API : Profanity alert api by google – http://www.wdylike.appspot.com/?q=love

API : http://www.wdylike.appspot.com/?q=love
This is a cool api to check the profane words in contents. It could be used to scan emails, documents and even public comments on your blog 🙂

A simple and sweet sample program to understand and consume it.

__author__ = 'premaseem'
import urllib

# file reader functions
def read_file():
    doc= open('/Users/asee2278/gitRepo/petProjects/python_mini_projects/Profinity_alert/document.txt')
    contents = doc.read()
    print contents
    return contents

# function with google api to check profanity in contents
def check_contenct_profanity(contents):
    connection = urllib.urlopen('http://www.wdylike.appspot.com/?q='+contents)
    output = connection.read()
    print output
    if 'true' in output :
        print " Profanity Alert !! "
    elif 'false' in output :
        print " This document has not curse words :-)"
    else :
        print "sorry could not scan the doc "

# read the file and grab contents
contents = read_file()

# check for profanity