors etc., Protein is good for building muscle, muscle helps endurance, endurance creates strong immunity. So these are a few of things I’ve learned from my 33 ongoing battle with disease that is a bit different. All else, YIELD….especially SUGAR. Be careful of what you think, because what you think, you can create. The brain is extremely powerful and has the ability to help us chose the right foods, right exercises etc., P.S. As a certified yoga instructor, I know that yoga was developed to keep the immune system, lymph strong. Massages are dangerous for people with active cancer, because it spreads the cells from lymph to blood, to organs etc., No messages for people with cancer.


  298. Johns Hopkins released a statement specifically stating that these points above were not released by them and do not necessarily reflect the reality of medicine.


  299. hello there I am Tom, 3rd year med student and SURVIVOR of Hodgkins disease 2a for almost 1 year :)…

    Plain and simple alot of the information in this article is good advice and living a healthy lifestyle decreases RISK of developing not only cancer but various pathology and autoimmune disease. Eat well, exercise and maintain good health conscious will not only fight immunological warfare but in the long term serve to your health in the future and feel good.

    Since my recovery I have done just this and I can now say I am fit once again and even stronger than I was before. I also want to to make sure that you know that in alot of types of cancer… there is NOTHING at fault or previous lifestyle aspects that AT ALL lead to cancer developing… alot of cancers are absouletly the FAULT of the person and nothing he/she has done to cause the cancer. You cannot tell me that the poor children who suffer from various neoplasia are their fault… sometimes it JUST HAPPENS as it did to me and to most others as well.

    The main principle in this article and from a science point of view, as well as a personal… in that the ‘alternatve’… which is not even clearly marked in this article… can substitute chemotherapy. Wrong. When cancer has progressed to a marked stage in which diagnosis has confirmed with blood work/biopsy… chemotherapy and immunotherapy, as of modern time… is nessasary at that point of progression of cancer to help kill off those cells that are growing way too fast and out of control. It is of course always specific to each persons progression and type of cancer and that is why doctors are doing tests and seeing what treatments are required in the progression and type of ailment.

    You can reduce your risks and development of cancer by working out hard and eating right everyday! Live healthy stay positive and be happy, do not stress the small things and most importantly spread the happiness, joys and positivity to those around you and you will not only feel good today but as well as tomorrow and give that gift to those around you 🙂

    PS also leave a comment if you have a question about any specific point in this article… there are alot of points in this article that are just opnion and not fact. 🙂


  300. Please post the link to the Johns Hopkins article saying the stuff above, I haven’t been able to find it on their website. Some of the stuff I’ve seen but that looks like a complete list and it would be nice to get it from their literature.

    Thank you!


  301. After reading this article, I just had to say… WOW. There are so many wrong things in this article. I would love to see the statement from John’s Hopkins that states all of these things.

    1,2, and 3 are correct if simple explanations.

    4 and 5 have never been proven by scientific investigation. These statements also ignore that some genetic mutations have nothing to do with nutrition (ex. the RB1 gene).

    6 and 7 are simple, correct statements.

    8 is only true for certain cancers. Other cancers (liquid tumors) respond very well to multiple rounds of chemotherapy. This statement has a lot to do with size and vascularization of the tumor, and less to do with an inherent feature of the majority of cancers.

    9 and 10 are true, but not common. Some cancers are more prone to chemotherapy resistance than others, and surgical resection is often the only treatment needed for certain types of tumors.

    11 is so wrong, I’ll take it by pieces.
    (A) is true for all cells. Most of your cells use sugar as an energy source, your brain almost exclusively uses sugar. Most of the nutrients that you take in will be broken down to either fructose or glucose (simple sugars) before being utilized by the body. Also, all the data attempting to connect Aspartame to cancer is weak at best and often contradictory (Nutrasweet is saccharin which was proven not to be carcenogenic years ago). I can find no evidence connecting any process in salt production to cancer either.
    (B) Just makes no since. You just said that cancer feeds on sugar. Is it mucus or sugar? The mucus produced in the GI tract is stimulated by most foods as it is protective against the gastric acids used for digestion. This statement definitely needs some citation.
    (C) Most cancers do not occur inside the GI tract, so your diet wouldn’t affect the acidity around the cancer. There have also been no connection with growth hormones and adverse effects in humans (they even have to put that statement on Growth hormone free meat and milk).
    (D)Just going to address part of this one. Any active enzymes would be denatured by the environment in your gut, and would be too large to be absorbed even if they weren’t. That is why all enzyme based medications have to be enteric coated (if they are GI enzymes) or injected (if they need to be in the blood stream).
    (E) Coffee has both been proven to increase and significantly decrease cancer risk. No connection has been made directly to caffeine. True distilled water is nothing but water and is thus more neutral pH than most spring or filtered water.

    12 – This has never been proven by science using a method that warranted publishing in a respected medical journal. This is mostly touted by people selling colon cleanse products.

    13 – Most of the time cancer cells contain the same covering that your regular cells do. They did after all start off as a normal cell. If you are protein deficient you would also be lacking in the protein needed for normal function including production of enzymes (which are, themselves, a protein).

    14 – A study published in the Annals of Internal medication on vitamins was accompanied by an editorial signed by JOHNS HOPKINS researchers states “Most supplements do not prevent chronic disease or death, their use is not justified, and they should be avoided.” Also “What we’ve found time and again is that the supplements are not working…we don’t need to go on studying them forever.”

    15 – This would definitely not be a medical statement, so I am not going to address it.

    16 – Cancer cells are HUMAN CELLS and thus require oxygen to survive. If you get them so much oxygen that they die, it is also going to kill all of the other cells in your body as well.

    I would love for you to give citations to each of the statements (including one from John’s Hopkins) and prove me wrong.

    For those reading… Please don’t continue to share such nonsense.


  302. First this is stupid and a hoax. How anyone would fall for this is beyond me. On top of that you should not be giving medical advice if you have no expertise in the subject. Please read up on the link I am attaching about the hoax. Every medical advise you should ever give should start with “Go see a doctor or specialist”.

    And while I am at it might I point out that the blogs tagline “A PLACE FOR DIFFERENT DIMMENTIONS OF MY THOUGHTS” has a word misspelled. It is DIMENSIONS not DIMMENTIONS.


  303. Where is the data from Johns Hopkins? Where is the research and or references? Most of these statements are not bad information, but some are not completely true.


  304. Problem with this: My bosses husband is a vegan that eats only organic produce, drinks no caffeine and eats very few desserts and yet he is now dying of prostate cancer. It might be more than just diet..


  305. If you’re going to cite Johns Hopkins on this pseudoscientific trash at least provide a link. I seriously hope no one takes anything on this page seriously.


  306. Excellent article. I would add that folks eat something fermented everyday to heal and prevent leaky gut syndrome and contribute to good gut flora such as tempeh, sauerkraut or yogurt. People are starting to wake up about the dietary connections to cancer as well as the long-term dangers of radiation and chemotherapy. The slash, poison and burn model of cancer therapy will someday be replaced with high dose Vitamin C therapy, but not until Big Pharma can figure out a way to make it profitable to them. In the meantime, you are what you eat. Eat organic. Eat clean. Eat local. Use your kitchen. Avoid processed foods. Your life depends on it.


  307. This is mostly great info, except for a couple of things I noticed. Soy milk is not good for you. It has more estrogen (hormones) than real dairy and soy byproducts just are not good period. I drink rice, almond, and coconut milk. Another thing is that green tea is healthful, but it does contain high levels of fluoride which is poison, which in turn will lead to cancer over time. Green tea is one of those things that would have to be consumed in moderation, along with some juices that also contain high levels of arsenic or fluoride (apple or grape). One that of course is not mentioned is vaccines. Research those a little and you will find that they are counterproductive to any efforts to live healthy. Good health to all. 🙂


  308. Luann, you know my health issue and I will say that I do believe diet and refraining from alcohol has made a major change in my cirrhosis. My levels are back to normal only one result is just a little high,anyway I have been told that I have a high risk of developing liver cancer…. So your post has verified a lot cause I am on a “food will cure diet” or at least make things better. Thanks for your input, anyone else out there have any info.


  309. I very much enjoyed your article on preventing/fighting cancer without chemo or radiation. It is very straightforward. I shall keep a copy on my pantry for reference.


  310. Not interested in reading any of this when I am already in radiation therapy and trying to get over a bad cold from being exposed to sick people. Appreciate concern but please no more emails.


  311. This is total crap, and it is harmful. I’ve seen patients who had cancer that was caught early opt to undergo a diet to rid themselves of acid (not really sure what that means because everyone has a pH of 7.40) and then I have seen them come in a few years later with advanced cancer.


  312. This is ridiculous – how to live a LONG, boring and unhappy life.

    Some info is also completely wrong – meat for example – British farmers are not legally allowed to give hormones to animals and if meat contained any parasites at all they would of course be killed once cooked properly. After given antibiotics British animals also have a very strict withdrawal period before slaughter.

    It would have been a much more effective article if it just told you what you COULD eat, if anything at all. Ha ha.


  313. My daughter, thank you for the useful information on scary cancer, how to avoid it and how to manage it. When it strikes – usually detected when well advanced- it causes psychological trauma to the leading to unresponsiveness to treatment and family / social devastation. More than ever before, now I understand that Spiritual therapy is key in the management of cancerous tumors. By God,s grace, all diagnosed cancer conditions are reversible to normal life. Be blessed.


