Watch “Ideal kids birthday party place” on YouTube

Kids birthday is life time memory and parents wants it to fun event. I am sharing a place which is full of fun, games, music, dance, joy, food n drinks and is very economical.

They provided private party hall for 100 mins with decoration and helpers (cleaning service included).

Food, drinks and wifi are unlimited with free games card worth $10

They have music, dance and lot of games to keep your guest entertained.

Average cost per guest was around 14$ including everything for party of 30 people.

Watch the video of the place :


Google location :”/san+antonio+pizza+kids/data=!4m5!4m4!1m0!1m2!1m1!1s0x865c60470755033f:0xa934b40abb7d5ab6?sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiGxubQ2uTKAhXM6CYKHc-PCegQ9RcIggEwCw

For more information visit their web site :


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