  314. I just finished reading your article from John’s Hopkins. Just so you know, this article nor any of the information was actually produced by anyone from John’s Hopkins and the information is largely inaccurate. If you’d like I’ve made corrections to numbers I felt were most misleading. Feel fee to share. Hopefully you find it beneficial (PS. I’ve spent the past two years working on a PhD in cancer metabolism at the University of Minnesota)
    1. Somewhat misleading. We do not all have cancer cells in our body. We have cells that, over time become dysfunctional, which may lead to cancerous change. Also, PET scans do not detect cell size. Cancer cells have the same physical limitations normal cells do. A tumor is a collection of cells. Cancer cells rapidly divide, they do not hypertrophy.
    2. I don’t even know where this came from and makes no sense if #1 is true… Very false
    3. I won’t argue, but it’s not entirely true.
    4. Simply false. Cancer does not simply occur d/t nutritional deficiency, no matter how it is caused. Very false!
    10. Wrong. Cancer cells do not mutate and become resistant to anything. However, not all cancer cells are the same just as not all normal cells are the same (even within the same organ) and can utilize different metabolic signaling pathways making them prone to some targets and resistant to others. That is why treatments are becoming more specific so not only will cancer cells be target without collateral damage, but will be more effective (however, you and I would prefer that not have to happen).
    11. Yes sugar is rapidly taken up in cancer cells, but sugar in and of itself does not cause cancer nor treat it. Cancer cells use proteins and fats to rapidly divide and sustain growth and can obtain those nutrients from other sources of carbohydrate besides sugar. In addition and the type of honey doesn’t matter… it’s sucrose (glucose and fructose) same as table sugar.
    11b. Nope
    11c. Nope
    11e. Nope. Caffeine does not cause cancer and green tea has as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. Both have antioxidants (different ones) that are beneficial in maintaining healthy cells.
    12. Nope. Meat is quite efficiently digested and anything not digested is excreted, it does not remain in the colon. Meat has been plagued with disease links d/t its high n-6 content, which can as you know increase inflammation, but that is most often associated with vasculature and not organ systems.
    13. Nope. Cancer cells are no different than healthy cells except how their machinery functions internally. Their membranes are made up of a phospholipid bilayer and are just as susceptible to natural defenses as healthy cells.
    14. Vitamin E does not induce apoptosis, it prevents it! If it caused apoptosis, that would mean taking Vitamin E would cause healthy cells to die… Vitamin E removes free radicals from the cells which, is why it is dangerous for people with cancer to take in more antioxidants: that is the antioxidants prevent build-up of toxins that would otherwise cause the cells to die and thus allows cancer to thrive. Antioxidants have been largely linked to greater cancerous change and lowered survival overall.
    16. Wrong. This and 11c I’m sure are referring to the well known “Warburg Effect.” However, this is often misrepresented and does not state cancer cells thrive in acidic or oxygen rich environments. The effect notes that cancer cells utilize glycolysis as the main source of energy and biomass production regardless of the presence of oxygen. That is, cancer cells ferment carbs which, is normally done when there is little oxygen available (i.e. exercise). Exercise is beneficial because it elicits cellular signaling mechanisms that trigger a cascade of mechanisms that induce longevity and protect against chronic disease, it has nothing to do with availability of oxygen.
    I hope this is insightful and interesting to you. I do not wish to come off arrogant or degrading. I just see a lot of misinformation especially when it comes to cancer and I want people to be well informed as I know you do as well.


  315. I feel a little hypocritical here, because I will probably follow these guidelines only a little. I’ve tried to reduce meat and sugars and fats in my diet before, only to slide back to a more traditional American diet very shortly thereafter. But thank you for telling us all these observations. We’ll try.


  316. This is such a shoddy blog post. This post includes tons of generalizations, contradictory reasoning, sensational language, and flat-out false statements.

    Of course it is important to eat and live healthy – any doctor will tell you that. However, eating cancer-fighting foods as a singular treatment will not save lives once cancer has already developed. Certain foods may provide additional support for your immune system, but they should not be considered effective treatments in and of themselves. I recommend the book Foods that Fight Cancer by Richard Beliveau as a great basic reference that gives a great overview of nutritional factors that may supplement regular treatment. It has been translated into dozens of languages, but here’s a link to the english version on Amazon:


  317. Who is the author of this article and what are their credentials and proof (research studies or trials) to show they know what they’re talking about or is this just another blog?


  318. It is clear you have absolutely no medical training and are completely unqualified to speak on cancer treatments. You may hurt people with your incorrect medical advice. I don’t feel like going through the inaccuracies, but the article is full of them. Just stop.


  319. I’m not arguing the content, but this article loses credibility in the first line, with a false attribution. And in things like this, source is everything. Obviously, health recommendations carry more weight coming from Johns Hopkins or Cedars Sinai than from Kim Kardashian or Justin Bieber. When the source is proven false, the credibility of the rest goes out the window. Something this important, we need to check our facts before spreading something just because it resonates with our own preconceived notions.


  320. Been saying this to people for years, with the exception of the “purified water”. Purified water is a big no-no! And another alternative to the sugar is stevia.


  321. Our medical system will never endorse this type of cancer treatment, these nutritional ways to fight cancer have been known, and used by many with good results, but guess what, the doctors wont make any $ and all that equipment and the big medical facility must be paid for!!!


  322. no.8 is not accurate or correct, better to say prolonged treatment is not so effective due to reasons outlined in no.6 and no.7. Also , how long is prolonged treatment? , is it the time factor or the number of treatments per day / week ? Also what about increased dosage? You may also wish to balance the arguments to say what percentage of good cells need to be destroyed in order to at the same time destroy caner cells. Some people are willing sacrifice almost all their good cells to be destroyed in order for the cancer sells to die. This is a high price to pay, but its not for us to say.


  323. This is a very good advise to us elder people like me a 78 yrs. and much help and lot of thanks
    for your reminder, be assure that I will share this to my friends and other people I care.
    And mostly to my good friend, Noime Yparraguire that I miss for a long time.



    I am absolutely an advocate for all things natural and healthy. I would agree that excessive amounts of sugar (common to the American diet) among all the additional *crap (to put it politely) we consume absolutely contributes to the spread of disease and cancer in our bodies. However, I do think it is important to properly cite you sources before publishing something like this. It didn’t take me 30 seconds to determine such a post, falsely attributed to Johns Hopkins, was a ruse.

    Unfortunately, the medical industry will never actually look into, let alone promote, natural cures for disease because it is not profitable. They are interested in drugs, selling and prescribing them. Certainly information like the above is helpful for anyone: yes, be healthy, make healthy choices, and your body with thank you for it. But this article/information cannot be attributed to Johns Hopkins.


  325. I work in the health and wellness field.
    The above statements are true.
    I have a supplement endorsed by johns hopkins as a way to increase your Immune systems ability to function at the highest levels possible! RVB 300 is the name of the product. Its a wonder that more people dont know about this.
    I want to help you be the healthiest and
    I stand behind it 100%.
    Go to
    for info on this revolutionary product!
    Thanks, John Strup


  326. This article is a hoax and and dangerously inaccurate. Nothing to do with Johns Hopkins ( that’s the actual name of hospital btw). Who believes this and shares this, very dangerous, chemo saves lives!! I could tell this was a hoax as soon as I read it!!!!


  327. This is a complete and utter lie, and Johns Hopkins has put out a message on their website both denying this came from them AND debunking its claims. I lost two good friends to cancer this year. You should be ashamed of yourself.


  328. I call bullshit! I know people who don’t eat red meat or sugar and have had cancer and died from it! This theory is great, but also wrong. And I work in surgery EVERY day, I see cancer more than I care to. Having surgery does not make cancer spread. That’s just ignorant. So you are saying if I have cancer in my colon and I have sinus surgery it’s going to somehow magically metastisize? Yea, no.


  329. also due to OXIDATIVE STRESS, which is free-radical overload. basically rusting or corroding at a cellular level. This overloads the system which in turn weakens the immune system. Addressing the oxidative/free-radicals/stress allows the body to fight back and recover quickly.


  330. ya that’s pretty amazing knowledge I have bee doing studies on ways to fight cancer and live a healthy lifestyle for a while for myself I have been trying to spread the word as well I know a few people with cancer right now and prayers are always with them my uncle being one he was basically on his death bed too put it lightly and I showed him a few different ways to go about trying beat it then using chemo like you had mentioned diet is a big thing in staying healthy. I basically think that a lot food we eat here in this country is garbage and is slow form of poising not to go into details because I think you understand writing this blog anyways its always good to spread the word good luck and keep writing powerful messages as this one


  331. I, for one, who’s lost loved ones to cancer, would love to see some references to actual medical facts, instead of opinions and suggestions. I see your masters in computer applications, but nowhere do I see M.D. to reassure the minds of people who come to this page seeking knowledge in a time when they’re most likely panicking. Your title, friend, is very misleading and very irresponsible. One cannot simply AVOID cancer by doing these things, and where, if doctors have not proven it, does it state that cancer cells are within the body upon birth? How do you know this magical information that doctors haven’t figured out yet? If no doctor upon this earth can detect cancer cells in your body before a tumor has developed, then how is it that YOU are able to have gained this knowledge? A much more suiting title would be ‘Ways to start a healthier lifestyle’. There are many forms of cancer, not just one, and it is a mutating disease, which is why there has been no cure. You refer to a very prestigious medical school at the beginning of your post, but neglect to give us any link to this information if the school did provide it. I’m really not trying to be a debbie-downer, this is some EXCELLENT advice. Since you claim it is directly related to whether a loved on will survive cancer or die from it, I’d recommend you link some references.


  332. References? Also if you are providing medical advice, at least make sure you are using proper grammar and spelling. This article is a weighted, biased commentary.


  333. Pingback: Reckless Blogging and Posting | 5pointswellness

  334. Pingback: Interesting facts??? They do make sense | jgrullon2's Blog

  335. The Johns Hopkins website refutes all of this and says it is wrongly attributed to them and causes a lot of trouble. Search “cancer” at to see that it is FALSE. You can also go to this page and link to the Hopkin’s page that argues against the article you posted line by line.


  336. Hi all please please do not share this if you care about people with cancer, the level of BS here is astounding. I don’t mean to be disrespectful in anyway but this kind of misinformation can kill people and as a scientist I get the urge to say something. Whilst it has a lot of correct information about chemotherapy side effects they are far better than developing cancer. A few really things about this article tho, 1) it states how your body fights cancer cells everyday, this is technically true but let me explain why. A cancer cell is a normal cell that does not die, in other words your bodies cells have a life cycle of approx 30 days, then they die to make way for new cells. However cancer is when this normal death cycle does not happen and the cell continues to replicate and make new copies of itself like a healthy cell but they do not die. So when your body “kills” cancer cells as this article states what it means is the cells are doing there normal job, dying after 30 days. 2) The article states cancer thrives in an acidic environment, whilst this is true again the article deliberately misleads people by saying you can adjust your bodies pH through eating differently, this again is half true. Your stomach acts as a normal buffer for your bodies pH, you cannot adjust the pH of your entire body via eating different foods as your stomach will act as a buffer which prevents the pH change spreading throughout the body, ironically this is actually to ensure your bodies own cells do not end up in a pH that could kill them so that line of the article is complete bullshit. Another pile of rubbish is this line of the article “Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines will become putrified and leads to more toxic buildup”. It is again half true, meat is difficult to digest but in the sense it takes longer, not the body cannot break it down. It does not leave toxic products either, thanks to evolution the human body is well equipped to break down foods that have been a part of human diets for the last few era’s, the only exception would be if your were intolerant to a food. The next line is “13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body’s killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.”, this is just complete bullshit on so many levels i do not even know where to start, cell death does not occur by “enzymes” and the use of vague terminology here shows the author has little to no clue as to what happens. Cell death occurs by “apoptosis”, which is the programmed cell death I was talking about earlier, as i said earlier cancer occurs when “apoptosis” doesn’t occur, i.e. the cell doesn’t suicide. If it was an enzyme problem then cancer would be easy to solve, cell won’t die inject enzymes needed etc .
    i could go on all day about this article but the main thing I’m getting across here is be very careful what you read, god forbid if you ever got cancer ignore shit like this and take your doctors advice. All the current medical information out there has been tested, peer reviewed and retested. What has been proven to work has been done so with a proven track record and the stuff that has been shown as bullshit ends up on websites like this peddling misinformation. This sort of stuff usually pops up on websites run by non scientists who claim that the rest of us work for “big pharma” and are all secretly hiding the cure for cancer to sell everyone pills.
    One last thing is this email was not actually distributed by John Hopkins, there’s an alert out its a hoax if you google it:…/cancer_update_email_it…
    Again I’m writing this to ensure no one actually tries this if god forbid they got cancer, if you do end up in that situation, trust your doctor, not the internet .


  337. This message is a hoax & has untruths. See the response from the Johns Hopkins University website.
    It’s bad enough to have cancer, but then to get false hope from such messages as above.


  338. Thanks for the comprehensive list of foods to eat and avoid and the information. I am currently fighting cervical cancer and have only been able to find bits of info till now.


  339. Typos annoy me, but evidence is sorely lacking for numerous claims. Liver will have a tough time metabolizing this large amount of supplements. Lots of fresh produce, whole grains, minimal meats, dairy, and water will provide holistic nutrition needs, making supplements unnecessary.


  340. According to Johns Hopkins, this article is a hoax! t


  341. This sounds like it was paid for by the whole foods people…..I WILL NEVER DRINK SOY JUICE…..IT IS NOT SOY MILK…..hmmmmm NO MEAT…..FRUITS AND VEGGIES……NO MILK…..NO SUGAR……what politicians are behind this????? Michelle Obama perhaps or maybe Mayor Bloomberg lol


  342. My mother has been vegan for 3 years. Before that she rarely ate meat as it was, has been eating organic most of her life, juicing since I can remember, works out religiously, doesn’t use plastic, avoids products with chemicals (deodorants, toothpastes, etc). Earlier this year, doctors found a 5cm tumor growing in her colon. A homeopathic nut self-proclaimed “doctor” convinced her to follow an even more stringent all vegetable diet with some other wacky supplements, telling her this would shrink her tumor. It did the exact opposite and would’ve killed her had we not intervened. Surgery and chemo is the only thing that saved her life. Your diet cannot prevent or cure cancer. It can certainly help, but nothing will prevent cancer.


  343. FALSE

    [This lie] has become such a problem that the National Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society, and individual cancer centers like the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center have posted warnings on their Web sites. Emails offering easy remedies for avoiding and curing cancer are the latest Web-influenced trend. To gain credibility, the anonymous authors falsely attribute their work to respected research institutions like Johns Hopkins. This is the case with the so-called “Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins.”

    The gist of this viral email is that cancer therapies of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy do not work against the disease and people should instead choose a variety of dietary strategies.

    Traditional therapies, such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, work. The evidence is the millions of cancer survivors in the United States today who are alive because of these therapies. We recognize that treatments don’t work in every patient, or sometimes work for awhile and then stop working, and there are some cancers that are more difficult to cure than others. These problems are the focus of ongoing cancer research.


  344. 1) Gives the impression in the heading that it is goinmg to report on some new stuff coming out of some research in a well respcted scientific establishment but fails to come up with the goods eg references etc. so culd we have these references please.


  345. This report isn’t real. If you look at Johns Hopkins official website this article (which has been circulating for years) is repudiated and noted that as it was originally published, the forgers didn’t even spell the hospital’s name correctly. This is new age or newage (rhymes with sewage) garbage. Please remove the post as it gives people false information regarding something incredibly important.


  346. Excellent article! Validates what I have maintained for many years. My wife and I are going to make these changes in 2014! Do you have a cool book or recipes that support your theories?


  347. As the son of a patient in chemotherapy, I’m going to be blunt but polite.

    First, check snopes.

    Please do not post things that don’t actually have links to anything remotely scientific (it mentions John Hopkins, but there isn’t a link or citation). I have no problem with alternative therapy, but there is nothing proving the validity to this post, and the idea to ignore modern medicine for alternative medicine (instead of a balance of the two) is dangerous.


  348. I thought this was going to be useful. Instead, it turns out, this is more of the liberal, food police propaganda. Somehow, according to this article, an acidic environment is where cancer thrives. How is it that the knowledge of decades ago, that an acidic environment kills cancer cells, has done a complete 180 degree turn about? Why do you “experts” not simply keep your bull to yourselves. Most of you would sell your mother and your dignity to the person who pays you the most for your “expert” opinions. Get off of the public forums and back in the lab where you have graduated from monkeys to the public at large. How do you live with yourselves?


  349. Certainly interesting and hopefully helpful, but where is the evidence that this comes from Johns Hopkins? There’s no link anywhere bolstering such a claim, or is anything other than one person’s opinion. I’m totally open, but want to see links citing evidence.


  350. As wonderful as this might sound there are no sources or case studies proving the positive benefits of a diet such as this or disproving it either. It looks as if it is legitimate but without any real medical evidence provided this particular article holds no actual merit. Where are the sources or links to John Hopkins coming to these conclusions? Just saying.


  351. Pingback: How to avoid Cancer | BurrellsWords

  352. I led a very healthy lifestyle and still got cancer at the age of 22, and chemotherapy saved my life. I’m detecting a bit of nutrition-as-cancer-cure undertones here and just feel obligated to post because if you are diagnosed, your best bet for coming through alive is chemotherapy/radiation as recommended by the doctors whose job it is to keep you alive, in tandem with proper nutrition. Keep in mind as well that outside eating organic food, supplements are actually a poor way of getting the nutrients you need. They are completely unregulated in the United States and can have widely varying true doses and completely ineffective/indigestible ingredients with little consequence.


  353. I am gonna have to call BS on this article… that is rife with misinformation and false information. Whoever wrote that doesn’t have a real firm grasp on human physiology… and probably just pieced that together with little bits of popular media twisted stuff pulled from the internet without really knowing what they were talking about.

    Prevention is definitely the best medicine. Maintaining a sensible, healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise and you’ll definitely minimize changes of getting cancer, but it is by no means a cure. Nutritional deficiencies will not cause cancer. Poor diet may contribute to your risk factors… but still will not cause it (unless you happen to be eating paint chips and nuclear waste… or glowing green goo down in a sewer, heh). You can’t affect the growth of cancer by altering your diet, and you can’t starve it to death. Eating less meat or sugar won’t affect the growth of your cancer at all. Also, I don’t know where they got the idea that meat will putrefy if you eat too much. Meats are super easy to break down, especially compared to most plants we eat.

    Cancer is not something that the immune system can deal with itself… otherwise we’d have no issues. We would just tell patients to eat a healthy diet and get some rest. Problem solved, right? Cancer is an accumulation of mutations or alterations to our own genetic code, for a variety of different reasons (which are compounded by smoking, drug/alcohol abuse, etc)… which makes it very difficult for own immune system to fight. This is also whey there is no “cure.” Each mutation is gonna be random and different for every single person.

    Oncologists are very highly trained, and most take a very minimalist approach to therapy that can cause “collateral damage.” Chemotherapy and radiation are both very selective, and are generally very effective, and won’t cause the damage that the article claims. There are some short term side effects, but these are almost all transient.

    This article implies that Docs have no idea what they’re doing and are haphazardly radiating and poisoning people just cuz. Doing even a few minutes of actual research on any of the claims in the article and you’ll realize that the author was just making stuff up.


  354. I agree with most of the article. No soy all soy is GMO. Coconut milk instead. Bragg amino is also soy. A pinch of sea salt is better. The best sugar substitute is xylitol or stevia. You can have it
    without any worry.


  355. M. Blackford, Current PhD student, M.S. Environmental Sciences, bachelor's degrees in Geology and Environmental Studies with minors in Anthropology and Biology.

    Dear god, man. You’ve got some technical learning from your degrees, surely you’re familiar with snopes? Or go directly to the “source” Johns Hopkins University. Please please stop promulgating this dangerous email hoax and let the several hundred people who’ve “shared” this know that it turned out to be wrong. Just…encourage them to eat healthier and live a more physically active lifestyle. That’s basically the only truthful bit in the entire thing. The “living” enzymes, the parasites (Waaay worse in fish), the mucus-eating, oxygen-hating cancer, the salt fallacies, I don’t even know where to begin with what’s wrong. Fortunately some extremely reputable sites have done point by point debunking of this dangerous medical hoax.


  356. Sorry, I don’t believe Johns Hopkins Hospital said any of this…if I am wrong please provide the source of your information. Doctors’ names would be helpful too. It’s annoying when people try to use the names of reputable sources to give their “opinions” more credibility


  357. Your lack of sources is disturbing. The half-truths, more so. I.e., “Distilled water is acidic, avoid it” is wrong. Distilled, by its definition, means pure. If you meant, Distilled water that is left open to re-absorb airborne molecules becomes acidic, say that.


  358. Very informative. Have peritoneal cancer-stage IV of pelvic/ab/stomach lining with a sizable amount of fluid outside my left lung-been there since July. 2nd go round of chemo and this info is extremely helpful. The chemo is not having much effect other than to keep it at the same amount of fluid which bothers me. It is filled with cancer cells so I need to get to work on finding additional treatments ( such as what is offered in this article). Thank you for the common sense info. Sometimes it can be very difficult to want to eat let alone desire specific foods. Something I have to work on. Motivation! My attitude is great just don’t quite have the energy I’d like and have to stay away from crowds and wear masks. It’s adapting to a new life of being on chemo the rest of my life.


  359. Johns Hopkins in the past has denied any connection with this hoax or with any of the statements made within it. (At least this version got the name right. In many previous incarnations the institution was referred to as John Hopkins.) There are some valid points in this message, however distorted. Vegetarian diets are associated with better health and probably not just because people who eat vegetarian diets also tend to avoid other things that impair health such as tobacco, alcohol and recreational drugs, and also tend to adopt healthier lifestyles such as exercising, meditating and living lives of less stress. But vegans get cancer too and some carnivores live a long time and remain relatively fit until they die. Taken as a whole this piece is mostly in error.


  360. While some things included here are truth, some are not and the main point of the story about Johns Hopkins is false (see – I do not recommend chemotherapy in general but the truth is Johns Hopkins does. In the other hand, I find useful the food advice that Johns Hopkins does give (


  361. Lots of people believe that the proteins in asparagus attack and kill cancer cells. Also a teaspoon a day of baking soda in a glass of water helps regulate the body’s PH to an alkaline state.


  362. This is a hoax. Here’s what the real place has to say:…/cancer_update_email_it…

    Please check before sharing medical advicek; you wouldn’t want to be responsible for someone not getting the treatment that might save them. And when you find something is false, please share it back to the person who you got it from.


  363. This is a great article, but why cheapen it with pornograpy. Hey, I love Porn, but that has nothing to do with health. Oh, wait, some of you retards will say great sex as we see in Porn is equal to great health. Just proves you know nothing about life. This post should be taken down and equated with something else.


  364. Hello Prem,
    Despite naming Johns Hopkins in your blurb, you have provided not a single citation. I am not disagreeing with anything you have listed, as many of them are true.
    But I would love to know when and where Johns Hopkins began preaching the evils of chemotherapy.
    I, myself, have resisted chemo for several years, and am in complete agreement on this point.


  365. Hello again,
    As I wrote in my previous comment, there are definitely points in your list that I agree with, having studied this subject a bit.
    According to Snopes, this does not originate with Johns Hopkins.
    And you do us all a disservice when you merely paste something like this on your blog without checking the sources.
    This will cause someone out there to believe that what you posted is untrue.
    So my suggestion would be to locate credible sources of the information you posted and do over.
    I wish you no ill will, but I am someone affected by this and would like to be taken seriously.
    All the best!


  366. Cite your source to give it credence. By just saying “Johns Hopkins says…” Does not necessarily imply it has the sorce, so…cite the source of the recommendations as specifically as possible. It is not that I disagree with the recommendations, but accurate source identification will give it more value…the value it deserves.


  367. “Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.”

    This makes me question everything else in the article (because it is patently untrue)……otherwise, a very good read.


  368. Love the written post above – thank you.
    Please add scientific, double blind, peer reviewed white paper evidence to each and every claim.
    Please post the full name and contact information of the author.
    May we listen to one another with care
    May we create a world that works for everyone. Yay.

    With kindness and respect, Rob Kanzer (617) 491-8939


  369. This is a well written article, the point about green tea is spot on. However, there is one incorrect bit that I spotted right off. Distilling water in no way changes its pH. It will still habe the same pH as the source water. Sometimes mineral or spring water can be better because they contain minerals that the body needs, but filtering or purifying do not remove all contamitates. Only distilling water can acomplish that. In fact, water distilation is being used in desert areas to remove sea salt and contaminates for a reliable source of drinking water.


  370. You really should put your name on this and let us know if you have a PHD i certainly know that I want to believe it like all of the Families that you are encouraging to stray from proven medicine. Just let us know that you have the qualifications to actually say no to chemo and yes to alternative treatments.


  371. Great advice, except for one thing – suggesting avoiding caffeine and then advocating green tea is like suggested avoiding the cold and advocating standing in a freezer. There is m


  372. Pingback: {Article Share} How to Avoid Cancer | yoga baby mama ™

  373. Where are any citations? As groundbreaking as these claims sound, it would be nice to see some evidence/peer review in these sort of articles. Otherwise it just looks like another baseless anti-mainstream medicine or pro-vegetarian article that seeks to misinform the public by simply appealing to their ignorance of actual academic structure.


  374. There are a number of statements in this article that are scientifically false. 1) Cancer cells do not have a cell wall, plant, bacteria and fungi cells do. Cancerous cells are our own cells which have been reprogrammed to multiply out of control, therefore they are our cells and therefore animal cells and do not have cell walls. Animal cells have cell membranes without cell walls. 2) We produce all the enzymes which digest the food which we eat. Any enzymes already present in food is deactivated and destroyed by the very acidic pH of the stomach. The stomach produces enzymes which begin digestion of proteins. Once in the small intestine enzymes secreted from the pancreas, gall bladder and intestinal walls completes digestion as it moves along the small intestine to the large intestine and ultimately all undigested matter is defecated, it does not remain in the body and becomes putrid that’s point 3. If you or someone you know have cancer see and listen to a doctor.


  375. ” Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in color. Better alternative is Bragg’s aminos or sea salt.” table salt is made of refined natrium cloride, which is white. It will be strange to be other color. All kind of stuff is thrown in ocean, so sea fish and sea salt can contain mercury.
    “Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.”
    The cancer cell are cells from our body that multiply without control. If our cell thrive on oxygen so the cancer cells. Oxygen can produce free radicals that can cause mutations in cell, and transform normal cells in cancer cells.
    Regarding proteins: our immune system needs proteins to build white blood cells to fight infections and cancer cells. Starvation is not the solution.


  376. NOT FROM JOHNS HOPKINS! See Just as urban legends and rumors eventually become attached to the most famous exemplars of the subjects they discuss (e.g., any fast food-related legend, no matter where it originates, will inevitably be told about McDonald’s), so do many of
    the spurious medical articles circulated on the Internet eventually become attributed to the world-renowned Johns Hopkins university, medical school, and hospitals.

    The “Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins Hospital” quoted above has been forwarded via e-mail as a preface to another piece (about the supposed dangers of using microwave ovens to heat food stored in plastic containers) also falsely said to have originated with Johns Hopkins. Neither article was issued by (or has any connection to) the Johns Hopkins university or hospital, and Johns Hopkins has disclaimed the contents of both:
    Information falsely attributed to Johns Hopkins called, “CANCER UPDATE FROM JOHNs HOPKINS” describes properties of cancer cells and suggests ways of preventing cancer. Johns Hopkins did not publish the information, which often is an email attachment, nor do we endorse its contents.


  377. Some good info but definitely a combination of some of these ideas with Chem and radiation and traditional proven medical treatments are what I would put my money on…..a whole lot more people are being cured of cancer these days due to these developing scientifically proven regimes


  378. Good article, but it would be more convincing / compelling if it did not contain so many typographical errors. I mean no ill will, just helpful advice.


  379. I don’t mean to be disrespectful in anyway but this kind of misinformation can kill people and as a scientist I get the urge to say something. Whilst it has a lot of correct information about chemotherapy side effects they are far better than developing cancer. A few really things about this article tho, 1) it states how your body fights cancer cells everyday, this is technically true but let me explain why. A cancer cell is a normal cell that does not die, in other words your bodies cells have a life cycle of approx 30 days, then they die to make way for new cells. However cancer is when this normal death cycle does not happen and the cell continues to replicate and make new copies of itself like a healthy cell but they do not die. So when your body “kills” cancer cells as this article states what it means is the cells are doing there normal job, dying after 30 days. 2) The article states cancer thrives in an acidic environment, whilst this is true again the article deliberately misleads people by saying you can adjust your bodies pH through eating differently, this again is half true. Your stomach acts as a normal buffer for your bodies pH, you cannot adjust the pH of your entire body via eating different foods as your stomach will act as a buffer which prevents the pH change spreading throughout the body, ironically this is actually to ensure your bodies own cells do not end up in a pH that could kill them so that line of the article is complete bullshit. Another pile of rubbish is this line of the article “Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines will become putrified and leads to more toxic buildup”. It is again half true, meat is difficult to digest but in the sense it takes longer, not the body cannot break it down. It does not leave toxic products either, thanks to evolution the human body is well equipped to break down foods that have been a part of human diets for the last few era’s, the only exception would be if your were intolerant to a food. The next line is “13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body’s killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.”, this is just complete bullshit on so many levels i do not even know where to start, cell death does not occur by “enzymes” and the use of vague terminology here shows the author has little to no clue as to what happens. Cell death occurs by “apoptosis”, which is the programmed cell death I was talking about earlier, as i said earlier cancer occurs when “apoptosis” doesn’t occur, i.e. the cell doesn’t suicide. If it was an enzyme problem then cancer would be easy to solve, cell won’t die inject enzymes needed etc .
    I could go on all day about this article but the main thing I’m getting across here is be very careful what you read, god forbid if you ever got cancer ignore shit like this and take your doctors advice. All the current medical information out there has been tested, peer reviewed and retested. What has been proven to work has been done so with a proven track record and the stuff that has been shown as bullshit ends up on websites like this peddling misinformation. This sort of stuff usually pops up on websites run by non scientists who claim that the rest of us work for “big pharma” and are all secretly hiding the cure for cancer to sell everyone pills.
    One last thing is this email was not actually distributed by John Hopkins, there’s an alert out its a hoax if you google it:…/cancer_update_email_it…
    Again I’m writing this to ensure no one actually tries this if god forbid they got cancer, if you do end up in that situation, trust your doctor, not the internet .
    Be well


  380. The missing llink to strengthen the immune system and ward of disease including Cancer is consuming glyconutrients a group of 8 vital sugars for cell to cell communication the sience of these sugars (polisacarides) is Glycobiology. It is not the sugar you put in your coffee. Feed your cells by supplementing, the plant based food you consume is devoid of nutrients.


    • Just because you want something to be true doesn’t make it so. Everyone is entitled to his own opinions but not his own facts. This website is full of misinformation. Where is the data to support these wild claims about cancer?


  381. And that is why every baby should receive as much human breast milk as possible to start its immune system naturally and protect against cancers for life. ! Artificial formula is made from cows milk and has no live human cells in it.
    Put breast milk in a Petri dish of cancer cells and it will destroy all cancer cells in 24hrs.


  382. Sorry to say, but most leading research contradicts several claims made above. For instance, it has been proven in several tests that people who drink whole milk from organically raised cows have a less than 0.01% cancer incident rate. That is significantly lower than non-milk drinkers.

    Facts: Both heart diesease and cancer are affected by the amount of HDLs you have in your body. More HDLs, the lower your likelihood of cancer or heart diesease. (the only known ways to raise HDLs are exersize, a single glass of red wine daily, and certian statins) There are so many studies now that prove this, to argue it just shows ignorance.

    Second, most cancers are a form of melanoma. A melanoma is a condition where a part of an organ over produces what ever it is supposed to produce. examples: a mole produces too much melatinin, a para-thyroid gland that produces too much PTH, and so on. The melanoma is usually present from birth, and will never go away. The groth of a melanoma is determined by the bodies lymphatic health. But, most of what was listed above is health nut mumbo jumbo. Especially when it recommended supplements. The body often ignores supplements completely.

    Another key point, green tea. While studies have found that green tea has some medical benifits, it has also been shown to have an equal number of detriments. Grean tea slowly errodes a persons nueral system, especially when consumed regularly. Ever notice that older people who drink lots of green tea have the shakes. It also erodes away at your mental facilties (which are just nural clusters). Along with aluminum, it is suspected as being a partial cause to dieseases like alzhiemers. Next, while it is suspected that the anti-oxidents in green tea lower the risk of cancer, long term studies don’t suggest this. In fact, long term tea drinkers seem to be more susptible to some cancers, and while less to others. If fact a recent study of religions that ban green tea showed a significantly lower rate of neuralogical dieseases, and even reduced rates of cancers like breast cancer. Although, the later is suspected to be due to lack of other food items like coffee.

    Long and short, before you write such an article, do your research as opposed to posting popular health nut mumbo jumbo.


  383. Thank you! And bless you for caring! But please stop contributing to this hoax. This is not from Johns Hopkins, and contains misleading and deceptive information.


  384. I knew that and I had to do it,I think not a very heavy,but the worst was I knew about it,I did a big detox after ,I didn’t like it at all I felt…..big shit !


  385. Well, no wonder so many thousands of people get Cancer! According to this, you need to eat all the things you do not want to eat, and you need to NOT EAT all the things you want to eat!


  386. Love what you have to say here (95% of it anyway). Do you have a reference for this that I could follow? I’d like to share it with my patients but have to know where it’s coming from exactly. Thanks so much and keep this stuff going!


  387. Interesting theories. But they don’t explain why one young child in a group of siblings (who have the same diet and lifestyle)
    will have cancer while the others don’t.


  388. Johns Hopkins say your information is a hoax. What say you? As for me, I follow the protocol you have published, more or less. Six years from diagnosis and no advance in a cancer the medical industry said would be rampart in a couple of years if I refused surgery. Go figure.…/cancer_update_email_it…


  389. Great info! You can actually buy alkaline strips & test your saliva to see if your system is acidic or alkaline. I also understand that vitamin D, calcium & magnesium (that all work together) will help keep your system alkaline.


  390. A few good points, the reality though is that the author is a computer engineer with little knowledge of Cancer and it’s effective treatments. Some quick facts, cancer cells are your cells that have gone through to many replications or cell divisions. These divisions are needed to repaire damage to the cell caused by life style factors. Every cell division causes a small mutation in the DNA. After to many mutations the cell becomes ineffective and natural cell death occurs. Cancer is a mutated cell that refuses to die due to a malfunction in its normal DNA death clock. A strong immune system makes no difference to a cancer cell because your asking the immune system to attack yourself.

    The comment that a cancer cell has a tough protein outer layer is compleatly made up. All cells, cancer cells included have a bi lipid membrane aka Fat that contains protein receptors. Its is also false to think enzymes outside of the digestive tract somehow digest cancer, if that actually happened the body would be digesting its self.

    Yes reducing a acid forming diet will help reduce the chances of cancer, but but only because it reduces initial cellular damage. But like all things it’s a balance, it is possible to be to alkaline too. It’s best to maintain a slightly acid or alkaline level. Men typically are acidic and Wemon alkaline, during relations the sexes nutrlise the ph level.


  391. In other words, become a PETA loving vegan and you’ll live forever! Sorry, folks, I’m a type-2 diabetic, genetic, not weight-caused and animal flesh is carb free…unlike most plant matter. As for “aspartame” being harmful – prove it. Over 200 tests conducted worldwide have never found anything verifiable that proves aspartame is harmful. It’s an amino acid.


  392. you are an idiot and what is your background? EVERYTHING you eat is turned to sugar. It is WHAT your body runs on. You BLOOD IS Oxygenated. That is its job, it carries away waste and carries in oxygen. Why are people so gullible to believe this drivel. Lord people, read a anatomy book or something.
    Glucose is the form of sugar that travels in your bloodstream to fuel the mitochondrial furnaces responsible for your brain power. Glucose is the only fuel normally used by brain cells. Because neurons cannot store glucose, they depend on the bloodstream to deliver a constant supply of this precious fuel. You get this from grains, legumes, dairy products, and sugar – though refined sugar is not an ideal source it is none the less a source.


  393. I’ve been studying also that cancer patients who receive Vit. C introvenous style, have had a very high state of remission. Don’t take my word for it. Lots of studies being done on it.happy new year.


  394. Are you a jackass or something? Johns Hopkins has openly statedt this is a hoax and they have basically made you look like a freaking idiot! But the reality is that you did it yourself, You’re. to helping the causew hen you’re showing everyone how much of an idiot you are.


  395. This article is a fake. It’s based on an old Spam email that first began circulating in 2004. This is based on lies and it’s full of lies. Here’s the truth.

    I know you moderate the comments. I know you probably won’t let this one be approved. I dare you to allow my comment and allow some rational interchange. It’s irresponsible of you to post this mis-information leading people to ignore reasonable advice from doctors.


  396. While none of the suggestions in this article are inherently incorrect, and many are excellent health tips, the egregious misapplication of information (along with a sprinkling of misinformation) in this article is really a turn-off. There are so many reasons to provide these health tips, no need to mask it under a hot topic like cancer just so you can beg with a “share to people you care about!” at the end.


  397. I would add that chemicals and fertilizers used in traditional farming is best to avoid – in other words: buy certified organic whenever possible! (Including meat products if you’re a carnivore type, like me.) Better yet, start a garden and grow some veggies, it’ll help make up the added cost of those organic meats!


  398. I have cancer and I am going through chemotherapy right now. I have been told I need to drink whole milk since my vitamin D levels are so low, as well as my vitamin D tablets. I have also been told to eat lots of red meat since I have cancer tumors in my liver to help bring my iron levels up instead of relying on iron and blood infusions due to the risks that are involved with the infusions.
    So I am confused why this contradicts my doctors.
    I am trying everything to fight this and have been eating fresh fruits and vegetables and love them.
    I would like to know if you think I should get a third opinion? I have been treated at 2 hospitals by oncologists. Any suggestions, I want to eat right and this concerns me.


  399. Pingback: How to avoid Cancer | | Interesting Articles

  400. I appreciate your advice and will put a copy on my refrigerator for reference. Suggestion: In the subhead of your site, you use the word “dimensions,” but you have misspelled it. For your credibility, you might consider correcting that.


  401. Interesting article, but it contradicts an article you have on weight loss regarding tea and chocolate.Would be nice to have some consensus on these two items whether healthy or not or to what degree.


  402. Dear Ms. Smith,
    The email you received is a hoax. It has been circulating the Internet for some time now but it was not authored by Johns Hopkins experts nor are its contents endorsed by Johns Hopkins.
    We’ve posted in-depth information, explaining each point, on our Web site:
    This hoax is also addressed on the “urban legends” site: in the medical/disease section.
    Please help us combat the proliferation of this misinformation. We ask that you please send this e-mail to anyone who sent you the article, and please ask them to do the same.
    Thank you and best regards,


  403. OM Gosh this is what I have been researching for years. My Dad just died from cancer 2 days ago with a long trial of chemo and radiation. As he is old school and the Doctors that treated him are (I am not putting them down) but there are other alternatives. The article above is my “Bible” of treating cancer. I am not saying that Chemo is bad or bad mouthing any other procedures to cure cancer. But this needs to be further investigated. Just my thoughts and pray that cancer will be ended in my life time.


  404. This is an excellent article with so much good information that I would like to print and share, but I do not see that there is any way to do that on this site. I tried to copy and paste the information, but that did not work. Any suggestions?


  405. Nice article. I’m interested in the part in the heading where Johns Hopkins is mentioned. Can you please share the link to your source material regarding “JOHNS HOPKINS IS FINALLY STARTING TO TELL YOU THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE WAY.” Not to confuse us readers with what you’re interpreting from JH, and what JH is actually saying, I’d like to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. And kudos to them if they are, in fact, finally telling the public to focus on prevention!


  406. I really don’t want chemo, would love to try alternative solutions, but not sure if they are as of effective. Please send me more proof.


  407. Just one point, your whole body is an acidic environments from the stomach onwards. I’m not saying tip 11c is wrong it’s just going to be incredibly hard to do.


  408. I have suffered and I Do mean suffered with Fibromyalgia for more than 20 years. and as a former tough girl bad ass athlete (Lisa u kno i tell the truth) it sux) especially when No doctors believed it was real and the ones who believed in it didn’t have a clue what to do. I had to learn with them and i found the best “medicine” for most that ails the body is the power of our own minds.i trained heavily in biofeedback learning to control heart rate blood pressure, stress, and more, and of course teaching my brain to release chemicals like endorphins and dopamine. Eating the right food can do wonders as well and im an just an amature at this stuff but i know there are exciting things to come in the field of medicine with more health profesionals like you paying attention to this stuff. thanks for sharing this. My sister lost her breasts to cancer just a few years ago so I kno we all must pay this heed.


  409. I don’t see an official link to a Johns Hopkins website. Someone says it is from Johns Hopkins and we are to assume it is so. Share the link.



    Even if you honestly believe that the information presented is true and there is some sort of conspiracy to get people to take chemotherapy when it’s not the best option, at least you shouldn’t falsely attribute it to John Hopkins, when they absolutely do not support the information.


  411. A rather ballsy claim by Johns Hopkins (or the article’s author). Perhaps they shouldn’t burn their research grants just yet. They didn’t just imply that one can avoid cancer, they stated it. They also state that one can effectively battle cancer by starving cancer cells of substances they thrive on (sugar, meat, milk and caffeine). They didn’t even mention hormone-dependent cancers. This article is dangerous. There are readers who will believe they don’t need to seek the advice of a qualified oncologist when they find a lump or when their G.P. recommends diagnostic testing. I have a friend with invasive ductile carcinoma. This friend never ingests sugar, milk, red meat or caffeine. Never did since she was a child. She eats organic and from her own garden, exercises, uses no make-up, nail polish or hair dyes. I think it’s commendable to inspire everyone to adopt a healthy lifestyle, but not to hark that it will “effectively battle cancer” and is an alternative to surgery and chemotherapy.


  412. Great article I Agree with 95% but little bit fruits?? no much more is needed to supply energy. Fruit boosts immune system like nothing else keep it raw fresh ripe whole and eat lots of it. Have cancer ?? check out Gerson therapy …


  413. Thanks for sharing this important piece of how cancer cells survive in our body system and how we can destroy them or deprive them of their foods which will regulate and minimise their movements. Eating the right foods as prescribed in the above information pack, taking the right types of diet supplements will help to provide a better health system in order to fight these cancer cells. A weak body, mind and soul will not be in a positive state of mind to win the war against these millions of cancer cells. The most effective treatment for any form of body cancers will be administrating the elimination of heat or in simple medical term, the use of radio therapy and chemotherapy for a standard treatment program on a strict compliance, .as these modern treatment could only be applied to our body, once for a long period of time. The side effects will depend on the age factor and health condition of the patient and whether he or she is mentally and physically prepared to be administered without any use of any form of anesthetiser or G.A. so that the procedure applied will reduce the pain and discomfort of the patients concerned. In most cases, and depending on the individuals cancers could be cured, though it may not be possible to gauge the survival rate and the rest is best to leave it to the mercy of God.

    Unfortunately, @ 70 ++ years, I have to undergo this horrified treatment as I have been lately diagnosed as having nasopharyngeal carcinoma T1 N1 MO (nose cancer) stage II. Well, as I am living on bonos years, I have no regret in going through these treatment procedures currently being arranged by my love ones. I pray that Almighty God will have mercy on me and let me go through this life barrier, without much hussle and pains. I hope that my normally excellent good health will be restored in order that I may live a longer expectancy of my life in my twilight years. Ameen.


  414. Max Gerson proved this a hundred years ago. He was blacklisted by the AMA and never allowed to publish. the Gerson books are still being privately published, I strongly recommend them.


  415. My grandmother died of liver cancer.probably she used to consume leftovers a lot. also she had a history of her workplace, where most of her colleagues also died of some cancer-canteen food prepared in old copper vessels. her son-my dad died of leukemia! he ate the best of food on earth.did not drink beverages or milk! but gallons of coke, sprite etc.his sister died too young-lupus! his father a doctor by profession died of brain tumor! I resemble all these people. I know how my end might come. I want to participate in cancer research as I had been working on stem cells. any hopes? i have a few medicines on hand for prolonging cancr patient’s life!


  416. I really hope and pray that this could be an easier option for this Devils Decease.We have a wig shop in Woodhall Spa Lincolnshire so we hear everyones stories about treatments .The treatments at this stage still need Chemo and Radiotherapy along side .Wonderful news though .
    Thankyou .



  417. Number 15 above. Testimony to the truthulness of God’s Word. Proverbs 14:30; Ephesians 4:31, 32; Colossians 3:13. I support number 16 too.


  418. I have had several angry replys after I posted this article on my site. For one, John Hopkin’s did not supply the information for this article. If so, please post the link that people can use to locate this information. Nutrition and emotional health are not the best or only way of beating cancer. They are part of the answer. Cancer is being treated with a wholistic aproach. Not only do they work on beating the cancer, but they also work on the person’s overall nutrition and their state of mind. For you to suggest that radiation and chemotherapy is the wrong approach is absolutely absurd. It again is part of the solution. Do I think that there are better solutions out there? Absolutely. Do I think that there is a cure for cancer right now? Absolutely. I don’t think that there is enough money to be made from the cure to justify the funding for the research needed to test the drug or drugs. Medicine is big business.


  419. Very good information, you may also add the super greens, wheat grass, barley grass, spirulina, etc. which; are very cleansing and rebuild the bodies. I’m not sure about the soy milk, its very refined now and has hormones, I would try almond milk instead.


  420. Pingback: Avoiding Cancer | Michael W Griffith

  421. Then we will all die of cancer. Hey wait, we are. Food and Drug permits horrible shit in our food. We get food from other countries, Pesticides in food. Bad water. Need I go on? We are killing ourselves and there is nothing that can be done


  422. I have worked with oncologists from Johns Hopkins, MD Anderson, Cleveland Clinic, Mayo, and dozens more for years. Why do you not have a link to Johns Hopkins stating that “THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE WAY …”???


  423. I have Leukemia I’m in remission since 2007 and they gave me so much chemo and no protection to my organs, teeth, bones and hair!
    I can’t eat raw veg it kills my stomach I go to the Dr and my blood is ok
    But when I first got it in 2005 it took Drs along time to know what was wrong. I never feel good always depressed and I blame the chemo! I’ve had double knee replacements and severe dental work and stomach problems
    They say treatment is worse than the disease, if it comes back I’m not going thru that again I was in hospital from May to end of August!!!


  424. I strongly disagree with this article as i have had 7 of my girlfriends have breast cancer. Two were vegitarians, one was a triathlete and all were thin and very active. Soy is not something any woman should put on their bodies. It can lead to breast cancer. My one girlfriend will no even touch a granola bar because most of them have some soy in them.


  425. Thank you for this information. I have been told that sugar is really bad for you, but seeing it in print is an eye-opener. I am a sugarholic and need rehab! Cancer runs in my family and I will prevent my own from developing.
    Thank you again!


  426. i don’t see any scientific references for any of these statements. i am a proponent of a healthy lifestyle, not for chemo/radiation and all for finding an alternative way to treat cancer of course, but these are all claims. also, where is the john hopkins article you are citing from?
    vitamin e supplements were found to cause mortality and not have any benefit in decreasing risk of disease:


  427. After being diagnosed with Stage 4.5 breast cancer in 1999, my oncologists gave me a maximum of seven months to live. I spent three weeks in Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida immersed in their regime…exactly what is described here, with the addition of wheat grass juice. I’m still here…and healthy!


  428. I’d love to see just one source linked for all of these claims. Especially the last bullet stating that deeper breathing gets oxygen down to the cellular level… like normal breathing does not.

    Misinformation is even more dangerous than no information, I highly recommend you don’t share this article to people you care about as most of these claims are just going to do more harm than good.

    This is just new-age hippy pseudoscience that screams ignorance. Think about it, do you think all of the top-level medical researchers at Johns Hopkins are going to “finally start telling you” about alternative ways?

    Nice little almost-nude pic to catch your eyes, then the little disclaimer saying “don’t look at the nude! this is about cancer awareness!”

    Shame on you for posting this and not researching the facts. It’s a blind copy and paste from so many viral chain emails

    I’m not trying to be rude, i’m just trying to make sure nobody dies from being unaware about the validity about cancer facts. Shown also in my link is a message from Johns Hopkins itself that refutes this viral email associated with itself


  429. Why would you poste what is proven to be a fake text? Johns Hopkins have made a statement saying the information is not from them and they have taken time out to break down the false statements:

    As a leukemia patient at the moment I find it disgusting and one of the most offensive things I could imagine that you spread lies like this!

    You deserve to be sued for false information!


  430. Pingback: How to Avoid Cancer - DissNation

  431. This article is very dangerous due to a number of outright lies contained with the few facts that are true. As an example, look at number 16 “cancer cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment”, this is completely bogus. Most tumors participate in process called angiogenesis, which causes the body to grow blood vessels to the tumor. This process allows the tumor to receive the massive amounts of oxygen, nutrients, and water necessary for rapid cellular growth. In turn the tumor creates massive amounts of waste, which is acidic. This does not mean that cancer grows in an acid environment. Just like healthy cells, cancer thrives at the same pH as the rest of your body.


  432. Thank you, Donald, for sharing from your friend. I will now share it with two more of our friends, Barbara Randall Stone, and Tunie Hawthorne Kitsos. Praise the Lord. I do hope they will both take it by the horns like you have!


  433. As a Naturopath, I completely disagree with the soy comment, I have seen more people develop cancer because of soy, it is also a goitrogen and decreases thyroid function. The only safe soy is fermented miso, tempeh or soy sauce (high in salt, though). Milk is mucus forming in sensitive individuals but A1 milk is the worst, A2 milk is actually anti-inflammatory. Otherwise great info, one of my clients sent me your link.


  434. Pingback: Millions Falsely Treated For Cancer, Who In Reality Had No Cancer | SniperShot

  435. It is a wonderful guideline to fight the cancer. Derived from the last pt. I understand that present polluted air of large cities is a long term cause of cancer. Further derived from the 2nd last pt. I already believe that negativity n negative thinking / approach / feelings / emotions are the root cause (cause of starting) of many many diseases


  436. Who is John Hopkins? Looks like he is a computer person, not a medical expert.
    Why isn’t his name & address placed at the beginning/end of the article?


  437. I do not believe that I have a deficiency in mind or spirit and yet I have inflammatory breast cancer, with no way to defend myself from it BUT chemo and radiation, because IBC kills in days and weeks not months and years, nor are we “cured” after 5 yrs. That being said I am a survivor because I survive every day and try to do the things I want to do in the time left to me. I have been the same weight (give or take a pound) since 5 yrs out so I don’t believe that starving the cancer or myself solves anything. I take supplements to boost my immunity and take the flu shot every year. Have only had the flu once and that was before the flu shot was easily accessible. I just want to say that it is NOT the purpose of life to blame people for their own illnesses. “Shit happens” is very appropo here. I have known many to subscribe to what you say here and they still got IBC. NO BLAMING THE PATIENT PLEASE!


  438. I’m so on your side about this…but do tell…is there a specific article from John’s Hopkins with these ideas that I could reference? Would love to be able to post with “authority” to go along with my “I told you so!”


  439. Did you know Johns Hopkins has apparently issued a statement denying they wrote this? Good to check in stuff like that before posting. 🙂


  440. Great!
    But do not forget to mention the factor stress!
    -Stress (lifestyle)
    -Cell acidity
    -Cell oxynation ( oxygen in the cells)
    -Emotional & spiritual stress


  441. Well, it’s partly right. If sugar is a cancer feeder (which I agree with) though, you should eliminate whole wheat and grains. Wheat and grains produce greater insulin spikes than table sugar and there are also sugar and starches in wheat and grains, which break down into glucose (sugar). If you want more info on the impact of grains in your diet, I’d recommend three books: 1) It Starts with Food, 2) Wheat Belly, 3) Grain Brain.

    Meat is also not the demon. Industrialized, hormone-laden, corn-fed beef and meat is terrible, but you can responsibly source your meat from farmers with humane and health practices, like grass feeding their animals and pasturing their chickens. Access to this food is readily available online as well as at grocery stores like Whole Foods. Of course, I’m not advocating that meat be the primary food source in your diet. It needs to be offset with large quantities of vegetables so that you don’t make your body too acidic. The balance between the two is essential and most people just don’t “get” this. Grains do much more harm to your body than meat ever will.


  442. While I appreciate the additional information, I believe chemo is needed once you have had cancer, then the diet and excerise come into play, but to totally negate the chemo is foolish. I also disagree with a lumpectomy verses a mastectomy depending on the cancer.


  443. Heavy metals in tap water? Really? Isn’t this a regulated contaminant that is not allowed in tap water? Is the writer familiar with drinking water analytical data? I don’t think so. While most of this information is believable, the writer is painting all of tap water with a slanderous coat of bs. Don’t cause knowledgable readers to doubt the entire article when you make a huge generalization of the drinking water in this nation. That is a big problem with our current media- shame on you!


  444. Pingback: My 2014 fitness challenge: nutrition | Chris Hamilton's Stuff

  445. Pingback: How to Avoid Cancer | Manifest Wellness

  446. Pingback: How to Avoid Cancer | Manifest Wellness

  447. Based on the opinion of someone into meditation I will cancel my chemo on Monday!!!
    Where is the scientific evidence and actual backing up of your opinion from Johns Hopkins?
    You are a fraud and should be ashamed of yourself.


  448. Don’t we wish John Hopkins would endorse nutrition & building your immune system as the real method of healing. While cancer institutes make money on chemo/radiation, they will do whatever it takes to keep this information shoved under the rug.


  449. This is absolutely ridiculous ‘4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors.’ If only cancer prevention was that easy and solely based on nutrition – which anyone having done any minimal amount of research would see it’s not. There are many cancers with many different causes.


  450. JESUS CHRIST! DON”T tell me you actually believe that friggin bullshit LIE!! THEN PLEASE, tell me why people that eat NO MEAT, NO DAIRY PRODUCTS , still get CANCER AND DIE!! I went thru that bullshit lie with my wife when she had cancer, no red meat, no sugar nothing but veggies, nothing but supplments, nothing but wheatgrass extract, nothing but leafy greens and you know what? she DIED!!! THIS IS NOTHING BUT A BULLSHIT LIE TO GET YOU”RE MONEY PEOPLE !! GROW UP!!


  451. Well, tap water, distilled water and all “regular” bottled water is acidic. Distilled is no different than your tap water. Get an alkaline stick instead for your water.


  452. Or we could simply admit that the disease is frustrating and confusing, and we haven’t any idea how to reverse it.

    That’s a brutally-honest answer, but it enables us to shut up and pay attention to what the disease process is actually doing.

    Which attention, is the origin of everything there is to be learnt about anything.

    If I waste my time trying to convince people that I know all the answers, I leave no room in my schedule or my mind, to learn any more answers.


  453. An effective oxygen therapy: 6 drops of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide (not the 3% stuff found in drugstores and supermarkets) diluted in a glass of purified water (definitely not tap water)
    twice or three times a day.


  454. Good information that should be shared with everyone! We honestly don’t pay enough attention to our health and fighting diseases using preventative maintenance so I’m happy you’re writing about it!


  455. Wow, this all makes so much sense. Imagine what a burden we would remove from our medical system if we all followed these guidelines. Maybe we could use the money saved to protect our environment.


  456. Well the main and only source of this grave disease called cancer is from the soul then manifested in the physical body. Hence, all these permutations are not tenable at all. Generally people should be prepared to have a change of mind settings for wrongs are always done secretly. And the wages of such hidden wrongs are affliction chastisements. Pure, Simple and Final.




  458. Hello Premaseem,
    I like your site, and the content reflects a very bright and uplifting philosophy. I believe that all of the 16 items listed (especially #15) are good health advice. I also believe in the virtue of Ahimsa, but we cannot discount reality – and it became apparent to me as I read through the list that it could not possibly have originated from Johns Hopkins, so I checked. A good list, but, not from Johns Hopkins –
    happy flying


  459. What, pray tell, is your source for all of this? You open by suggesting that “Johns Hopkins” now tells us there’s this alternative to radiation, to “starve” nascent cancer cells. Have any links, footnotes? Or are we to take this on faith that you’re not borrowing this from somewhat else who also vaguely implies this is from Johns Hopkins (something or other) appears you’re merely repeating a bogus urban legend.


  460. Pingback: Our Ideal Selves | Physical Wellbeing: Can we really beat cancer naturally by eating properly?

  461. Was wondering if you have the articles published by Johns Hopkins that back this info up??? I’m not a doubter, I would just love to have the actual articles in hand. Thanks!


  462. This is a hoax, full of dangerous misinformation – e.g. everyone has cancer cells (wrong), surgery spreads cancer (nope), a strong immune system will block cancer (very wrong), and you can “starve” cancer by avoiding certain foods (monstrously wrong) – and most definitely NOT endorsed by Johns Hopkins. This misinformation could kill a cancer patient.


  463. It’s true that milk produces mucus and is mostly bad for an adult homosapien considering it’s designed to nurture the growth of a cow. Soya on the other hand also has tremendously adverse affects on health, especially women’s health. Ninety-four percent of soy products in the U.S. are genetically modified which means they are “Round-up Ready” and can be flooded with pesticides. Soy causes hormone imbalances which lead to infertility, erectile dysfunction, miscarriages and more! It and most of the wheat produced on the planet are owned by Monsanto. I won’t start to rant about these guys, but it’s a science-fiction tale that will have you questioning your government and what’s on your plate. Meat is acidic. Live plants and veg should take up fifty-one percent of your diet for your body to be able to properly digest the other forty-nine percent. Our cultural tendencies are easing us away from a healthy, happy existence. Do your homework!
    Remember, stress is hugely detrimental to your health. Eating well is a brilliant way to live, but cheating once in a blue moon won’t give you cancer although the guilt and worry about it all could. Relax and love!


  464. none of this is from Johns Hopkins, 1&2 oversimplify things to the point of falsehood, 3&4 are true in some cancer situations but completely false in others and the lack of evidence and flat-out made up mumbo-jumbo in the nutritional advice would be funny if people weren’t buying into it (yes there are also some true statements there but not enough to forgive the bad ones)


  465. Point 3,4 and 11 (and maybe more) are simply wrong! The subject is much more complex than that and the conclusions drawn are not correct. It only confuses people who read that, inform yourself better and back up your points with knowledge and probably links to articles which prove what you want to say. Otherwise you are responsible for misinforming people who will probably harm themselves based on this article!


  466. Great and useful information that is much needed. So much attention is given to cancer “centers” that I don’t think does much in the way of informing people of options. This should be standard information shared by nutritionist and EVERYONE in the medical field. Will share and follow…. Th ask you.


  467. Pingback: Thinking for yourself…. Rather than having the internet think for you! | michayoo

  468. A few things are inaccurate. Fish, chicken, meat are all acidic and so are vitamin suppliments. Sugar and milk should be eliminated and distilled water is not acidic in fact it is the purest form of water. While small amounts of protein are ok a diet of 80% organic plant based foods will provide and accurately synergize vitamins and minerals.


  469. You also have to look into the bright sun, just for 1/2 second when he is high ,or longer towards
    evening. It strengthens the immune system. valvetrom


  470. I am a cancer survivor and this is a great summary of the research and advice I have received from my doctor. I have developed a diet that works for me and am willing to share with anyone that is interested.


  471. I currently have breast cancer. Just finished chemo, about to have op, then radiotherapy.
    kel, my daughter in law has since finding out about me looked into studies and you know there is a lot to be said for going as raw as possible along with juices. It actually tastes surprisingly tasty.
    I would like to encourage us all to not give up, its not easy to change.
    Keep giving it a go.
    There’s nothing like fresh juice, (made from organic vegetables) which by the way, get a good juicer.
    I’ve back slid but I am coming to realize that I just am going to keep my options open and I’m starting to think it might be quite good to try it again.
    Steam if you cook vegetables just 2-4 mins and apparently when you chop/or crush garlic in its skin then leave for 15 mins before using in your cooking.
    I was thinking that if you don’t really enjoy cooking/ haven’t much time then raw could be an option and healthy too!
    I wish you lots of luck


  472. I don’t understand #16- cancer cells can not survive in an oxygenated environment. For years it was widely believed that when a cancer patient had surgery the cancer spread when exposed to “air”. Wouldn’t oxygenating just do the same thing?


  473. Pingback: How to avoid Cancer | | Jim's goodies

  474. It upsets me so much when people write about things that they clearly know nothing about in a way that convinces other people that they are right. It’s irresponsible at best and downright dangerous at worst. This blog doesn’t show where ANY of this info comes (because it is completely made up and not backed up by any kind of science). Beware these articles!!!! Only trust things from a reputable source (NHS, NIH, WHO and proper scientific institutes ) not from someone with their own opinions. Don’t ever trust any “scientific” claim you read anywhere (including the newspapers) unless there is a reference or a link to the actual scientific report that this info came from. Otherwise it is wrong, fraud, sensationalism or just an advert from someone wanting to sell you their homemade anti-cancer tablets. That may sound harsh but it is true.

    There are so many things that are just plain wrong in this blog. I see cancer cells everyday that grow happily in low oxygen conditions. Sorry, this is just plain wrong. Cancer cells can grow without food (a process called autophagy where the cell kind of eats itself to stay alive) so this is also wrong. I don’t even have time to go into all the atrocious “science” written in this blog because I have to go take care of my experiments.

    The only points I agree with in this blog are points 6 and 7. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are great at what they do. De-bulking the tumour mass prevents the cells from squashing other organs that are vital to your survival. Green tea and vitamins just won’t do this. Ever. But these types of therapies are known by everyone to cause side-effects that are less than desirable. So this is why there are billions of pounds, dollars, euros etc being ploughed into research institutes (like mine –The Institute Of Cancer Research to find targeted therapies. These exploit the things that are different about tumour cells and only work on those specific cells. And it’s working well.

    I would also advocate a balanced diet, exercise and being a loving and forgiving spirit to reduce your risk of diabetes, heart disease and SOME cancers. But not for the reasons expressed here. Having a happy, healthy life is so important. Don’t waste your energy worrying about these ridiculous claims and bulk buying green tea.


  475. What does John Hopkins have to do with this pseudo-scientific nonsense? What you say about cancer cells in our bodies and the harmful effects of cancer therapies is of course true – no doctor denies it and patients are generally told the truth if they are able to listen – but your claims about sugar, acid and oxygen, as well as stress and cancer, are perfect examples of true scientific findings and theories which have been misinterpreted and thus exploited by quacks for decades. It is needless to explain more – to find out for yourselves, see for example, or Mayo Clinic’s pages about alternative and complemetary therapies.


  476. I really need, I’m confident others do as well, to see links to all the articles you gathered this information from. Please, if you really do care, take the time to collect those and post them below or above. Much love for this article, my friend. 🙂


  477. Aspartame is not harmful. It is the most studied food additive ever with over 200 studies confirming it’s safety. I studied food science briefly at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the professors (who have much more knowledge when it comes to food science than you do) agreed that it is safe to consume. The sugar industry would love to find out that artificial sweeteners are dangerous, but they aren’t. All the supposed ‘dangers’ of aspartame are anecdotal. It’s incredibly unprofessional and suspicious that you do not cite one study while you present this information as fact. Please edit your article with links to peer-reviewed studies to back up your claims.


  478. Absolutely excellent article….these 16 points summarize everything about cancer prevention that everyone should know….the only additions I can think of are to recommend the daily intake of human grade diatomaceous earth to create the alkaline state…I personally take 1/2 tsp per day and quickly changed from a condition of acidosis to alkaline as witnessed by my St. Christopher silver medallion hanging from my neck which was always black and had to be cleaned with silver polish every month….shortly after starting DE my medal changed to a bright silver and has not been polished for three years…also, controlling inflammation via strong anti-oxidants….inflammation has been targeted as the source of many terrible diseases, diabetes, heart disease and cancer…the oxidative process which goes on in our body every second of every day creates free radicals which can contribute to cellular dysplasia…I use IP-6, inositol hexophosphate which has shown via clinical studies to reduce or stop cancer cell division and growth…the best source of information for this is a book called “Too Good to Be True?” by Dr. Kim Vanderlinden, a naturopathic physician who has devoted his life to finding a natural way to fight cancer. It is a real eye opener and should be essential reading for anyone…Of course I am a little concerned about our age of technology with cell phones and tablets and laptops with us 24 hours a day it seems…all that electromagnetic radiation floating around can’t be good…we already know young men’s sperm counts are down and there sure seems to be a lot of young men that are prematurely bald…can’t remember this when I was in high school or university many years ago…my bald spot is completely due to my two grandfathers and age! Cheers everyone…..


  479. Pingback: Y is for Yoga - Another Day Goes By

  480. I was introduced a few months ago to a supplement called Zeal Wellness. It is an all-in-one natural nutritional blend of whole food concentrates. An excellent source of antioxidants and vitamins, this delicious formula goes to work immediately to neutralize free radicals and strengthen and repair cells. I was very hesitant at trying it at first. Then I did, then I put the rest of my family on it. This is an AMAZING product. I hope anyone that reads this goes and takes a looks at it. After a month of being on it, loving the product, and the way it made me feel – I became a consultant. You have to be referred by a consultant. In the end, I do not care if you use me as your consultant, I just think everyone should try it. They have a 30 day money back on the product price of the Wellness. The site is if I can help you in anyway please let me know. Blessings!


  481. Pingback: How to avoid Cancer | Finding My Motherly Instincts

  482. The list above hits a lot of good points… a few to consider: daily use of coconut oil and milk (or use almond milk, but never soy)… sugar isn’t the lone culprit that feeds cancer, it’s glucose in any form… among the essential supplements to stress include alpha lipoic acid… and more essential omega 3 and “good” fats from fish, raw nuts (if you can), and especially avocados.


  483. I left a comment here a couple of weeks ago and you have refused to accept it under moderation. There was nothing offensive in it, I simply displayed an opposing and evidence-based viewpoint. You have a responsibility as an information provider to open comments of BOTH sides of the argument to the public so that they may make an informed decision.
    Accept the comment and allow the public to be exposed to the full body of evidence.
    If not you are being, irresponsible, unethical and childish.


  484. It’s true whatever is mentioned above. It’s preventive, it can help . But not sufficient. There is more powerful situations that causes it. I’m a survivor.
    Researchers must investigate near the patients, if happened with them any horror or great fear or a terror with an incitement of shock; which cancer cells multiples .
    And than find a cure medicine for these kind of fatalities, disasters for those to whom happens this kind of things.
    It happened to me and to others around me that diagnosed with cancer.
    I don’t know if I could explain myself .


  485. Pingback: How to avoid Cancer | Jeff and Pam York's Blog-The Jeffrey & Pamela York Team-Licensed Real Estate Associate Brokers -Prudential Manor Homes -CRS-GRI ABR

  486. There is so much nonsense in this article that I cannot begin to unpick it in this small space. Please refer to independent, evidence-based science before making such stilly assertions as “distilled water is acidic”. If necessary check that out with some litmus paper.


  487. Pingback: How to avoid Cancer - |

  488. Sorry but this has actually been circulating for quite some time and was NOT created or condoned by Johns Hopkins. In fact it was so rampant that they addressed it…and the points in it…on their website.

    Not to say alternative therapies don’t work…but my grandpa came across this about 5 years ago when he was fighting two kinds of lukemia and he of course bought it hook, line, and sinker because it said it was released by Johns Hopkins. Unfortunately, it’s not entirely accurate and is quite misleading. He was crushed both when he tried things it said which didn’t work, and when I investigated and found it to be a hoax.


  489. Sorry, to a large extent these recommendations are incoherent. Consider that it says to eat grains. They are high in carbohydrate–they add to blood sugar immediately. It says eat 80% vegetarian diet and reduce meat. It is difficult to control blood sugar on a vegan diet. It says eat manuka honey–why not starve the body completely of sugar.

    Thomas Seyfried recommends fasting followed by a ketogenic diet (in which most calories come from fat–not processed vegetable oils or transfats). Protein may indeed feed cancers to, but as this post says, sugars are the main culprit. The only thing is grains, starches, table sugar, honey, maple syrup, starchy or sweet vegagtables and most fruit also contribute to blood sugar and ultimately feed cancer.


  490. All of this is very true and has worked for a friend of mine. She is an ex nurse and researched all of this and carried it out. They told her she wouldn’t reach xmas two years ago and she’s still here, her cancer markers more than halved. THIS WORKS!!!


  491. Everything is correct, except point #2 (cancer cells mutate every day) and point #11(c) should state no chicken, eggs, and no fish. BTW, the commercial for the Ironman Gravity 1000 is a good suggestion. I have one of these and they are great value for money.


  492. I just have a short question on soya. What do you think about the latest development, i.e. statements that most of the soy crops are genetically engineered, or modified?


  493. Pingback: Stamm- und Krebszellen - Themen im Abitur |

  494. Pingback: Living With Mesothelioma -My diary- Lots of advice on my eating today. | Rayandmave's Blog

  495. If it’s estrogen related breast cancer, soy should not be eaten. It’s estrogenic!

    Also, eating organic and non-gmo-ed foods is not mentioned. Cancer stresses the body and no pesticides,fungicides on foods should be eaten.

    Avoid farm-raised fish and shrimp.


  496. Yes any measure to treat cancer base on modern medicine such as operation, chemotherapy, radiation, all not eliminate the root of cancer program which is set within DNA as a protooncogenic and later become oncogenic 5 pathways i e: quiting apoptosis, mitotic, immortal, angiogenesis, and metastatic.
    So, in order to succeed to stop cancer growth better find out the alternative ways which is more convenience but still effective to reverse all the 5 pathways. Changes in lifestyle, food intake, etc all to establish the alkaline blood pH>7,6 where the cancer cell will stop to growing. Also may apply energy medicine which is capable to reverse the 5 pathways above.
    Achmad Karno Widjaya MD. MPH. MA
    Energy Medicine Reiki-Tao Practitioner


  497. Cancer cell have its own characteristics: it is dividing unlimited and unrecognized by immune system. If it recognized by immune system it is not a Cancer cell. So, statement 2 and 3 are out of logic.
    Disease rate for Cancer is something about 100 on 100 000. Statements 11-16 mean that other of 100 are living by this statements???? Also out of logic!


  498. Gostei imenso,embora a maior parte eu já tinha conhecimento.pois sou médica e tudo que posso ler ,para melhorar aos meus conhecimentos,e passa-los para outras pessoas,me entusiasma..Conheço e admiro DR Johes Hopkinsdesde há 8 anos,desde que tive minha filha com um linfoma de celulas T.Gostaria delhe perguntar o que ele pensa da toma diaraia de água com bicarbonatode sódio mais sumo de limão para alcalinizar o organismo e destruir as celulas cancerigenas que como já se falou multiplicam-se em meio acido.além de substituir ao deminuir a quimióterapia,que como todos sabemos traz imensas desvantagens..


  499. Gostei Imenso, embora a Maior Parte eu JÁ tinha conhecimento.pois sou Médica É Tudo Que POSSO LER, parágrafo melhorar AOS MEUS Conhecimentos, e Passa-los parágrafo OUTRAS PESSOAS, me entusiasma .. Conheço e Admiro DR Johes Hopkinsdesde ha 8 anos, from Opaco tiva Minha Filha com hum linfoma de celulas T.Gostaria delhe Perguntar o Opaco elemento PENSA da toma diaraia de Água com bicarbonatode Sódio Mais sumo de limão parágrafo alcalinizar o Organismo e destruir como celulas cancerígenas Opaco Como JÁ se falou multiplicam-se los Meio acido . ALÉM de substituir AO deminuir a quimioterapia, Que Como TODOS sabemos imensas Traz desvantagens ..


  500. Which medical journal did this information come from? I see no bibliography. Or is this just another piece written up by a company selling nutritional or herbal products; food supplements are not regulated and do not need to prove they actually work.



  501. I’m sorry but this article is total bulls***t !!!!!!! My mother was diagnosed with cancer. My mother DID NOT eat any kind of red meat, ran marathon’s several times a year, ate fresh fruits & vegetables, drank only water and green tea, ate whole grains and nuts, didn’t use any prescription medications, only used vitamins and minerals & herbs, played tennis weekly, & did yoga. My mother didn’t do chemo. My mother died 87 days later.


  502. My mum was a very healthy eater, mostly vegetarian, grew her own vegetables, ate nuts seeds/pulses and whole grains, didn’t agree with contaminated food, made her own honey and syrups, never ate sugar or added salt to food and yet she died of cancer. Before and after she was diagnosed with it, she was never fazed, and she was hill/mountain walking until the very end, her life was full of nature and positivity. Your report indicates she was doing the right thing, and had been doing all her life, so if your findings are right, then why did I lose my beautiful mum? x


  503. There are many factors that contribute to cancer; obviously a very heated subject. Its not just one thing, and yes people die from cancer that have done “everything right” per se. which goes to show you we need a lot m ore info! There is a huge role that our mental/emotional states play in disease. Grief, anger, deep unresolved emotions, not to mention heredity. This article is just a start, it doesn’t mean its wrong just because it doesn’t solve all the problems!



    By the way I am a Cytotechnologist, I use a microscope to look at Cancer cells, and they are the same general size as regular cells. The first statement is so utterly false. I just can’t deal with this shit anymore, the internet is broken, and their are too many unknowledgeable people out there who will believe everything they see. Do your own research. It is easy, Google “Google scholar” its a search engine for research papers, you can find a lot there, but don’t believe everything you read.



  505. Having read the response from Johns Hopkins medical research ctr. as a survivor (so far) of breast cancer, I am furious at the false information given here. I strongly suggest you follow the link to their site and response to this and similar hoaxes. DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THIS BEFORE RESEARCHING INTO IT AS MOST THE INFORMATION IS FALSE!

    Liked by 1 person

  506. Pingback: Avoiding Cancer |

  507. it is important to keep the body in the alkaline environment. majority of the food we consume (meat, coffee, sugar, etc) puts the body into acidic environment which is a cancer friendly environment. if you can drop foods based on cow milk.. do so! human body does not cope well with cow milk, and it’s better to replace it with dairy based on goat or sheep milk.

    I happen to regularly “deacidify” myself with the following mixture. I know people who do it everyday, for years now and enjoy excellent health.

    It MUST be consumed on an EMPTY STOMACH and then a minimum of 20-30 minutes after drinking, you are not allowed to consume anything.

    250 ml of warm water (min.50+ Celsius)
    freshly squeezed juice of 1 lemon
    1 tablespoon of apple vinegar
    1/2 tablespoon of baking soda
    1/2 tablespoon of glucose

    at first approach.. it tastes terrible !!! after a while you can get used to that. clogging the nose will definitely help… 🙂
    make sure the mixture is really, really warm… it taste better and has a better results


  508. Reblogged this on THE ISLAND JOURNAL and commented:

    1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.

    2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person’s lifetime.

    3. When the person’s immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.

    4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors.


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